Dean's List
Dean’s List designation recognizes exceptional academic achievement in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Students who achieve a sessional average of 85% or higher in the previous Winter Session will receive the notation "Dean's List" on their permanent record, if they carried a course load of at least 27 percentage-graded credits.
Scholarships and Awards
For information on scholarships and awards available to academically outstanding students, see Awards, scholarships and bursaries. See also Fees.
Promotion Requirements
Students are reminded that they are subject to the University’s Advancement Regulations.
In order to progress from one year-level standing to the next, a student must successfully complete the required courses as outlined in the Degree Requirements table1. These may include transfer credit as well as credit earned through exchange. The Year One and Year Three elective credits are required for graduation, but they are not considered in year level promotion2. Electives do contribute to a student’s sessional average. Year-level standing impacts a student’s eligibility for specializations and courses, and is one of the factors considered when registration dates are set. Promotion is evaluated annually upon completion of the Winter and the Summer Session.
As per the University’s Maximum Allowable Transfer Credit policy, no more than 60 transfer credits will be applied to requirements in the degree program. Generally, transfer credit is limited to Year One and Year Two of the program, transfer credit for Year Three and Year Four require approval from the Faculty.
1Promotion into Year Two and Year Three of the program will be granted to a student who has completed all other necessary program requirements but has not obtained credit for the Year One and Year Two (100-/200-level) required chemistry courses as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic impact on these courses. A student must complete these required chemistry courses to be granted promotion into Year Four of the program. This policy only applies to a student who was admitted into Year One of the B.P.Sc. program in the 2020/2021 academic year.
2Students must successfully complete all Year One, Two, and Three prescribed and elective credits before Year Four in order to be eligible for Honours.
Promotion to Year Two
Promotion to Year Two requires successful completion of all required courses listed under the “Year One – Mandatory Courses” section of the Degree Requirements table.
Students must meet the minimum requirements for promotion to Year Two within a maximum of 48 credits of coursework attempted (i.e., passed or failed), including advance and transfer credit that have been applied to the degree requirements, by the end of the Summer Session of their third academic year in the B.P.Sc. program, regardless of registration. If a student cannot be promoted to Year Two by the end of the Summer Session of their third academic year and they have exceeded 48 attempted credits, they may be required to discontinue from the Faculty.
Students admitted with advance or transfer credit that puts them at risk of exceeding this limit must consult an Academic Advisor.
Promotion to Year Three
Promotion to Year Three requires successful completion of all required courses listed under the “Year Two – Mandatory Courses” section of the Degree Requirements table.
Students must meet the minimum requirements for promotion to Year Three within a maximum of 78 credits of coursework attempted (i.e., passed or failed), including advance and transfer credit that have been applied to the degree requirements or they may be required to discontinue from the Faculty.
Students admitted with advance or transfer credit that puts them at risk of exceeding this limit must consult an Academic Advisor.
Promotion to Year Four
Promotion to any of the Year Four degree options requires successful completion of all required courses listed under the “Year Three – Mandatory Courses” section of the Degree Requirements table.
Students must meet the minimum requirements for promotion to Year Four within a maximum of 108 credits of coursework attempted (i.e., passed or failed), including advance and transfer credit that has been applied to the degree requirements, or they may be required to discontinue from the Faculty.
Students must meet all the graduation requirements for the degree within a maximum of 180 credits of coursework attempted. Those who do not will be required to discontinue from the Faculty.
Students admitted with advance or transfer credit that puts them at risk of exceeding this limit must consult an Academic Advisor.
The maximum allowable credits listed under the Promotion Requirements section apply to students who enter the program in and after the 2023/2024 Winter Session.
Continuation Requirements
Continuation, or a student’s eligibility to continue registering in their degree program, is evaluated annually upon completion of the Winter and Summer Session.1 Continued registration eligibility is granted based on the Sessional Average for the Sessions, as well as a review of previous Sessional Standings and specific continuation requirements. There are three sessional standings: Good Standing, Academic Probation, and Failed Standing.
