You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

Core B.Mus. Requirements in Music History, Musicianship, Music Theory, Music Technology, and Music and Human Experience

All B.Mus. students complete 34 credits in core course sequences in these five areas. These requirements should normally be completed within the first 4 to 6 terms of study in the program.

Music History Core Requirement (12 credits)

All B.Mus. students are required to complete a 4-course sequence in music history: MUSC_V 120 (3), MUSC_V 121 (3), MUSC_V 220 (3), and MUSC_V 221 (3). These courses should normally be completed in the first four terms of study.

All B.Mus. students are expected to maintain continuous Winter term enrolment in the music history core sequence until they have completed MUSC_V 221. Students who fail a required music history core course twice must withdraw from the B.Mus. program.

Aural Skills Core Requirement (4 credits)

All B.Mus. students are required to complete a 4-course sequence to develop their aural skills: MUSC_V 105 (1), MUSC_V 106 (1), MUSC_V 205 (1), and MUSC_V 206 (1). Challenge exams are offered periodically to allow students with strong previous training to bypass the initial course(s) in the sequence. All B.Mus. students are expected to begin the aural skills core in their first term, and maintain continuous Winter term enrolment in the aural skills until they have completed MUSC_V 206. See also the section below entitled “Continuation Requirements,” regarding progress through the aural skills sequence. Students who fail a required aural skills core course twice must withdraw from the B.Mus. program.

Music Theory Core Requirement (12 credits)

All B.Mus. students are required to complete a 12-credit core course sequence in music theory that should be completed in the first three years: MUSC_V 100 (3), MUSC_V 101 (3), MUSC_V 200 (3), MUSC_V 201 (3), and MUSC_V 300 (3).

All B.Mus. students are expected to maintain continuous Winter term enrolment in music theory core sequence until they have completed MUSC_V 300. Students who fail a required music theory core course twice must withdraw from the B.Mus. program.

Music Technology Core Requirement (3 credits)

All B.Mus. students fulfill the Music Technology requirement by completing MUSC_V 119 (3) in the first year.

Music and Human Experience Core Requirement (3 credits)

All B.Mus. students fulfill the Music and Human Experience requirement by completing MUSC_V 128 or 165 in the first year. If taken to satisfy this requirement, MUSC_V 165 cannot be used also to satisfy any ensemble requirements of the degree.

Performing in Ensembles

All students in the Bachelor of Music programs participate in the large and small instrumental and choral ensembles sponsored by the School of Music to develop their skill as musicians and to experience a wide range of repertoire. The ensembles are also open to qualified non-music majors, who may be accepted by audition and who may receive credit for participating (consult faculty listings). The ensembles are the University Singers, University Choral Union, UBC Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, UBC Concert Winds, UBC Opera Ensemble, Contemporary Players, Asian Music Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, Early Music Ensembles, University Chamber Strings, and various chamber groups. No more than half of a student's small ensemble credit is to be in Jazz Ensemble. Where the term 'large ensemble' is used in lists of degree requirements, it refers to MUSC_V 150 or MUSC_V 350 (Large Instrumental Ensemble), 153 or 453 (University Singers), and 154 or 366 (University Choral Union).

Specific ensembles may tour extrasessionally. Student participation in such tours, while desirable, is not obligatory. Students should inform ensemble directors of their plans as early as possible in the Winter Session.

Minimum Requirements in Piano

Where piano is neither the major nor the concentration instrument, the student will be required to achieve the following keyboard proficiencies, normally by taking piano as a secondary instrument.

First-year students with little or no keyboard experience will be placed in Class Piano, MUSC_V 141.

Students who demonstrate proficiency in the skills listed below may be exempted from one or both years (2 or 4 credits) of secondary piano study. For details, consult the undergraduate coordinator of the keyboard performance division.

