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Oceans and Fisheries


Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.



W. Cheung, V. Christensen, S. Donner, C. Harley, E. Pakhomov, D. Pauly, R. Sumaila, C. Suttle, A. Trites, A. Vincent.

Associate Professor

M. Auger-Méthé, B. Hunt, M. McAllister.

Assistant Professors

A. Reid, D. Rosen.

Professors Emeriti

D. Newell, T. Pitcher, C. Walters.

Program Overview

The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries (IOF) provides interdisciplinary graduate studies through the Oceans and Fisheries graduate program (OCF). The mission of IOF is to lead the way to healthy and sustainable marine and freshwater systems through excellent research, inspirational education, and innovative societal engagement. The graduate program trains marine and freshwater scientists to undertake basic and applied research that will help foster healthy marine and freshwater ecosystems and sustainable resource use. Students will deepen and broaden their interdisciplinary expertise by acquiring in-depth training in fisheries science, aquatic ecology, environmental physiology, natural resource economics, marine governance, and climate change. In doing so, students will develop the research capacity and knowledge translation skills necessary for rewarding careers in academia, industry, government, NGOs and consulting.

Students in OCF formulate and follow academic programs that are specific to their individual educational goals and that can draw on the expertise of faculty at UBC and other affiliated universities, and also the private and public sectors. To enable this, OCF offers either a 12 credit thesis or 18 credit thesis Master of Science degree, and a Ph.D. degree. Graduate student supervisors are chosen from the IOF, and other units and departments within the faculties of Science, Forestry, Arts, and Land and Food Systems.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Students must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies PhD degree admission requirements.

English language requirements for admission to the program are higher than the minimum specified by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Please see English Language Proficiency Standards and GRE Requirements for more details.

Program Requirements

  • Candidates admitted to the Ph.D. program will be required to take FISH_V 500 (3).
  • Additional coursework is to be selected in consultation with the student's supervisory committee and is to be approved by the IOF graduate advisor.
  • For further details on program requirements please refer to the departmental program website
  • Candidates must pass a comprehensive examination taken within 24 months of registering in the program.
  • Candidates must be enrolled in FISH_V 699 beginning in the second term of the 2nd year.

The expected time to completion is 4 years.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Students must meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies master’s degree admission requirements.

English language requirements for admission to the program are higher than the minimum specified by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Please see English Language Proficiency Standards and GRE Requirements for more details.

Program Requirements

The M.Sc. in Oceans and Fisheries requires a minimum of 30 credits, including either a 12-credit or 18-credit thesis (FISH_V 549(12/18)).

Students writing the 12-credit thesis must complete a minimum of 18 credits of courses. Students writing the 18-credit thesis must complete a minimum of 12 credits of courses.

Students completing a 12-credit thesis must complete: FISH_V 500 (3), FISH_V 520 (6) and 9 credits of electives.

Students completing an 18-credit thesis must complete FISH_V 500 (3) and 9 credits of electives.

Students have flexibility in their choice of elective courses including graduate courses and up to 3 credits of senior undergraduate courses. For specific program requirements, including required courses and suggested elective courses for the 12-credit thesis and the 18-credit streams please refer to the UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries M.Sc. program website. Together with a research supervisor, students may also design their own courses in the form of a “Directed Studies” supervised by a faculty member. Students’ academic program must be approved by the supervisory committee and the IOF graduate advisor.

Students engaging in Indigenous community-based research may be eligible to participate in the Indigenous community-based research pathway, within the 18-credit thesis stream, that enables them to complete their course requirements remotely, if desired, and to remain in their community contexts during their studies. Pathway participation requires completing FISH_V 500 (3) and 9 credits of electives online. For details on eligibility and requirements, please refer to the UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries M.Sc. program website.

Research conceived independently of the student’s research supervisor is encouraged. However, the minimum requirement for the M.Sc. degree is to successfully complete directed research. The expected time to completion is two years.

Elective Categories

  1. Ocean and Fisheries Assessment and Scientific Methods: EOSC_V 478, FISH_V 504, FISH_V 505, FISH_V 509, FISH_V 510, EOSC_V 573, EOSC_V 578, EOSC_V 510.
  2. Ecological, Economic & Social Studies. FISH_V 501, FISH_V 502, FISH_V 506, FISH_V 508, EOSC_V 575, RES_V 510.
  3. Governance & Policy. FISH_V 503, FISH_V 507, RES_V 586, FISH_V 520 (if the student is in the 18 credit thesis stream (see below)).
  4. Aboriginal Ocean and Fisheries Management. FISH_V 506.
  5. Conservation Science. BIOL_V 416, RES_V 506.
  6. Science Communication. ANTH_V 478, FRST_V 544, FRST_V 545.

No more than 3 credits at the senior undergraduate level (300- or 400-level) may count towards the 30 credits required to complete the M.Sc.

Students’ academic program must be approved by the supervisory committee and the IOF graduate advisor.

The expected time to completion is 2 years.

Contact Information

Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
AERL 2202 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604-822-2731

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