The departments of Botany and Zoology jointly offer one undergraduate degree. For information on advanced programs in biology, see graduate Botany and Zoology. Students wishing to undertake a graduate program in biology should contact the life science departments most appropriate to the field of specialization.
There are several undergraduate degree options leading to a major or honours in biology or a combined major or combined honours in biology and chemistry, biology and oceanography, or biology and computer science. See the Biology Program Guide for details. It is also possible to add a minor in another subject.
Courses in marine sciences are offered at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre (BMSC) on Vancouver Island operated by the Western Canadian Universities Marine Sciences Society (WCUMSS). Students who have completed second year and have suitable course prerequisites may take combinations of 3-week or 6-week courses during Summer Session to a maximum of 18 credits each summer. BMSC also offers a 4-month immersion program from September to December (15 credits). Please visit the BMSC website for more information or consult the Biology office.
Biology Specialization Requirements
Students who are entering second year and wish to pursue a biology specialization must apply using the online process administered by the Faculty of Science. Students will receive an email communication regarding the process in late May or early June. Due to the similarity between the major and honours biology specializations in second year, the Faculty of Science only admits students directly to the Major, Combined Major, or the Combined Honours.
Students who are not eligible for entry into a biology specialization using the second-year online process can apply for entrance into third-year biology specializations during the months of May and August. For further information on our specializations and admission process, please see the Biology website. Students transferring from other institutions into third-year biology and who have completed the prerequisite courses may submit late applications as needed. Students who have already been admitted into a second-year biology specialization do not need to reapply for admission in third-year unless they are applying to enter an honours specialization.
Qualified students wishing to enter a biology honours specialization should contact the Biology Office. Students wishing to enter a biology honours specialization must have a 75% average in courses taken during the previous Winter Session and meet all other honours requirements. Students can apply for entrance to a biology honours specialization during the months of May and August.
Progress of continuing biology students will be reviewed and considered for promotion at the end of each academic year.
Co-operative Education Program
This optional program integrates academic study and supervised work experience. Enrolment is limited. Admissibility to the third-year biology B.Sc. program is prerequisite for admission. Detailed information is available from the Biology Program Office, or the Co-operative Education Program.
First-Year Course Options
BIOL_V 112, 121 and 180 (or 140) are prerequisites to many BIOL_V courses. These courses are required for the major and honours specializations in biology, the combined major and the combined honours in chemical biology, the combined major and the combined honours in computer science and biology, and the combined major and combined honours in oceanography and biology. Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112, 121 or 180. Students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112. BIOL_V 180 is not required for students who have taken SCIE_V 001.
Students interested in meeting the entrance requirements of the Faculties or Schools of Land and Food Systems, Dentistry, Forestry, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kinesiology, and Rehabilitation Sciences should consult the appropriate office to determine the first-year biology requirement.
Major (3095): Biology (BIOL)
Students may enter the Biology Major beginning in their second-year or third-year.