By the end of the first year of study, students must be able to:

  • perform independently-prepared repertoire at the level of Grade IV as defined by a recognized examining board
  • sight-read pieces at the level of Grade II
  • transpose pieces at the level of Grade II
  • improvise accompaniments using common-practice harmonies and/or contemporary techniques (melody and accompaniment; accompaniment alone)
  • play: major and minor scales in keys up to and including four sharps and four flats; triads, chords, and arpeggios, in the same keys as above; and chromatic scales from any note

By the end of the second year of study, students must be able to:

  • perform independently-prepared repertoire at the level of Grade VI
  • sight-read pieces at the level of Grade IV
  • transpose pieces at the level of Grade IV
  • improvise accompaniments utilizing more extensive harmonic and contrapuntal vocabulary (melody and accompaniment; accompaniment alone)
  • play complete scales, triads, chords, and arpeggios in all keys
  • play ensemble scores, with preparation and also at sight

Continuation Requirements

All students in the B.Mus. program will be reviewed annually to determine whether they should be allowed to continue in their course of study. Every year students should improve their performance technique, refine their interpretative abilities, increase the scope of their repertoire on their principal instruments, and be acquiring the basic musicianship skills that are essential for a professional career in music.

The primary means of evaluating a student's progress in music performance is a jury or recital required at the end of each winter session. A student who achieves a grade of less than B- on a jury or recital will be placed on probation. A student on probation who scores less than B- on a jury or recital will be required to withdraw from the B.Mus. program.

If a student’s grade on a jury or recital is less than 50%: on recommendation of relevant faculty members, and with the approval of the relevant division chair, the student may be permitted to redo all or part of the failed jury or recital program for the purpose of re-examination. Only one re-examination is permitted. The re-examination grade will count as the final jury or recital grade. A student whose final jury or recital grade is less than 50% will not be eligible for individual lessons during the following Winter Session and will be required to withdraw from the B.Mus. program at the end of that Session.

Students should master basic musicianship skills early in their program. Only students who have passed MUSC_V 106 may take third-year performance lessons. Only students who have passed MUSC_V 205 may take fourth-year performance lessons.

There are higher standards for continuation in the Piano, Voice, Opera, Orchestral Instrument Performance, Organ, Harpsichord, and Composition majors. They are specified in the descriptions of those majors in this Calendar. Students who do not meet these standards may not continue in those majors, although they may be allowed to continue in the B.Mus. program as General Studies majors.

Students must also meet the Faculty of Arts Continuation Requirements. Students whose grade-point average falls below Faculty minimums, or who fail a required course twice, must withdraw from the B.Mus. program.

Private Instrumental Instruction

Students may be registered for private instruction on their principal instrument only in a session in which they are taking at least 15 credits, and only if they are taking concurrently, or have already taken, all ensembles required in their major for the year level of their private instrumental instruction.

Recitals by Faculty and Students

Recitals include the following:

  • Faculty Recitals. Members of the faculty present formal recitals throughout the academic year. All students in the Bachelor of Music program are expected to attend.
  • Wednesday Noon-Hour Recitals. On many Wednesdays, recitals feature outstanding soloists and chamber ensembles. Students in the Bachelor of Music program are expected to attend.
  • Student Recital Series. More formal recitals are presented occasionally during the academic year. Normally several students will share one of these periods on the recommendation of the faculty. Attendance is expected of students majoring in performance.
  • Graduation Recitals. All students majoring in performance (except opera) must present full-length graduation recitals in partial fulfilment of their degree requirements. Students in the Bachelor of Music program are expected to attend.

Writing and Research Requirements

To qualify for the Bachelor of Music, students must satisfy the Writing and Research Requirement as well as a Literature Requirement. The research component of the Writing and Research Requirement is satisfied by the work in fourth-year performance lessons (MUSC_V 482, 493, or 494).

Credit/D/Fail Courses

Students in the B. Mus. program may attempt only non-music elective courses on a Credit/D/Fail basis.

