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Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies

The Department of Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies offers programs of study that lead to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, and Bachelor of Arts in German Studies.

For information on advanced degrees see graduate Germanic Studies.

The Department offers honours, major, and minor programs in German Studies, a Minor in Nordic Studies and a Minor in Russian Language. For Nordic, Russian and Slavic Languages and Literature, and Slavic Area Studies, see the relevant sections below.

Courses are offered in German, Yiddish, Scandinavian (including Swedish and Danish), Slavic (including Ukrainian, Russian and Polish), Modern European Studies, and Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies.

The Department also collaborates with Integrated Drama; Cinema Studies; Medieval Studies; Modern European Studies; Religion, Literature and the Arts; and Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice.

Not all courses are given every year. For current offerings, consult the Department.

The Department provides information on study and work opportunities in Europe for students interested in furthering their language skills and subject area knowledge. Students are encouraged to participate in UBC's exchange programs as a part of their program of study.

Major, Honours, and Minor in German Studies

See German Studies.

Minor in Russian

See Russian and Slavic Languages and Literatures.

Minor in Nordic Studies

See Nordic Studies.

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