First year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
BIOL_V 1121 | 3 |
BIOL_V 1211 | 3 |
BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140)1 | 2 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111 or 141) | 4 |
CHEM_V 1232 | 4 |
CPSC_V 103 or DSCI_V 1003 | 3 |
MATH_V 100 or 102 or 104 (or 120 or 180 or 184)4 | 3 |
MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105 (or 121)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 1315 | 3 |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement6 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, 230, 2607 | 9 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2347 | 3 |
Two of BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, or MICB_V 201 or 2118,9 | 8 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Electives3,4,7,8,9,10 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third and Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 30011 | 3 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
Biology Laboratory Selections12 | 4 |
Life Science Selections12 | 20 |
Electives3,4,7,8,9,10 | 29 |
Total Credits | 59 |
Total Credits for Degree | 120 |
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112, 121 or 180. Students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100, CHEM_V 110, or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123. | |
3 May be deferred until second or third-year to allow space for electives. CPSC_V 100, CPSC_V 110, or CPSC_V 301 may substitute for CPSC_V 103. Students who substitute CPSC_V 103 with CPSC_V 110 should decrease the electives by one credit. | |
4 MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 3 credits. Students may substitute 4-credit MATH_V courses (MATH_V 120, 121, 180, 184) as appropriate by decreasing the electives. | |
5 PHYS_V 101, PHYS_V 106, PHYS_V 107 or PHYS_V 117 may substitute for PHYS_V 131. Students are encouraged to also take PHYS_V 119. Students without credit for Physics 12 must take PHYS_V 100 before taking other 100-level PHYS_V courses. PHYS_V 100 will count as an elective. | |
6 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
7 Up to 3 credits of BIOL_V 200, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
8 Up to 4 credits of BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, MICB_V 201 or 211 may be deferred to third-year to allow space for additional electives. BIOL_V 201 and CHEM_V 205 are recommended electives. | |
9 Students who take MICB_V 201 or 211 as one of the two organismal diversity courses (BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, or MICB_V 201 or 211) should increase the electives by 1 credit. | |
10 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
11 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
12 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory and Life Science selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory selections will count toward the Life Science selections. At least 12 credits of Life Science selections must be taken from BIOL_V or MRNE_V courses. See the Biology Program Guide for advice about choosing appropriate Life Science and Laboratory selections. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
Students must take at least two of the following courses:
- BIOL_V 306, 311, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437.
BIOL_V 351 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 2 credits of Life Science Selection or 4 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 352 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credit of Life Science Selection or 3 credits of Life Science Selection.
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two groups: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- admission to the Biology Major does not guarantee admission to these courses;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, BIOL_V, MICB_V or MRNE_V that is open to Life Science majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Honours (3194): Biology (BIOL)
First Year and Second Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095)1 | |
Total Credits | 61 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3002 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3473 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
Two Biology Laboratory Selections6 | 4 |
Life Science Selections6 | 24 |
Electives1,4 | 25 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 4495 | 6 |
Total Credits | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each Winter Session and meet the Faculty of Science Requirements for Honours. | |
2 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
3 Please see a biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit in your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Department of Botany or Zoology. | |
6 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory and Life Science Selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory Selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory Selections will count toward the Life Science Selections. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
- BIOL_V 306, 311, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437
- MRNE_V courses may be taken with permission of a biology advisor.
BIOL_V 351 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 2 credits of Life Science Selection or 4 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 352 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credit of Life Science Selection or 3 credits of Life Science Selection.
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- At least 18 credits of Life Science Selections must be taken from BIOL_V or MRNE_V courses; at least 9 credits of which should be at the 400 level. Third-year courses should be chosen carefully to ensure that all prerequisites are taken.
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open to Life Science Majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 471, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
See the Biology Program Guide for advice about choosing appropriate Life Science and Laboratory Selections.
Honours (0054): Animal Biology (ANIM)
First Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095) | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, 230, 2602 | 9 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2342 | 3 |
BIOL_V 204 and 2053 | 8 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Electives2,3,4,5 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3006 | 3 |
BIOL_V 363 | 2 |
Two of BIOL_V 364, 370, 371, 3727 | 6 |
BIOL_V 3478 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
Biology Laboratory Selection9 | 2 |
Animal Biology Selections9 | 12 |
Life Science Selections9 | 9 |
Electives3,4,5 | 22 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 44910 | 6 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Up to three credits of BIOL_V 200, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
3 One of BIOL_V 204 or 205 may be deferred to third-year to allow space for additional electives. BIOL_V 201 and CHEM_V 205 are recommended electives. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each winter session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
6 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
7 BIOL_V 361 may substitute for one of BIOL_V 370 or BIOL_V 371. If students elect to take more than two of BIOL_V 364, BIOL_V 370, BIOL_V 371, and BIOL_V 372, then these excess credits will count towards the Animal Biology Selections. | |
8 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
9 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory, Animal Biology and Life Science Selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory Selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory Selections will count toward the Life Science Selections. | |
10 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Department of Zoology. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
- One of BIOL_V 306, 311, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437
- MRNE_V courses may be taken with permission of a Biology advisor.
