Asian Studies

The Department of Asian Studies offers programs of study that lead to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, and Bachelor of Arts.

Please visit the Department for current offerings.

For information on advanced degrees see graduate Asian Studies.

The courses offered at the undergraduate level fall into two categories:

  1. Category 1: Courses on the contemporary and historical cultures of South, Southeast, and East Asia, that do not require knowledge of an Asian language (these are listed under the heading Asian Studies); and
  2. Category 2: Courses in language, including advanced reading courses, which introduce the student to literary, philosophical, and historical works in their original language (these courses are listed under the specific language headings).

Study of the necessary languages should begin as early as possible in a student's academic career. A good foundation in language studies is a prerequisite for admission to graduate studies. Those who do not have the necessary preparation when they apply will be asked to make up this deficiency.

Combining Areas of Study

Students interested in broadening their understanding of Asia are permitted to pursue up to two specializations in Asian Studies. See Department website. The following rules apply:

  • At least one of the specializations must be a Major or Honours.
  • Students may not combine two specializations that focus on the same area of Asia, such as two specializations focused on South Asia or two specializations focused on China (such as a minor specialization on Hong Kong with a major specialization on China).
  • The Minor in Asian Area Studies may not be combined with any other specialization in Asian Studies.

Major in Asian Area Studies

The Major in Asian Area Studies requires 48 total credits of coursework, of which at least 30 must be upper-level credits.

Total ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 27

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_ V 201/202)
  • 12 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher (this may include up to 6 credits of CHIN_V 388/389/449, or JAPN_V 422/423)
  • 9 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400-level

Total language credits: 12

  • 12 credits: any ONE language offered in the department

ASIA_V or ASIX_V or Language Option credits: 6

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher and/or 300-level or higher in the SAME language of study

Total R (Research Intensive) credits: 3

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V Research Intensive Course+

*Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement. A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Major in Asian Language and Culture

The Major in Asian Language and Culture requires 48 total credits of prescribed coursework focused on a specific area of Asian language/culture.

The areas of focus available are:

  • China
  • Chinese Literature
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • South Asia (focusing on one of Hindi-Urdu, Persian, Punjabi, Sanskrit)

Major in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: China

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 18*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200-level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 9 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher*
  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400-level*

*At least 9 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to China.

Classical Chinese credits:

  • 3 credits: CHIN_V 388/389/449, or CHIN_V 491/493

Language (CHIN) credits: 24

  • 12 credits: 300-level
  • 12 credits: 400-level (excluding CHIN_V 449/491/493)

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V Research Intensive Course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement. A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Major in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: Chinese Literature

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 24-27*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200-level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 12-15 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher*
  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400-level*

*At least 9 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to China, and at least 6 upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be in a different cultural area.

Classical Chinese credits:

  • 6 credits: CHIN_V 388/389/449, or CHIN_V 491/493

Language (CHIN) credits: 12-15

  • 12-15 credits: 400-level (excluding 491/493)

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V or CHIN_V Research Intensive Courses+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement (for ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses) or upper-level language requirement (for CHIN_V R courses). A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Major in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: Japan

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 18-24*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200-level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 9-15 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher*
  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400-level*

*At least 9 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to Japan.

Language (JAPN) credits: 21-27

  • 12 credits: 300-level
  • 6 credits: JAPN_V 400 and JAPN_V 401
  • 3-9 credits: 400-level

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V or JAPN_V Research Intensive Course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement (for ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses) or upper-level language requirement (for JAPN_V R courses). A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Major in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: Korea

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 21-30*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200-level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 12-21 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher*
  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400-level*

*At least 9 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to Korea.

Language credits: 15-24

  • 6 credits: any East Asian language (CHIN, JAPN, CNTO)
  • 6-15 credits: KORN_V 300-level or higher
  • 3 credits: KORN_V 400-level

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V or KORN_V Research Intensive Course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement (for ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses) or upper-level language requirement (for KORN_V R courses). A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Major in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: South Asian Languages

South Asian Languages: PERS (Persian), PUNJ (Punjabi), HINU (Hindi-Urdu), SANS (Sanskrit)

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 21-30*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200-level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 9-18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or higher*
  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400-level*

*At least 12 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to South Asia, and at least 3 upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be in a different cultural area.

