You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Chemical and Biological Engineering


The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical Engineering and to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Chemical and Biological Engineering. Interested students should apply for the Chemical Engineering or Chemical and Biological Engineering program after completing first year engineering, or equivalent if applying from another institution. Prospective students should be aware that the number of available spaces in either of the programs of study may be limited.

Without the successful completion of WRDS_V 150 or equivalent (ENGL_V 100, 110, 111 or 112) prior to entry, the program may require an extra year for completion. First year English is a pre-requisite of CHBE_V 201 (Integrated Technical Communications). Therefore, prospective students are advised to complete WRDS_V 150 or equivalent (ENGL_V 100, 110, 111 or 112) prior to September 1st.

For further information visit Chemical and Biological Engineering.

The optional cooperative (Co-op) education experiential learning placements is a valuable aspect of the Bachelor of Applied Science in the Chemical Engineering and the Chemical and Biological Engineering programs. Students are highly encouraged to take advantage of this program. Participating students will typically complete five 4-month experiential learning placements coordinated through the Applied Science Co-op Program. Work terms can take place during the Winter or Summer terms.


Chemical Engineering or Chemical and Biological Engineering

Second Year 
CHBE_V 2013
CHBE_V 2204
CHBE_V 2214
CHBE_V 2303
CHBE_V 2413
CHBE_V 2443
CHBE_V 2513
CHBE_V 2631
CHBE_V 2643
CHEM_V 2503
CHEM_V 2603
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2563
Total Credits39
Third Year 
CHBE_V 3454
CHBE_V 3463
CHBE_V 3524
CHBE_V 3553
CHBE_V 3564
CHBE_V 3623
CHBE_V 3703
CHBE_V 3764
STAT_V 2513
Complementary Studies electives13
Plus one of the programs listed below:
Chemical Engineering 
APSC_V 2783
CHBE_V 3663
Chemical and Biological Engineering 
CHBE_V 3653
CHBE_V 3813
Total Credits40
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
CHBE_V 4563
CHBE_V 4593
CHBE_V 4644
Complementary Studies electives13
Plus one of the programs listed below: 
Chemical Engineering 
CHBE_V 4548
CHBE_V 4714
Technical electives212
Chemical and Biological Engineering 
CHBE_V 4538
CHBE_V 4814
Technical electives212
Total Credits39
1 See Complementary Studies Courses.
2 To be chosen from a list of electives available from the Department. 

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