BIOL_V 331 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 2 credits of Animal Biology Selection or 4 credits of Animal Biology Selection.
Animal Biology Selections
- BIOL_V 310, 325, 326, 327, 331, 370, 371, 372, 410, 411, 413, 416, 418, 425, 426, 427, 428, 450, 451, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 465
- MRNE_V courses with permission of Biology advisor.
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement.
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Animal Biology Selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Honours (0405): Cell and Developmental Biology (CELL)
First Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095) | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, 2602 | 9 |
BIOL_V 201 (or BIOC_V 202 or BIOC_V 203) | 3 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2342 | 3 |
One of BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, MICB_V 201 or 2113 | 3 |
CHEM_V 233, 235, 205 | 7 |
Electives2,3,4,5 | 3 |
Total Credits | 31 |
Third Year | |
One of BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, MICB_V 201 or 2113 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3006 | 3 |
Two of BIOL_V 331, 340 and 341 | 4 |
BIOL_V 3477 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOC_V 303 | 6 |
BIOL_V 335 | 3 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
Cell and Developmental Biology Selections8,9 | 12 |
Life Science Selections9 | 9 |
Electives2,3,4,5 | 15 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 44910 | 6 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 70 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Up to three credits of BIOL_V 201, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
3 Students must take two organismal diversity courses (BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, MICB_V 201 or 211) prior to graduation; at least one of these courses must be taken in second-year. Students may choose to take both courses in second-year, by replacing the second-year elective and increasing the available electives in third- and fourth-years. Students who take MICB_V 201 or 211 as one of the two organismal diversity courses (BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, MICB_V 201 or 211) should increase the electives by 1 credit. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each Winter Session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
6 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
7 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
8 Honours Cell and Developmental Biology students are strongly recommended to take at least two of BIOL_V 331, BIOL_V 362, BIOL_V 370, and BIOL_V 371 in their third-year. | |
9 See below for the list of accepted Cell and Developmental Biology and Life Science Selections. At least 6 credits of Cell and Developmental Biology Selections must be at the fourth-year level. | |
10 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Departments of Zoology or Botany. |
Cell and Developmental Biology Selections
- BIOL_V 331, 337, 338, 351, 352, 361, 362, 370, 371, 372, 423, 430, 431, 432, 433, 436, 437, 440, 441, 448, 450, 455, 456, 458, 463, 464
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these credits carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Cell and Developmental Biology Selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Honours (0583): Conservation Biology (CONS)
First Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095) | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, 230, 2602 | 9 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2342 | 3 |
One of BIOL_V 204, 2053 | 4 |
One of BIOL_V 209, 210, 320, 321, 322, 3243,4 | 3 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Electives2,3,4,5,6 | 4 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3007 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3478 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
Two Biology Laboratory Selections9 | 4 |
BIOL_V 306 | 3 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
BIOL_V 416 | 3 |
Conservation Selections9 | 12 |
Life Science Selections9 | 9 |
Electives3,4,5 | 22 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 44910 | 6 |
Total Credits in Third and Fourth Years | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Up to 3 credits of BIOL_V 200, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
3 One of BIOL_V 204, 205, 209 or 210 may be deferred to third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
4 Students who take 4 credits of organismal diversity courses (BIOL_V 209, 210, 320, 321, 322, 324) should take 3 credits of electives. | |
5 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
6 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits in each Winter Session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
7 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
8 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
9 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory, Conservation Biology, and Life Science selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory selections will count toward the Life Science selections. | |
10 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Departments of Botany or Zoology. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
- BIOL_V 306, 311, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437;
- MRNE_V courses may be taken with permission of a Biology advisor.
