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Degrees Offered: M.Arch., M.Arch./M.L.A., M.A.S.A.


Professors Emeriti

R. Cole, C. Macdonald, P. Patkau, C. Tiers, J. Wojtowicz.

Associate Professors Emerti

L. Brock, S. McKay, G. Wagner, R. Walkey.

Assistant Professors Emeriti

J. Gaitanakis, D.P. Rapanos.


L. Van Duzer.

Associate Professors

J. Bass, J. Dahmen, M. Fujita, A. Meyboom, O. Neumann, I. Roecker, A. Rysanek, B. Satterfield, M. Soules, S. Stevens.

Assistant Professors

R. Abughannam, T. Gutierrez Monroy, T. Vujosevic.

Program Overview

Architecture offers graduate education in both professional and research degree programs: the Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) and the Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture (M.A.S.A.), respectively. While Architecture does not at present have a Ph.D. program, it does support advanced Ph.D. study in architecture through the Ph.D. program in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Master of Architecture

The M.Arch. program is an accredited professional graduate program for those with an undergraduate degree who wish to pursue professional studies in architecture as a prerequisite to becoming a registered architect.

The full program is 119 credits. Students entering the program with an undergraduate degree normally take three and one-half years of full-time study to complete the requirements. Students holding a pre-professional architecture degree will be considered for advanced placement. At the time of application, the program's Admissions Committee will determine the extent of advanced placement on the basis of the applicant's undergraduate transcript and portfolio.

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.Arch. degree program normally possess a bachelor's degree, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Applicants should demonstrate interest and potential in the creative arts and architecture.

Candidates for admission are evaluated on the following components of the application: academic transcripts, statement of interest, biographical statement, portfolio, letters of reference, and TOEFL where applicable.

Program Requirements

The full program includes a sequence of structured core coursework, 15 credits of elective coursework and a major Graduation Project.

For detailed information, see Architecture, or the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Dual Degree: Master of Architecture/Master of Landscape Architecture

The dual degree program option permits qualified students the opportunity to earn a Master of Architecture and a Master of Landscape Architecture concurrently.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the Dual Degree Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture degree program must hold a degree that is academically equivalent to a four-year bachelor’s degree at UBC and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. There is no requirement for the discipline of the previous degree.

Applicants should demonstrate interest and potential in the broad fields of environment, the creative arts, architecture and landscape architecture.

Candidates for admission are evaluated on the following components of the application: academic transcripts, statement of intent, resume, portfolio, references, and TOEFL where applicable.

Students holding a pre-professional degree in one of the two disciplines (a Bachelor of Environmental Design, Bachelor of Arts with a major in Architecture, a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, for example) will typically be given advanced standing at the discretion of the program’s Admissions Committee.

See the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture website for detailed Admissions requirements and deadlines.

Program Requirements

The dual degree option for the Master of Architecture (M.Arch.) and Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.) degrees is designed for candidates seeking admission to both professions. Full-time students normally complete this program in four years. The dual master's degrees are awarded upon the completion of 149 credits of work, including an interdisciplinary major graduating project. The core curriculum includes 63 required credits in the Master of Architecture; 51 required credits in the Master of Landscape Architecture, 32 interdisciplinary M.Arch./M.L.A. required credits and 3 elective credits.

For a detailed course outline of the dual degree option, refer to the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture website.

Master of Advanced Studies in Architecture

The M.A.S.A. program is a post-professional graduate program primarily for those with a professional degree in architecture or a related field who wish to expand their knowledge in a particular branch of architectural studies. The program does not fulfill the educational requirements for architectural registration. Major research thrusts within the M.A.S.A. program include environmental imperatives, history and cultural studies, advanced design research, and advanced research in digital applications.

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.A.S.A. degree program minimally possess a bachelor's degree, and must meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Candidates for admission are evaluated on the following components of the application: academic transcripts, statement of research interest, biographical statement, portfolio of professional or academic work, letters of reference, and TOEFL where applicable.

Program Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 30 credits including the following: a 3-credit course in research methodology in architecture, 15 credits of approved coursework, and a 12-credit thesis.

The degree can be completed in 16 months with two terms of full-time residency required.

For detailed information, see Architecture or the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

Contact Information

402-6333 Memorial Road
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.827.7252
Fax: 604.822.3808
Jaynus O'Donnell, Student Services Coordinator, Architecture

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