You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Dean's Office
M. MacLachlan, Dean pro tem
J. Stewart, Associate Dean, Academic
C. Suttle, Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies (Interim)
S. Allen, Associate Dean, Faculty
S. van Willigenburg, Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
J. Charbonneau, Associate Dean, Students
Associate Dean, Engagement (Vacant)
2178 Earth Sciences Building
2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Telephone: 604.822.3336
Fax: 604.822.5558
Science Website

The Faculty of Science offers major, honours, and general undergraduate programs leading to the Bachelor of Science. The Bachelor of Science can be earned in the fields of Astronomy; Atmospheric Science; Biochemistry; Biology, Biophysics; Biotechnology; Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences; Chemistry; Cognitive Systems; Combined Major in Science; Computer Science; Earth and Ocean Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Forensic Science; Geographical Sciences; Geological Sciences; Geophysics; Integrated Sciences; Mathematics; Mathematics and Economics; Microbiology & Immunology; Neuroscience; Oceanography; Pharmacology; Physics; Statistics and Statistics and Economics. Specializations in the fields of Biophysics, Biotechnology, and Forensic Science are offered only as honours. There are also many possibilities for combined specializations. Co-operative education is available in all disciplines. The Faculty also offers a Bachelor of Computer Science and a Diploma in Meteorology. For information about the Master of Data Science program, see For information about other graduate degrees, see the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.