You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


The requirements below apply to students entering the Entry-to-Practice Pharm.D. program in the 2025W Session.

For information regarding undergraduate admissions in previous years, please refer to the appropriate archived version of the Academic Calendar.

The Faculty will select for admission those students who not only demonstrate academic potential, but who also most aptly display a motivation to study pharmaceutical sciences and who demonstrate the qualities and skills most necessary to be a caring and competent pharmacist.

To be considered for admission to the four-year program, applicants must:

  • Have completed 60 transferable credits of post-secondary coursework;
  • Meet a minimum overall average of 70% calculated on the last 30 credits of coursework;
  • Have completed all prerequisite courses, with the exception of Humanities or Social Science and Elective credits, within the last 10 years at an approved college or university; and
  • Have completed all prerequisite courses for graded credit.

Note: Because enrolment in the program is limited and competitive, applicants should be aware that satisfying the minimum entrance requirements does not guarantee admission. Applicants with a competitive average will be invited for an interview. 

Applicants to the program must be a Canadian citizen, or a permanent resident of Canada, or have refugee status in Canada and a work permit that does not limit working in health service field occupations. In the selection of applicants, preference is given to well-qualified residents of BC. Special consideration will be given to Indigenous applicants and applicants from under-represented areas of BC. 

Applications received with incomplete documentation or without the correct fees will not be processed. Late applications will not be considered.

Students are not admissible to the program directly from a secondary school program (BC Grade 12 or equivalent obtained in any province). Admission to the Entry-to-Practice Pharm.D. is to the first year of a four-year program following at least two (2) post-secondary years. Students must complete at least 60 credits of coursework, including the prerequisites, by the end of the academic year in which the application is made.

The required courses1 are:
BiologyBIOL_V 112, BIOL_V 121 and BIOL_V 180
ChemistryCHEM_V 111 &113 or CHEM_V 121 &123
English6 credits of English (e.g. English composition, literature, communication and/or writing courses at any year level).
MathematicsMATH_V 102 (recommended) or MATH_V 100, 104, 110, 120, 180 or 184, plus MATH_V 103 (recommended) or MATH_V 101, 105 or 121
Students must also present the following prerequisite courses:
Cell BiologyBIOL_V 200
BiochemistryBIOL_V 201 or BIOC_V 202
Organic ChemistryCHEM_V 233 & 235 or CHEM_V 203
MicrobiologyMICB_V 211 (recommended) or MICB_V 212
StatisticsSTAT_V 200 or 203, or BIOL_V 300
Humanities or Social Sciences6 credits of humanities or social sciences courses2.
Elective(s)Sufficient credits to bring total to at least 60.
1 Acceptable in lieu of first year (1xx) requirements is the UBC Science One Program (plus 6 credits of English and BIOL_V 180). There may be additional alternate courses that satisfy the requirements listed in this table. Consult the Science Credit Exclusion List for a complete list.
2 Most courses offered by the Faculty of Arts at any year level. Courses used to satisfy the 6-credits of English requirement cannot count towards satisfying the Humanities or Social Sciences requirement.

Applicants without these specific UBC courses need to present:

  • two semesters of first-year university biology with a lab
  • two semesters of first-year university chemistry with a lab
  • two semesters of first-year university calculus
  • two semesters of university English (e.g., English composition, literature, communication, and/or writing courses at any year level)
  • one semester of second-year cell biology or genetics
  • two semesters of second-year organic chemistry with a lab
  • one semester of second-year microbiology
  • one semester of introductory statistics
  • one semester of introductory second-year biochemistry
  • two semesters of humanities or social sciences coursework at any year level

Additional Requirements:

  • Interview for selected applicants

Detailed information on admission requirements for all applicants is available from the Faculty.

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