BIOL_V 351 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 2 credits of Life Science Selection or 4 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 352 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credits of Life Science Selection or 3 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 402, and BIOL_V 404 count as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credit of Conservation Biology Selection or 3 credits of Conservation Biology Selection.
Conservation Biology Selections
- BIOL_V 301, 310, 402, 404, 406, 408, 411, 415, 418, 434, 462
- CONS_V 200, 330, 440, 486
- FRST_V 386, 395, 432, 495
- LAW_V 387, 388
- MRNE_V 430, 435; other MRNE_V with permission of a Biology specialization advisor.
- EOSC_V 474
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Conservation Biology Selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Honours (0045): Ecology (ECOL)
First Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095) | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, 230, 2602 | 9 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2342 | 3 |
One of BIOL_V 204, 2053 | 4 |
One of BIOL_V 209, 2103 | 4 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Electives2,3,4,5 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3006 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3477 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 306 | 3 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
BIOL_V 415 or 418 | 3 |
Two Biology Laboratory Selections8 | 4 |
Ecology Selections8 | 12 |
Life Science Selections8 | 9 |
Electives3,4 | 22 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 4499 | 6 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Up to three credits of BIOL_V 200, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
3 One of BIOL_V 204, 205, 209, or 210 may be deferred to third-year to allow space for additional electives. BIOL_V 201 and CHEM_V 205 are recommended electives. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each winter session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
6 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
7 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
8 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory, Ecology and Life Science selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory selections will count toward the Life Science selections. | |
9 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Departments of Botany or Zoology. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
- BIOL_V 306, 311, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437
- MRNE_V courses may be taken with permission of a Biology advisor.
BIOL_V 351 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 2 credits of Life Science Selection or 4 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 352 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credit of Life Science Selection or 3 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 402, BIOL_V 404, and BIOL_V 409 count as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credit of Ecology Selection or 3 credits of Ecology Selection.
Ecology Selections
- BIOL_V 310, 324, 402, 404, 406, 408, 409, 411, 412, 413, 416, 418, 434, 445, 462
- FRST_V 432
- MICB_V 301
- MRNE_V 430; MRNE_V courses with permission of Biology advisor.
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Ecology Selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Honours (0983): Evolutionary Biology (EVOL)
First and Second Years | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095)1 | |
Total Credits for First and Second Years | 61 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3002 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3473 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
Two of BIOL_V 415, 417, 434 or two of BIOL_V 417, 418, 434 | 6 |
EOSC_V 326 | 3 |
Two Biology Laboratory Selections6 | 4 |
Evolutionary Biology Selections6 | 12 |
Life Science Selections6 | 9 |
Electives4 | 19 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 4495 | 6 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each Winter Session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
2 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
3 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Departments of Botany or Zoology. | |
6 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory, Evolutionary Biology and Life Science selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory selections will count toward the Life Science selections. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
- BIOL_V 301, 306, 311, 326, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437
- MRNE_V courses with permission of Biology advisor.
BIOL_V 351 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 2 credits of Life Science Selection or 4 credits of Life Science Selection.
BIOL_V 352 counts as either 2 credits of Laboratory Selection and 1 credit of Life Science Selection or 3 credits of Life Science Selection.