Non-Music Electives

The following courses are acceptable for credit as non-music electives in the Bachelor of Music:

  • all courses in the Faculty of Arts (other than music courses) and Science
  • all courses in Family Studies (FMST_V)
  • 18 credits in courses outside Arts and Science

Dean's List

Students who complete 27 credits or more in any Winter Session with an overall average of 85% or higher receive the notation "Dean's List" on their permanent records.

Class Standing at Graduation

The designation “with Distinction” will be notated on the degree parchment for any student who has achieved an average of at least 80.00% but less than 85.00%, calculated on all attempted UBC academic courses numbered 300 or higher. The designation “with High Distinction” will be notated on the degree parchment for any student who has achieved an average of at least 85%, calculated on all attempted UBC academic courses numbered 300 or higher.

Ensemble and composition courses with 100- or 200-level course numbers will count as 300- or 400-level courses, and hence as part of the upper-level average calculation, when taken in the third or fourth years.

Additional Degree Options

Additional Majors and Minors outside Music

Students enrolled in the B.Mus. program can combine their major with a major or minor of the B.A. program. For successful completion of the B.A. Major, they must take at least 42 credits in a field or specialization, of which 18 must be in courses numbered 300 or above; in addition, they must fulfill all the requirements set by the Faculty of Arts department or program. For successful completion of a B.Mus. with an Honours in Mathematics, see the requirements of the Combined Honours in Mathematics and Another Subject.

A very limited number of B.Mus. students may also minor in Commerce. Eligibility is restricted as specified for the B.A. Minor in Commerce. Enrolment must also be approved by the senior Undergraduate advisor in the School of Music.

Dual Degree Program Option in Music and Education

This concurrent program option offers students the opportunity to earn both the Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.; General Studies: Secondary Education Stream) and the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.; Music) in five years. Students must satisfy all the requirements of both degrees and will not be adjudicated for graduation for one degree before requirements for both are complete. After completing all the requirements, students are normally eligible for a British Columbia Professional Certificate in Teaching.


Students interested in the Dual Degree in Music and Education should proceed as follows:

  1. When initially applying to UBC, complete the supplemental application for admission to the Bachelor of Music and select the Major in General Studies: Secondary Education Stream.
  2. In Year 2, successfully complete EDCP_V 210 in Term 1, and then apply for admission to the dual degree in Music and Education by January 311. The dual degree application can be found on the School of Music website.

1Field experience is a requirement of EDCP_V 210, and students are thus required to complete a criminal record check prior to the start of the course.

Admission at any time is conditional; maintenance of good academic standing and an average of at least 65% in each session are required throughout. Students who do not maintain a 65% average will be required to withdraw from Education but may continue with the Bachelor of Music if they meet the continuation requirements.

Additionally, students must earn a grade of 76% or higher in both EDCP_V 312A and EDCP_V 313A to be eligible to proceed to year 5 of the B.Mus./B.Ed. dual program in Music Education: Secondary.

The Dual Degree Option is not open to students with a previous degree. Students must communicate with the School of Music’s Student Advisor and the Teacher Education Office annually after admission to the program to discuss their progress.

