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Minor Options

Students who wish to focus their electives may, with the approval of the Assistant Dean Students in Science Advising, undertake an optional minor specialization concurrently with their first specialization (major, honours, combined major, combined honours, and General Science except as noted below for specific minors). Applications will not be accepted once the student has attained 4th year class standing; some minors have further restrictions (see below). The designation of the minor will be applied to the transcript upon graduation if permission has been granted and the requirements are met. Permission to pursue a minor will be denied if the student is not making good progress in the primary specialization or if the student is already approved to pursue another minor, a double major, or dual degree.

The following minors are available: Minor in Land and Food Systems, Minor in Arts, Minor in Commerce, Minor in Kinesiology, and Minor in Science. Entry into and continuation in a minor option requires that the student remains in Good Standing. Where space in courses required for a minor is limited, students may be required to maintain a sessional average higher than the minimum for Good Standing. Information on minor specializations is also available from the Faculty.

Minor in Land and Food Systems

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems offers several optional minors for B.Sc. students. Upon completion of one of the following minor options, the notation "Minor in [Subject]" will be denoted on the student's transcript.

The Minor (3250): Applied Animal Biology consists of 18 credits selected from APBI_V 311 (BIOL_V 364), 312, 314, 315, 316, 319, 327 (BIOL_V 327), 398, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 427 (BIOL_V 411), 496.

The Minor (3616): Sustainable Agriculture and Environment consists of 18 credits selected from APBI_V 318, 322, 324 (BIOL_V 324), 327 (BIOL_V 327), 328 (BIOL_V 317), 342 (FRST_V 310), 351 (BIOL_V 351/FRST_V 311), 401, 402, 403, 417, 426 (BIOL_V 421), 428, 440 (BIOL_V 440), 444 (FRST_V 444).

The Minor (3741): Fermentations consists of: (1) 3 credits from FNH_V 405 (UBC Vancouver), BIOL_O 380 (UBC Okanagan); (2) 3 credits from BIOC_V 302 (UBC Vancouver), BIOL_V 311, BIOC_O 304 (UBC Okanagan); (3) 6 credits from FNH_V 330 and FNH_V 335 (UBC Vancouver); (4) At least 6 credits from the following courses: BIOL_V 323, CHEM_V 311, CHBE_V 381, FNH_V 300, FNH_V 301, FNH_V 302, FNH_V 313, FNH_V 430, APBI_V 442 (UBC Vancouver), BIOC_V 310, BIOL_V 382, BIOL_O 480 (UBC Okanagan).

Students at the UBC Vancouver campus must take the UBC Vancouver courses. Students who completed UBC Okanagan courses prior to transferring to UBC Vancouver may count the UBC Okanagan courses.

Students interested in applying credits earned at the Okanagan campus to Vancouver campus programs should be aware of the Requirements to Receive a Degree or Diploma on the Vancouver campus and the rules on Transfer Credit.

Upon successful completion of the Minor, the notation “Minor in Fermentations” will be denoted on the student’s transcript.

The Minor (1347): Food and Resource Economics consists of ECON_V 310, 311 and 12 credits selected from FRE_V 302, 306, 326, 340, 374, 385, 402, 420, 460, 490 for a total of 18 credits. Students who have completed ECON_V 101 and 102 prior to entry into the program may use these courses in lieu of ECON_V 310 and 311, but may require additional upper-level credits to satisfy graduation requirements.

The Minor (3251): Food Science consists of six credits selected from FNH_V 300, 301, 302, 303, 309, 313, and 403, and 12 additional credits from FNH_V 300, 301, 302, 303, 309, 313, 402, 403, 405, 413, 419, and 430 for a total of 18 credits.

The Minor (1349): Nutritional Sciences consists of FNH_V 250, 350, 351, and 12 credits selected from FNH_V 301, 355, 370, 371, 398, 402, 451, 454, 455, 472, 473, 474, 477, 490 for a total of 21 credits.

The Minor (3611): Sustainable Food Systems consists of LFS_V 250 and 350; 3 credits from APBI_V 314, 315, BIOL_V 343, EDCP_V 329, FNH_V 342, 355, 455, LFS_V 340, SOCI_V 342, 360, 423, GEOG_V 410; 3 credits from APBI_V 360, 402, 428, 444, ENVR_V 430, 440, FNH_V 309, GEOG_V 310, 318; 3 credits from APBI_V 361, 414, FNH_V 415, FRE_V 302, 306, 340, 374, 460, GEOG_V 311, SCIE_V 420; 3 credits from APBI_V 465, LFS_V 450, 496; 3 additional credits from any 300- or 400-level course listed above for a total of 24 credits.

An application form may be obtained from Science Advising or from the Faculty of Science website.

Space in many science and land and food systems courses is limited. Admission to a land and food systems minor does not guarantee access to courses agreed upon for the minor.

Minor in Arts

An acceptable minor must comprise courses in the Faculty of Arts that are for credit toward a B.A. and consists of 18 upper-level credits in a single subject. An application form may be obtained from Science Advising. Students should design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for their proposed minor, which must be approved by the Assistant Dean Students in Science Advising before attaining 4th year class standing. All courses must be acceptable for a B.A. major in the proposed subject area or field, but a student is not bound by the other requirements that the Faculty of Arts sets for a major or minor in the field. The following restrictions should be noted.