Evolutionary Biology Selections
- BIOL_V 310, 320, 321, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 332, 412, 413, 415, 417, 418, 427, 428, 430, 434, 465
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Evolutionary Biology Selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 495
Honours (0518): Marine Biology (MRNB)
First Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095) | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, 230, 2602 | 9 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2342 | 3 |
BIOL_V 205, 2093 | 8 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Electives2,3,4,5 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3006 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3477 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 320 | 4 |
BIOL_V 326 | 3 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
Biology Laboratory Selection8 | 2 |
Marine Biology Selections8 | 12 |
Life Science Selections8 | 9 |
Electives3,4 | 23 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 4499 | 6 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Up to three credits of BIOL_V 200, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
3 One of BIOL_V 205 or 209 may be deferred to third-year to allow space for additional electives. BIOL_V 201 and CHEM_V 205 are recommended electives. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each Winter Session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
6 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
7 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
8 See below for the list of accepted Biology Laboratory, Marine Biology and Life Science Selections. If the credit total of the courses selected for the Biology Laboratory Selections exceeds 4, then these excess credits of Biology Laboratory Selections will count toward the Life Science Selections. | |
9 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Departments of Botany or Zoology. |
Biology Laboratory Selections
- BIOL_V 301, 306, 311, 331, 337, 340, 341, 342, 351, 352, 363, 402, 403, 404, 409, 437
- MRNE_V courses may be taken with permission of a Biology advisor.
BIOL_V 351 counts as either 2 credits of laboratory selection and 2 credits of Life Science selection or 4 credits of Life Science selection.
BIOL_V 352 counts as either 2 credits of laboratory selection and 1 credit of Life Science selection or 3 credits of Life Science selection.
Marine Biology Selections
- BIOL_V 325, 402, 420, 428, 445, 465
- CONS_V 486
- EOSC_V 372, 373, 470, 475
- Any third- or fourth-year course in MRNE_V.
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Marine Biology selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
b) Life science selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Honours (0372): Plant Biology (PTLB)
First Year | |
Same as for Biology Major (3095) | |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
BIOL_V 200, 230, 2602 | 9 |
BIOL_V 233 or 2342 | 3 |
BIOL_V 209, 2103 | 8 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Electives2,3,4,5 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 3006 | 3 |
BIOL_V 3477 | 3 |
BIOL_V 351, 352 | 7 |
Third or Fourth Years | |
BIOL_V 324 | 3 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
BIOL_V 415 | 3 |
Plant Biology Selections8 | 12 |
Life Science Selections8 | 9 |
Electives3,4 | 19 |
Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 447 | 3 |
BIOL_V 4499 | 6 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 71 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Up to three credits of BIOL_V 200, 230, 233, 234, and 260 may be deferred until third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
3 One of BIOL_V 209 or 210 may be deferred to third-year to allow space for additional electives. | |
4 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
5 Prospective honours students and students in honours must ensure that they take at least 27 credits each Winter Session and meet Faculty of Science requirements for Honours. | |
6 STAT_V 200 can replace BIOL_V 300 with permission of a Biology specialization advisor. However, students who take STAT_V 200 must complete an additional 3 credits of BIOL_V numbered higher than 300. | |
7 Please see a Biology advisor if BIOL_V 347 cannot fit your timetable or if you are a student entering honours in fourth-year. | |
8 See below for the list of Plant Biology and Life Science Selections. | |
9 Potential research project supervisors will be drawn from the Department of Botany. |
Plant Biology Selections
- BIOL_V 320, 321, 322, 323, 406, 412, 416, 418, 421, 423, 433, 444, 462
- MRNE_V courses may be taken with permission of a Biology advisor.
Life Science Selections
The list of Life Science Selections below is divided into two sets: a) science courses that count towards the Science Requirement and b) non-science courses that do not count towards the Science Requirement. When choosing Life Science Selections, students should ensure that these courses, together with their other required courses and electives, will fulfill the Faculty of Science’s Upper-level Requirement, Science and Arts Requirements and General Degree Requirements.
Note that careful prior planning is essential because:
- enrolment in many Life Science Selections is limited;
- some of these courses carry additional prerequisites.
a) Life Science Selections that count towards the Science Requirement:
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOL_V (including those listed as Plant Biology Selections taken in excess of the required minimum 12 credits).
