You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Academic Regulations

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate, students must meet the course requirements for their major. This requires a minimum of four years of university study.

Examinations and Advancement

The University regulations concerning examination and advancement apply. See Academic Assessment and Advancement Regulations. In addition, the Faculty of Forestry sets the following requirements:

  1. Only those students who have completed at least 24 percentage-graded credits towards the required in-session program will be considered for awards. The standing of students taking more than 24 percentage-graded credits will be determined on the basis of 24 percentage-graded credits required, chosen in a manner most advantageous to the student.
  2. Students who wish to drop courses may do so within two weeks of the start of the course for one-term courses and three weeks for two-term courses, by obtaining permission from the appropriate undergraduate advisor. After this deadline courses may only be dropped under exceptional circumstances and with the approval of the Associate Dean. Those who fail to write the final examination or who do not complete other course requirements and when circumstances do not warrant deferred standing, will be assigned an 'F' standing.
  3. Honours standing upon graduation will be granted to those students who have obtained Dean’s List in the previous two Academic Sessions, with no failures. "With Honours" will be noted on their transcript and degree certificate.
  4. Distinction standing upon graduation will be granted to those students who have obtained Dean’s Scholar in the previous two Academic Sessions, with no failures. “With Distinction” will be noted on their transcript and degree certificate.
  5. The passing mark in Forestry is 50%. In subjects comprising both lecture and laboratory or problem sessions, the candidate must pass both. If a candidate fails to obtain 50% the faculty may, at its discretion, award a pass in that subject on the basis of a good aggregate standing. Such a pass will be entered on the record of the candidate as an adjudicated pass.
  6. If a student fails a course and is required to take it again, exemption from the laboratory or problem session portion of such a course may be granted.
  7. All students must pass at least 60% of credits undertaken, achieve an overall average grade of at least 60%, and follow their required program, or be required to withdraw from the Faculty for at least one year. Students who do not complete all required courses for their program year may not be promoted to the next program year, but will be eligible to register in a subsequent session.
  8. Students registered in any year who attain a Winter Session average of at least 55%, but less than 60% may, at the discretion of the Adjudication, Advancement and Scholarship Committee, be placed on Academic Probation. Students assigned Academic Probation in one session will be removed from Academic Probation if, in a following Winter Session, they pass all courses and attain an average of at least 60% on a minimum of 24 credits. Students who do not achieve an average high enough to be removed from academic probation will be required to withdraw from the Faculty for at least a year.
  9. Students who have not completed at least 3 credits in each of first-year English and Mathematics (calculus) by the time they have completed 60 credits may be required to withdraw from the Faculty, unless there are sufficient extenuating circumstances.
  10. Students who are required to withdraw from the Faculty for academic reasons may apply for readmission to the University following at least one year away. During this year, these students are required to satisfactorily complete at least 12 credits of relevant and UBC-transferable post-secondary courses at some other institution, provided there are sufficient credits of available courses remaining in their programs. Exceptional circumstances that might preclude this should be brought to the Faculty's attention as soon as possible. Related work or volunteer experience that demonstrates maturity and an ability to succeed academically will also be considered in the readmission decision.

Dean's List

Any student who achieves 82% on 24 percentage-graded credits in the current session with no failed courses taken will receive the notation "Dean's List" on their transcript. Students must have taken a minimum of 24 percentage-graded credits in the current session to qualify. Grades obtained by students registered in a Study Abroad and Exchange Program during the Winter Session will be considered. Students in a Cooperative Education program, who are registered at UBC for only one term in Winter Session because of a co-op placement, are eligible if they take at least 12 percentage-graded credits, with no failed courses for that term.

Dean’s Scholar

Any student who achieves 90% on 27 percentage-graded credits in the current session with no failed courses taken will receive the notation "Dean's Scholar" on their transcript. Students must have taken a minimum of 27 percentage-graded credits in the current session to qualify. Grades obtained by students registered in a Study Abroad and Exchange Program during the Winter Session will be considered. Students in a Cooperative Education program, who are registered at UBC for only one term in Winter Session because of a co-op placement, are eligible if they take at least 15 percentage-graded credits, with no failed courses for that term.


Students from other faculties may take the courses offered in Forestry provided they have the necessary prerequisites. Permission of the instructor may be required in some cases.

Courses for Graduate Students

Formal lecture courses or seminars are indicated by a single credit value assigned to them. In all problem and research courses, as indicated by a variable number of credits, individual laboratory or field investigations or reviews of literature are usually planned to serve the special interests of individual students. When several students have a similar interest in advanced study, formal lectures or seminars may be given. Staff members other than those directing graduate programs may direct studies in specialized topics for interested students, on the recommendation of the students' program supervisors.

Undergraduate students with the necessary background and permission of the instructor may be allowed by the Dean to register in a regularly-scheduled graduate lecture course in Forestry.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.