An Arts minor in mathematics or computer science may not be undertaken by students in the Faculty of Science. Students majoring in one of the earth science specializations (Earth and Ocean Science, Geographical Sciences, Geology, Geophysics, Oceanography) may not undertake a Minor in Geography other than the Minor in Geographic Information Science and Geographical Computation (GIS&GC). Students in the B.Sc. specialization in Behavioural Neuroscience may not undertake an Arts Minor in Psychology; other students intending to complete the Arts Minor in Psychology must follow the requirements for this minor listed on the Behavioural Neuroscience page.

Upon successful completion of the minor program, the notation, "Minor in Arts" will be denoted on the student's transcript. Students wanting a subject-designated minor may also undertake a minor in a specific Arts discipline Minor Program, which requires the completion of at least 30 credits in a single subject field or specialization, of which at least 18 must be numbered 300 or higher.

The Faculty of Arts offers some interdisciplinary 30-credit minors for which no corresponding major exists. Science students may apply to pursue one of those minors only if the courses chosen do not leave the student deficient in Arts credits, in excess of the limit of 24 credits from faculties other than Science or Arts, or in excess of the allowable total attempted credits for the degree.

Minor in Commerce

The minor is intended to be completed over two winter sessions. Enrolment in this program is strictly limited.

At the time of application, students must be eligible for 2nd year class standing in the Faculty of Science the following September and have an average of at least 60% in all previous sessions. Meeting the stated requirements does not guarantee admission into the program. An application form may be obtained from Science Advising or from the Faculty of Science website. The completed form must be returned no later than May 15.

Applicants must have successfully completed one of MATH_V 100, 102, 104, 120, 180, 184, or Science One and both ECON_V 310 and 311 (or 101 and 102). The program will consist of COMR_V 329 (3), COMR_V 457 (3), COMR_V 465 (3), COMR_V 473 (3), COMR_V 493 (3), and one of COMR_V 398 (3) or COMR_V 458 (3) for a total of 18 credits.

Note: Students may encounter difficulty fitting the COMR_V courses into their Science program timetable; careful planning is essential. Upon successful completion of this program, the notation "Minor in Commerce" will be placed on the student's transcript.

Minor in Kinesiology

Enrolment in this specialization is strictly limited. An application form may be obtained from Science Advising and the form must be returned no later than May 15.

At the time of application, students must have completed a 100-level Physics course, be eligible for 3rd year class standing in the Faculty of Science, have achieved an average of at least 68% in each of the previous two years, and be eligible to enroll in either CAPS_V 301 or both BIOL_V 363 and 364. Meeting the stated application requirements does not guarantee admission into the specialization.

The specialization will consist of:
Either CAPS_V 301 or both BIOL_V 363 and 364, and 18 credits selected from the following list of courses:
KIN_V 311 or KIN_V 330, KIN_V 313 or KIN_V 389, KIN_V 316 or KIN_V 351, KIN_V 320 or KIN_V 303, KIN_V 321 or KIN_V 469, KIN_V 322 or KIN_V 361, KIN_V 335 or KIN_V 375, KIN_V 411 or KIN_V 473, KIN_V 420 or KIN_V 461, KIN_V 424 or KIN_V 471, KIN_V 432 or KIN_V 489a, KIN_V 435 or KIN_V 475, KIN_V 438 or KIN_V 462, KIN_V 459 or KIN_V 489x, KIN_V 464 3(3).

Students admitted to a minor in kinesiology have the prerequisites waived for all KIN 3** courses listed above. However, students should be aware of the 300-level prerequisites for some 400-level kinesiology courses. Students may encounter difficulty fitting the KIN courses into their science specialization timetable; careful planning is essential. Upon successful completion of this minor program, the notation "Minor in Kinesiology" will be placed on the student's transcript.

Minor in Science

A minor in science may not be undertaken by students in General Science, Integrated Sciences, or the Combined Major in Science. Courses taken for the minor must be courses in the Faculty of Science that are acceptable for a B.Sc. major or honours in the proposed subject area or field. The minor consists of at least 18 upper-level credits either in a single subject or courses selected from a specialization (see Astronomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Data Science, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics, Oceanography, and Physics Minor listings for exceptions). An application form may be obtained from the Science Advising. Students should design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for their proposed minor, which must be approved by specialization advisors in both the major (or honours) and minor areas and by the Assistant Dean Students in Science Advising before the student has attained 4th year class standing. Approval will be withheld if deemed to overlap excessively with the course of study for the major or honours.

Students registered in other degree programs may, with approval of a departmental advisor in Science and a senior advisor in their home faculty, undertake a minor in science specialization in conjunction with their degree program. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with advisors in both faculties before taking the necessary courses.

Upon completion of a minor specialization, the notation, "Minor in [subject]" will be denoted on the student's transcript. Space in many Science courses is limited. Admission to a science minor does not guarantee access to courses agreed upon for the minor.

A student completing a minor in science in conjunction with a major or honours specialization may use courses to fill program requirements in both areas of specialization (see Double Counting). However, to complete a major plus minor in science requires at least 42 upper-level credits of science courses; to complete an honours plus minor in science requires at least 54.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.