Language credits (300 or above): 15-24

If language is HINU, PERS or PUNJ:

  • 6 credits: SANS_V 300-level (first year)
  • 9-18 credits: 300-level or above, any other South Asian Language (PERS_V, PUNJ_V, HINU_V)

If language is SANS:

  • 12 credits: SANS_V 300-level or above
  • 3-12 credits: other South Asian Language (PERS_V, PUNJ_V, HINU_V) 200-level or above

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V Research Intensive Course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement. A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Minor in Asian Area Studies

The Minor in Asian Area Studies requires a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

ASIA or ASIX credits:

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 100-level or above (this may include ASTU_V 201/202 or CHIN_V 388/389/449)
  • 18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or above (this may include CHIN_V 388/389/449)

Language credits:

  • 6 credits: one Asian language

Minor in Asian Language and Culture

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture requires 30 total credits of coursework focused on a specific area of Asian language/culture.

The areas of focus available are:

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • South Asia (focusing on one of Hindi, Punjabi, or Sanskrit)
  • Persian, Persianate and Iranian

Below each area of focus is highlighted.

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture with a focus on China requires the completion of a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 12-18*

  • 0-6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 100-level or above (this may include ASTU_V 201/202 or CHIN_V 388/389/449)
  • 12-18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or above* (this may include CHIN_V 388/389/449)

*At least 12 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to China.

Language credits:

  • 12-18 credits of CHIN_V and/or CNTO_V, of which 6 credits must be at or above the 300-level

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture with a focus on Hong Kong requires the completion of a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

  • 12–18 credits of CHIN_V or CNTO_V, of which at least 6 credits must be CNTO_V at or above the 300-level
  • 12–18 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V, of which at least 12 upper-level (300+) credits must be related to Hong Kong. See the Department of Asian Studies or Hong Kong Studies Initiative for a list of courses.

If the Major and Minor are in 2 different languages, the Minor can be combined with:

  • Major or Honours in Asian Languages and Culture
  • Major or Honours in Asian Area Studies

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture with a focus on Japan requires the completion of a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 12-18*

  • 0-6 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V 100-level or above (this may include ASTU_V 201/202 or CHIN_V 388/389/449)
  • 12 -18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or above* (this may include CHIN_V 388/389/449)

*At least 12 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to Japan.

Language credits:

  • 12 -18 credits of JAPN_V, of which 6 credits must be at or above the 300-level

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture with a focus on Korea requires the completion of a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 12-18*

  • 0-6 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V 100-level or above (this may include ASTU_V 201/202 or CHIN_V 388/389/449)
  • 12-18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or above* (this may include CHIN_V 388/389/449)

*At least 12 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to Korea.

Language credits:

  • 12 -18 credits of KORN_V, of which 6 credits must be at or above the 300-level

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture with a focus on South Asia requires the completion of a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits: 12-18*

  • 0-6 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V 100-level or above (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 12-18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300-level or above*

*At least 12 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to South Asia.

Language credits:

  • 12 -18 credits of any SANS_V, HINU_V, PERS_V, or PUNJ_V, of which 6 credits must be at or above the 300-level

The Minor in Asian Language and Culture with a focus on Persian, Persianate and Iranian requires the completion of a total of 30 credits of coursework, as follows:

  • 12–18 credits of PERS_V, ARBM_V of which at least 6 credits must be PERS_V at or above the 300-level
  • 12–18 credits of ASIA_V, of which at least 12 upper-level (300+) credits must be related to Persian literature, Iran, and the Persianate culture at large. See the Department of Asian Studies for a list of courses

Honours Program in Asian Studies

The Honours program is designed to provide preparation for outstanding students who intend to pursue graduate studies. Admission to the Honours program is by permission of the Department and requires that students demonstrate a strong overall performance in recently completed departmental courses with a particular focus on either cultural content courses (ASIA_V or ASIX_V) or language-based courses (ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V) depending on program of study.

Honours in Asian Area Studies

ASIA or ASIX credits:

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 12 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher (this may include up to 6 credits of CHIN_V 388/389/449, or JAPN_V 422/423)
  • 12 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400 level
  • ASIA_V or ASIX_V 499 - Honours Thesis

Language credits:

  • 12 credits: Of any ONE language offered in the department

ASIA or ASIX or Language Option credits:

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher AND/OR 300 level or higher in the SAME language of study

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V Research Intensive course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement. A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Additional credits in Asian Studies:

  • 12 credits of upper-level courses taught in the department, such as ASIA_V or ASIX_V, ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V.

