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Asian Studies

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.A.



R. Ahmed, D. Baker, J. Chen, J. Chiu-Duke, N. Hur, R. King, J. Mostow, H. Oberoi, S. Orbaugh, C. Rea, S. Thobani.

Associate Professors

B. Fulton, C. Laffin, H.-G. Lynn, J. Main, S. Prange, B. Rusk, A. Sathaye, T. W. Shakya, L. Shin, C. Yi.

Assistant Professors

M. Abedinifard, J.-Y. An, A. Bailey, K. Duffy, A. Kadir, A. Hoffman, C. Laird, F. Nakamura, N. Naqvi, P. Sherpa, H. Siddiqui, K. Sunar, H. Wu, R. Yang.

Program Overview

UBC's Asian Studies Department is the flagship Asian Studies department in Canada and is widely acknowledged as one of the finest in North America.

Our graduate students specialize in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and South Asian Studies and craft individual programs within and across various disciplines, including linguistics, literary study, history, philosophy, religious studies, and popular and visual culture. The Department offers instruction in the following languages: Modern Arabic, Cantonese, Modern and Classical Chinese, Hindi/Urdu, Modern and Classical Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Sanskrit, and Tibetan.

The Department is a hub for research activities related to Asia, including large collaborative projects, multiple lecture series and workshops, and professional development opportunities, which provide students ample opportunities to develop their expertise, pursue their interests, and develop professional connections with scholars from around the world. It also regularly hosts postdoctoral fellows and visiting scholars. The program offers a range of funding opportunities and support for research activities.

Doctor of Philosophy

The Department of Asian Studies offers the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Asian Studies encompassing Chinese, Japanese, Korean, East Asian Buddhism, South Asian culture, Tibetan and Himalayan culture, and West Asian culture, including literature, visual and popular culture, linguistics, history, religion, and philosophy.

Those interested in graduate studies relating to Asia in fields such as political science, economics, sociology, geography, anthropology, fine arts, etc., should apply to the departments concerned.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. program in Asian Studies normally requires an M.A. in Asian Studies or its equivalent. Applicants for the Ph.D. must have an adequate command of relevant Asian language(s), such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Hindi/Urdu, Punjabi, Sanskrit, or Persian, prior to admittance.

Program Requirements

All doctoral students are required to successfully complete coursework and a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements. For details, see Ph.D. Program Requirements.

Master of Arts

The Department of Asian Studies offers the Master of Arts in Asian Studies encompassing Chinese, Japanese, Korean, East Asian Buddhism, South Asian culture, Tibetan and Himalayan culture, and West Asian culture, including literature, visual and popular culture, linguistics, history, religion, and philosophy.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the M.A. program in Asian Studies normally requires a Bachelor of Arts with first class standing in Asian Studies or a related field, and advanced knowledge of an Asian language relevant to the student’s area of research. This implies a minimum of four years of language study or equivalent prior to undertaking the M.A. The program is prepared to accept a limited number of students who are otherwise well-qualified and show linguistic aptitude but have less than this amount of preparation in language. Such students will be required to spend one or two extra years in their M.A. program making up this deficiency.

Program Requirements

The Master of Arts (M.A.) program in Asian Studies consists of a minimum of 30 credits (including a 12-credit thesis). The Program does not offer part-time or non-thesis study. For details, see M.A. Program Requirements.

Contact Information

Department of Asian Studies
607-1871 West Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.822.5728
Fax: 604.822.8937
Tina Wong, Graduate Program Assistant


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