You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Theatre Design and Production

The Department of Theatre and Film offers the program leading to the B.F.A. in Theatre Design and Production. Visit the Department for details about current offerings.

Students in the BFA in Theatre Design and Production must complete the Writing Component of the Writing and Research Requirement (please see the B.F.A. Degree Requirements) within their first 54 credits or, for transfer students, in the first Winter Session of study. Within the minimum of 120 total credits required for the program, students must also include the following courses:

Lower-level Requirements

27 credits comprising:

  • THTR_V 120 or 130; THTR_V 150, and THFL_V 100
  • THTR_V 205, THTR_V 250, and at least 3 credits of THTR_V 299
  • 6 credits chosen from THTR_V 210, 211, 230, 245
  • 3 credits of 100-level or 200-level CINE_V or FIPR_V

Upper-level Requirements

54 credits comprising:

  • 9 credits of THTR_V 399 (normally completed in 3rd year)
  • 9 credits of THTR_V 499 (normally completed in 4th year)
  • 12 credits chosen from: THTR_V 301, 305, 306, 307, 308, 350, 352, 354, 356
  • 12 credits chosen from: THTR_V 405, 406, 407, 408, 448, 450, 452, 454, 456, 469
  • 12 credits of 300-level or 400-level THTR_V, CINE_V, FIPR_V or THFL_V

Students are advised to take courses in Art History, Visual Art, Music, or Creative Writing as electives.

Students interested in lighting and sound are particularly advised to take courses in Computer Science or Applied Science.

Courses may have prerequisites; students should consult the UBC calendar and an advisor when selecting courses.

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