- Any third- or fourth-year course in BIOC_V, CAPS_V, MICB_V, or MRNE_V that is open for credit to Life Science majors plus:
- ENVR_V 430
- EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
- GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407
- FNH_V 350, 351, 451
- MATH_V 462
- MEDG_V 410, 419, 420, 421
- PCTH_V 305, 325
Note that honours students are strongly recommended to take BIOL_V 347 in their third-year.
b) Life Science Selections that do not count towards the Science Requirement:
- APBI_V 311, 312, 314, 315, 318, 342, 401, 411, 418, 419, 442, 444
- CONS_V 330, 440, 486, 496
- FRST_V 302, 310, 385, 386, 395, 399, 444, 485, 495
Combined Major Specializations
Combined Major (3340): Chemical Biology
See Chemistry.
Combined Major (3125): Oceanography and Biology
See Oceanography.
Combined Major (1370): Computer Science and Biology
First Year | |
BIOL_V 112, 1211 | 6 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111 or 141)2 | 4 |
CHEM_V 1232 | 4 |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
CPSC_V 110 (or 103 and 107)3 | 4 |
CPSC_V 1214 | 4 |
MATH_V 100 or 102 or 104 (or 180 or 184 or 120)5 | 3 |
MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105 (or 121)5 | 3 |
Total Credits | 31 |
Second Year | |
BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140)1 | 2 |
BIOL_V 200 | 3 |
BIOL_V 233 or 234 | 3 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
Additional Communication Requirement6 | 3 |
CPSC_V 2104, 213, 221 | 12 |
MATH_V 200 or 221 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year | |
One of BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 2107 | 4 |
BIOL_V 230 or 260 | 3 |
BIOL_V 300 or STAT_V 200 | 3 |
CPSC_V 310 and 320 | 7 |
Third or Fourth Year | |
CPSC_V 313 | 3 |
CPSC_V courses numbered 300 or above8,9 | 6 |
CPSC_V courses numbered 400 or above8,9,10 | 3 |
Two of BIOL_V 306, 311, 326, 33111, 337, 340, 341, 342, 35111, 35211, 363, 403, 404, 409, 437 | 4 |
BIOL_V 336 | 3 |
BIOL_V courses numbered 300 or above7,9 | 6 |
Electives5,7 | 17 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Year | 59 |
Total Credits for Degree | 120 |
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 as an elective before taking BIOL_V 112, 121, or 180. Students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100, CHEM_V 110, or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123. | |
3 While CPSC_V 110 is the recommended route for students pursuing a specialization in Computer Science, CPSC_V 103, 107 may be taken in its place using 2 credits of electives. | |
4 Students pursuing a Co-op program in Computer Science are advised to also take CPSC_V 210 in their first-year or in the summer following their first-year. Co-op students will then be in a position to take one or both of CPSC_V 221 and CPSC_V 213 in term one of second-year before going out on a Co-op work term. | |
5 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Students who take courses in BIOL_V or MATH_V with more credits than those recommended may require fewer elective credits. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
6 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
7 It is recommended that students take at least 2 of BIOL_V 203, 204, 205, 209, 210. Students interested in phylogenetics should also take upper-level organismal courses and/or BIOL_V 417. MATH_V/STAT_V 302 and BIOL_V 436, BIOL_V 430, BIOL_V 440 and MICB_V 405 are recommended for those interested in bioinformatics or genomics. MATH_V 361 and 462 are recommended for those interested in modelling biological processes. | |
8 Suggested courses for those interested in bioinformatics are CPSC_V 304, 404, and 445. | |
9 Credits gained from undergraduate Student-Directed Seminars (BIOL_V 490, CPSC_V 490) can not be used to fulfill this requirement. | |
10 These 3 credits must be chosen from 400-level CPSC_V lecture-based courses. | |
11 If the credit total of these two laboratory courses exceeds 4, then the excess credits will count towards the requirement for 6 credits of BIOL_V courses numbered 300 or above. |
Combined Honours: Computer Science and Biology is also offered. Students must contact a computer science advisor for entry into the Combined Honours: Computer Science and Biology.
