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Museum Education

Degrees Offered: M.M.Ed.



D. Anderson, C. Nicol.

Program Overview

The primary focus of the Master of Museum Education (M.M.Ed.) program is to examine how all aspects of a museum support the facilitation of learning with visitors of all ages and children in Kindergarten to Grade 12. The program is designed for museum educators, museum professionals interested in the educative process, teachers, and dedicated community members who are interested in examining the potentials of learning in the context of museums and other informal settings.

Master of Museum Education

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements, the program normally requires:

  1. 18 credits of senior-level coursework or a professional concentration in the area of interest, and
  2. a minimum of two years of teaching experience of other relevant professional experience.

Program Requirements

The Master of Museum Education (M.M.Ed.) program consists of a minimum of 30 credits, of which 24 must be courses numbered at the 500-level. A maximum of 6 credits may be taken at the 300- or 400-level. Students select either a program consisting entirely of courses (for example, ten 3-credit courses), or 27 credits of coursework, plus a 3-credit graduating project.

  • ANTH_V 518 Museum Methods (Museum Practices)
  • EDCP_V 565 Teaching in Museums (Teaching in Informal Settings)
  • EDCP_V 558 Science Learning in Informal Environments (Learning Theory)
  • EDCP_V 567 Curriculum Issues & Theories in Museums (Curriculum Theory)
  • EDUC_V 500 Research Methodology in Education (Research Inquiry)
  • ANTH_V 431 (3-6) Museum Practice and Curatorship
  • ANTH_V 541 (2-6) Advanced Seminar and Workshop on Museum Studies
  • CCST_V 501 (3) Contemporary Contextual Issues for Critical and Curatorial Practice
  • CCST_V 502 (3) Case Studies in Exhibitions and Institutions
  • EDCP_V 328 (3) Environmental Education
  • EDCP_V 447 (3) Technology-based Science Education
  • EDCP_V 449 (3) Teaching Earth and Space Science Beyond the Textbook
  • EDCP_V 450 (3) Teaching Life Science Beyond the Textbook
  • EDCP_V 451 (3) Teaching Physical Science Beyond the Textbook
  • EDCP_V 504 (3-12) Review of Research in Art Education: Theory and Practice
  • EDCP_V 510 (3) Video Ethnography in Educational Research: Culture, Technology, and Interpretation
  • EDCP_V 512 (3-6) Educational Action Research
  • EDCP_V 513 (3) Case-study Research and Cross-Case Analysis
  • EDCP_V 514 (3) Arts-based Educational Research: A/R/tography
  • EDCP_V 520 (3) Perspectives, Practice, and Curriculum Issues in Contemporary Art Education
  • EDCP_V 522 (3) Psychological Foundations of Art Education
  • EDCP_V 523 (3-6) Seminar in Art Education
  • EDCP_V 538 (3) Theory and Research in Environmental Education
  • EDCP_V 541 (3) Problems in Historical Understanding
  • EDCP_V 555 (3) Critical Analysis of Curriculum in Science Education
  • EDCP_V 557 (3) Conceptual and Practical Issues in Teaching and Learning of the Sciences
  • EDCP_V 559 (3) Research in the Teaching and Learning of the Sciences
  • EDCP_V 566 (3) Curriculum Change, Planning, and Implementation
  • EDCP_V 590 (3) Graduating Paper
  • EDCP_V 598 (3-12) Field Experiences (Professional Practice in Museums)
  • ETEC_V 521 (3) Indigeneity, Technology, and Education

Contact Information

Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.5367
Alan Jay, Graduate Program Assistant


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