The Journalism and Social Change Minor provides students with foundational knowledge in journalism skills, critical thinking and analytical news literacy, relationship-building and ethics, and understanding the role of journalism in and its response to social change. This undergraduate program is administered through the School of Journalism, Writing, and Media.
Minor in Journalism and Social Change
Lower-level Requirements – 6 credits
- JRNL_V 200 (3) Journalism Here and Now
- JRNL_V 201 (3) Introduction to News Audiences
Upper-level Requirements – 18 credits
12 credits, consisting of:
- JRNL_V 320 (3) Multimedia Journalism
- JRNL_V 325 (3) Fundamentals of Community Reporting
- JRNL_V 420 (3) Decoding Social Media
- JRNL_V 425 (3) Journalism and Social Change Movements
6 credits, chosen from the following courses that address social change or journalism skills:*
- ACAM_V 350 (3) - Asian Canadian Community-Based Media
- CRWR_V 302 (3) - Writing for Podcast
- CRWR_V 305 (3) - Intermediate Writing of Creative Non-Fiction
- ECON_V 317 (3) - Poverty and Inequality
- ENGL_V 312 (3) - Discourse and Society
- ENGL_V 332 (3) - Approaches to Media History
- ENGL_V 336 (3) – Print Culture and Media Studies
- ENGL_V 377 (3) – World Literature and Social Movements
- FNIS_V 300 (3) - Writing First Nations
- FNIS_V 454 (3) - Indigenous New Media
- GEOG_V 313 (3) - Environmental Justice and Social Change
- GEOG_V 357 (3) - Society, Culture and Space
- GEOG_V 432 (3) - Radical Traditions of Decolonization and Liberation
- GRSJ_V 307 (3) - Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Popular Culture
- GRSJ_V 316 (3) - Queer and Trans of Colour Theorizing
- GRSJ_V 320 (3) - Feminist Anti-Racist Pedagogies
- GRSJ_V 326 (3) - The Politics of Gender, Families, and Nation-Building
- HIST_V 425 (3) - War and Society
- INFO_V 419 (3) - Information Visualization
- INFO_V 456 (3) - Information Policy and Society
- JRNL_V 400 (3) - Feminist Postcolonial Critique and Journalism in a Digital Age
- JRNL_V 440 (3) - Imagine Journalism
- SCIE_V 300 (3) Communicating Science
- SOCI_V 302 (3) - Ethnic and Racial Inequality
- SOCI_V 303 (3) - Sociology of Migration
- SOCI_V 310 (3) - Canadian Society
- SOCI_V 361 (3) - Social Inequality
- WRDS_V 350 (3) - Knowledge-Making in the Disciplines
- WRDS_V 360 (3) - Knowledge Popularization: Research Writing in New Media
*Students are encouraged, when possible, to select at least one social change course from within their major discipline. Additional courses may be eligible towards the requirement upon consultation with the program chair.