Combined Honours Specializations
Combined Honours (3132): Chemical Biology
See Chemistry.
Combined Honours (0535): Oceanography and Biology
See Oceanography.
Combined Honours (1460): Computer Science and Biology
First Year | |
BIOL_V 112,1211 | 6 |
BIOL_V 180 (or 140)1 | 2 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)2 | 4 |
CHEM_V 1232 | 4 |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
CPSC_V 110 (or 103 and 107)3 | 4 |
CPSC_V 1214 | 4 |
MATH_V 120 or 100 or 102 or 104 or 180 or 1845 | 3 |
MATH_V 121 or 101 or 103 or 1055 | 3 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Second Year | |
BIOL_V 200 | 3 |
BIOL_V 233 or 234 | 3 |
BIOL_V 230 or BIOL_V 2606 | 3 |
CHEM_V 233, 2356,7 | 4 |
Additional Communication Requirement8 | 3 |
CPSC_V 2104, 2137, 221 | 12 |
MATH_V 2006 | 3 |
STAT_V 200 or BIOL_V 300 | 3 |
Total Credits | 34 |
Third Year | |
BIOL_V 335, 336 | 6 |
CPSC_V 310, 320 | 7 |
STAT_V 302 | 3 |
Third or Fourth Year | |
BIOL_V 4499 or CPSC_V 44910 | 6 |
MICB_V 405 | 3 |
Two of CPSC_V 304, 313, 420, 421, 44511,12 | 6 |
CPSC_V courses numbered 300 or above12,13 | 6 |
7 credits14 from BIOC_V 302, 402, BIOL_V 301, 331, 337, 340, 341, 347, 431, 433, 434, 4479 | 7 |
Bioinformatics or genomics electives12,15 | 6 |
Electives5 | 15 |
Total Credits for Third and Fourth Years | 65 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 as an elective before taking BIOL_V 112, 121 or 180. Students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100, CHEM_V 110, or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123. | |
3 While CPSC_V 110 is the recommended route for students pursuing a specialization in Computer Science, CPSC_V 103, 107 may be taken in its place using 2 credits of electives. | |
4 Students pursuing a Co-op program in Computer Science are advised to also take CPSC_V 210 in their first-year or in the summer following their first-year. Co-op students will then be in a position to take one or both of CPSC_V 221 and CPSC_V 213 in term one of second-year before going out on a Co-op work term. | |
5 Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. Students who take courses in MATH_V with more credits than those recommended will require fewer elective credits. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
6 One of BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 260, CHEM_V 235, CPSC_V 213, or MATH_V 200 can be deferred to third-year. | |
7 CHEM_V 203 and 213 are also acceptable. | |
8 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
9 BIOL_V 447 is required for students intending to take BIOL_V 449. | |
10 Taken in fourth-year; the thesis topic must be related to bioinformatics. Students intending to take CPSC_V 449 must take CPSC_V 349 in their third-year. | |
11 We recommend that at least one of the remaining courses be taken as part of the 6 credits of CPSC_V courses numbered 300 or above. | |
12 Every student must complete at least 3 credits from lecture based 400 level CPSC_V course(s). | |
13 Credits gained from undergraduate Student-Directed Seminars (CPSC_V 490) can not be used to fulfill this requirement. | |
14 It is possible to replace some of these credits by a life science course not on this list, as long as the replacement is approved by a Biology specialization advisor. | |
15 Bioinformatics or genomics electives can be upper-level BIOC_V, BIOL_V, CPSC_V, MATH_V, MICB_V, or STAT_V courses, excluding Student-Directed Seminars (BIOL_V 490, CPSC_V 490). Recommended courses include BIOL_V 338, 430, 436, 440. Students not taking CPSC_V 449 must have at least 3 credits of CPSC_V courses 400 or above, out of the 6 credits used to satisfy this requirement. |