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Modern Language Education


Degrees Offered: M.A., M.Ed.



P. Duff, L. R. Kubota, G. Li.

Associate Professor

C. Galla.

Assistant Professors

M. Kunnas, M. Wernicke.

Program Overview

The graduate program in Modern Language Education (MLED) examines the social, linguistic, educational, cognitive, cultural, and political processes affecting the teaching, learning, assessment, and use of languages other than English, whether learned as a first, second/additional, or heritage language. The program faculty have special expertise in MLED teaching methods, language assessment, bilingualism, French as a Second Language, French immersion education, multilingual literacies, Asia-Pacific languages in education, heritage language education, technology in language education, language policy, and research on classroom teaching/learning of modern languages.

Students who would like to undertake a Ph.D. specializing in Modern Language Education can do so through the program in Language and Literacy Education.

Full-time and part-time study options are offered.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

In addition to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements, the program normally requires:

  1. 18 credits of senior coursework or a professional concentration in the area of interest, and
  2. two years of teaching experience or other relevant professional experience.

Program Requirements

The program consists of 30 credits. A maximum of 6 credits may be taken at the 300- or 400-level. A 9-credit thesis (LLED_V 599) is included.

Master of Education

Admission Requirements

Same as for the M.A.

Program Requirements

The program consists of a minimum of 30 credits, of which 24 must be courses numbered at the 500-level. A maximum of 6 credits may be taken at the 300- or 400- level. Students select either a program consisting entirely of courses (for example, ten 3-credit courses) or 27 credits of coursework plus a graduating project (3 credits).

Contact Information

Department of Language and Literacy Education
2013-6445 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2
Graduate Programs Assistant
Tel: 604.822.8259
Fax: 604.822.3154

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