In compliance with the University's Advancement Regulations, no student may repeat a course more than once. Therefore, students who fail in two attempts at any single required course of the B.P.Sc. program will be required to discontinue from the B.P.Sc. program and the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, regardless of their Sessional Standing and Continuation Status. These attempts may be from the same or different Sessions.
The continuation requirements are determined through sessional evaluation, with new standing based on prior standing, sessional average, and success in courses. Continuation is evaluated as follows:
Sessional Average & Course Success | Standing Upon Entering Session | Standing Upon Entering Session | Standing Upon Entering Session |
Good Standing | Academic Probation (ACPR) | Failed Standing, permitted to continue |
New Standing | New Standing | New Standing | |
55% or higher and passed all courses | Good Standing1 | Good standing if enrolled in 12 or more credits; otherwise, ACPR | Good standing if enrolled in 12 or more credits; otherwise, ACPR2,4 |
At least 50% but less than 55% and passed all courses | Good Standing | ACPR2,4 | ACPR2,4 |
55% or higher and failed one or more courses | Good standing, if no Failed standing on record; otherwise, ACPR | ACPR4 | ACPR2,4 |
At least 50%, but less than 55% and failed one or more courses | ACPR if no Failed standing on record; otherwise, Failed, required to withdraw5 | Failed, required to discontinue or withdraw3,5,8 | Failed, required to withdraw5 |
Below 50%, enrolled in 12 or more credits (Winter) or 6 or more (Summer) | Failed, required to discontinue or withdraw3,6,8 | Failed, required to discontinue or withdraw3,6,8 | Failed, required to withdraw6 |
Below 50%, enrolled in fewer than 12 credits (Winter) or fewer than 6 Summer) | Failed, permitted to continue if no Failed standing on record; otherwise, Failed, required to withdraw7 | Failed, required to discontinue or withdraw3,7,8 | Failed, required to withdraw7 |
1 Students who attain a sessional average of 55% or more will be assigned a Good Standing and will be eligible to continue their studies. Those who do exceptionally well may also receive recognition; see Dean’s List above. | |||
2 Failed Standing remains on record and may affect future academic standing. | |||
3 If student has a previous Failed standing, the requirement is to withdraw from UBC. | |||
4 Continuation of students on Academic Probation (ACPR) will also be reviewed at the end of Winter Session Term 1. Upon review, if the student has a GPA of 55% or higher and has passed all courses, they will be able to continue in Good Standing. | |||
5 Students who attain a sessional average between 50% and 55% and failed one or more courses will be placed on Academic Probation (ACPR). This standing will be noted on their academic record. Students will be eligible to continue their studies unless they have previously received Failed or ACPR standing in the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in which case they will be assigned a Failed Standing and be required to discontinue from the B.P.Sc. Program and Faculty or withdraw from the University. A student who is on ACPR is restricted to taking no more than 12 credits in each term of the Winter and Summer Sessions. | |||
6 Students who attain a sessional average of less than 50% in 12 or more credits (Winter Session) or 6 or more credits (Summer Session) will be assigned a Failed Standing and required to discontinue from the B.P.Sc. Program and Faculty or withdraw from the University. | |||
7 Students who attain a sessional average of less than 50% in fewer than 12 credits (Winter Session), or 6 credits (Summer Session), and who have also entered the Session in Good Standing, will be permitted to continue the program in Good Standing. Otherwise, under the conditions listed in the table above, they will be assigned a Failed Standing and be required to discontinue from the Faculty or withdraw from the University, as per the Advancement Regulations. | |||
8 For information on readmission after receiving Fail standing and being required to withdraw from the Faculty, see Readmission. |
A student has the right to appeal a progress decision of the program to the Dean’s Advisory Committee on Student Appeals (see Program Information Hub on Canvas).
For information on Senate Appeals on Academic Standing please refer to Appeal Procedure and/or Senate Appeals on Academic Standing.