Honours in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: China

ASIA or ASIX credits: 24*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 9 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher*
  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400 level*
  • ASIA_V or ASIX_V 499 - Honours Thesis

*at least 9 upper-level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to China.

Classical Chinese credits:

  • 3 credits: CHIN_V 388/389/449, or CHIN_V 491/493

Language (CHIN) credits: 24

  • 12 credits: 300 level
  • 12 credits: 400 level (excluding CHIN_V 449/491/493)

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V Research Intensive course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement. A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Additional credits in Asian Studies:

  • 6 credits of upper level courses taught in the department, such as ASIA_V or ASIX_V, ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V.

Honours in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: Chinese Literature

ASIA or ASIX credits: 30-33*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 12-15 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher*
  • 9 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400 level*
  • ASIA_V or ASIX_V 499 - Honours Thesis

*at least 9 upper level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to China, and at least 6 upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be in a different cultural area.

Classical Chinese credits:

  • 6 credits: CHIN_V 388/389/449, or CHIN_V 491/493

Language (CHIN) credits: 12-15

  • 12-15 credits: 400-level (excluding CHIN_V 449/491/493)

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V or CHIN_V Research Intensive courses+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement (for ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses) or upper-level language requirement (for CHIN_V R courses). A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Additional credits in Asian Studies:

  • 6 credits of upper level courses taught in the department, such as ASIA_V or ASIX_V, ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V.

Honours in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: Japan

ASIA or ASIX credits: 24-30*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 9-15 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher* (this may include up to 3 credits of CHIN_V 388/389/449)
  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400 level*
  • ASIA_V or ASIX_V 499 - Honours Thesis

*at least 9 upper level (300+) credits must be related to Japan.

Language (JAPN) credits: 21-27

  • 12 credits: 300 level
  • 6 credits: JAPN_V 400 and JAPN_V 401
  • 3-9 credits: 400 level

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V or JAPN_V Research Intensive course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement (for ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses) or upper-level language requirement (for JAPN_V R courses). A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Additional credits in Asian Studies:

  • 6 credits of upper level courses taught in the department, such as ASIA_V or ASIX_V, ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V.

Honours in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: Korea

ASIA or ASIX credits: 27-36*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 12-21 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher*
  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400 level*
  • ASIA_V or ASIX_V 499 - Honours Thesis

*at least 9 upper level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to Korea.

Language credits: 15-24

  • 6 credits: Any East Asian language (CHIN, CNTO, JAPN)
  • 6-15 credits: KORN_V 300 level or higher
  • 3 credits: KORN_V 400 level

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V or KORN_V Research Intensive course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement (for ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses) or upper-level language requirement (for KORN_V R courses). A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Additional credits in Asian Studies:

  • 6 credits of upper level courses taught in the department, such as ASIA_V or ASIX_V, ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V.

Honours in Asian Language and Culture - Area of Focus: South Asian Languages

South Asian Languages: PERS (Persian), PUNJ (Punjabi), HINU (Hindi), SANS (Sanskrit)

ASIA or ASIX credits: 27-36*

  • 6 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 200 level (this may include ASTU_V 201/202)
  • 9-18 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 300 level or higher*
  • 9 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V 400 level*
  • ASIA_V or ASIX_V 499 - Honours Thesis

*at least 12 upper level (300+) ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be related to South Asia, and at least 3 upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V credits must be in a different cultural area.

Language credits (300 or above): 15-24

  • If language is HINU, PERS or PUNJ:
  • 6 credits: SANS_V 300 level (first year)
  • 9-18 credits: 300 level or above, any other South Asian Language (HINU_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V)

  • If language is SANS:
  • 12 credits: SANS_V 300-level or above
  • 3-12 credits: Other South Asian Language (HINU_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V) 200 level or above

R (Research Intensive) credits:

  • 3 credits: ASIA_V or ASIX_V Research Intensive course+

+Credits taken to satisfy the Research-Intensive requirement may not also be applied towards the upper-level ASIA_V or ASIX_V requirement. A maximum of 3 credits of ASIA_V or ASIX_V R courses is permitted in the degree.

Additional credits in Asian Studies:

  • 6 credits of upper level courses taught in the department, such as ASIA_V or ASIX_V, ASLA_V, CHIN_V, CNTO_V, HINU_V, INDO_V, JAPN_V, KORN_V, NEPL_V, PERS_V, PUNJ_V, SANS_V, SOAL_V, and TIBT_V.

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