Program Requirements


First Year (Winter) 
WRDS_V 150 or ENGL_V 10023
MUSC_V 1003
MUSC_V 1013
MUSC_V 1051
MUSC_V 1061
MUSC_V 1193
MUSC_V 1203
MUSC_V 1213
MUSC_V 1824
MUSC_V 1412
Large Ensemble3-4
Small Ensemble2
Total Credits31-32
Second Year (Winter) 
EDCP_V 21033
ENGL_V 11043
MUSC_V 2003
MUSC_V 2013
MUSC_V 2051
MUSC_V 2061
MUSC_V 2203
MUSC_V 2213
MUSC_V 2824
MUSC_V 2412
Large Ensemble3-4
Total Credits29-30
Third Year (Winter) 
EPSE_V 3083
MUSC_V 3003
MUSC_V 3092
MUSC_V 3102
MUSC_V 3112
MUSC_V 3122
MUSC_V 3132
MUSC_V 1122
MUSC_V 1222
MUSC_V 1312
MUSC_V 3824
Large Ensemble3-4
Total Credits29-30
Fourth Year (Winter) 
EDCP_V 3124
EDCP_V 3134
EDST_V 4013
EPSE_V 310B2
EPSE_V 311B1
EPSE_V 3173
LLED_V 3603
MUSC_V 4824
Music Electives5
Large Ensemble3-4
Total Credits32-33
Fourth Year (Summer) 
EDCP_V 4103
EDST_V 4031
EDST_V 4041
EDUC_V 4403
LLED_V 3613
Total Credits11
Fifth Year (Winter) 
EDCP_V 311A3
EDCP_V 4123
EDUC_V 3152
EDUC_V 42112
EDUC_V 4301
EDUC_V 450B3
EDUC_V 451B3
EDUC_V 452B53
Total Credits30
Minimum credits for dual degree162
Education courses sequence may vary where necessary in order to accommodate students. 
1 Admission to the Dual Degree is also possible in Year 3. Students applying in Year 3 should take both EDCP_V 210 and EPSE_V 308 in Year 3.
2 The Writing Requirement (WRDS_V 150 or ENGL_V 100) must be attempted within the first 30 credits of the program and must be completed successfully within the first 60 credits.
3 Field experience is a requirement of EDCP_V 210, and students are thus required to complete a criminal record check prior to the start of the course.
4 This course satisfies the Bachelor of Music Literature Requirement. Any English (ENGL_V) course from the Literature Requirement list may substitute for ENGL_V 110. Together, ENGL_V 110 and the Writing Requirement provide the 6 credits of English literature and composition that are required for teacher certification in BC.
5 EDUC_V 452B (Final Inquiry III): a course section for Dual Degree Program Option students is scheduled for last week of April and first week of May. EDUC_V 430 (Community Based Experience) may be integrated with this specially designated course. Alternatively, dual degree students have the option of taking EDUC_V 430 and EDUC_V 452B as normally scheduled in Winter Term 2 and Summer Term 2 respectively, as per the 12-month B.Ed. schedule.

Dual Degree Program in Music and Science

This program offers capable students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Music and a Bachelor of Science degree in most combinations of one Music (B.Mus.) major program and one Science (B.Sc.) major program. Most combinations can be completed in six winter sessions.

Admission to the B.Mus. program requires an audition. Potential B.Mus. students interested in the Dual Degree Program must consult both a senior advisor in the School of Music and the Science Information & Advising Centre at the time of application to UBC. Admitted B.Mus. students who are recommended by the School of Music may apply for admission to the Program through the Science Information & Advising Centre, normally during Term 2 of their first year in the B.Sc. program. Acceptance into the Dual Degree Program will be based on: (1) the recommendation from the School of Music; (2) a review of the applicant's transcript to determine that both the prerequisite studies and competitive admission standards of the Faculty of Science have been met; and (3) a review of a statement of academic purpose.

Registered first- or second-year B.Mus. students may also apply to the Program but must meet the current admission requirements of the Faculty of Science and must have met the academic standing requirements of the program while at UBC (see below). Applications from students with a higher year standing will not be considered. Admission to specializations within Science and Music may be competitive and admission to the Program does not imply future admission to particular specializations. The Program is not open to students with a previous degree.

Admission at any time is conditional; maintenance of good academic standing and at least a 68% (B-) average in each term are required throughout the program. Students must satisfy all of the degree and program requirements for both the major in the Bachelor of Music and the major in the Bachelor of Science. Individual courses may be considered to satisfy requirements for both degrees; MUSC_V courses may satisfy the Arts and breadth requirements for the B.Sc. major program. MUSC_V courses numbered below 300 may not count toward the upper-level credit requirement for the B.Sc. program. Students should endeavour to satisfy lower-level course prerequisites for both programs in their first two years. Students must communicate with both an advisor in the School of Music and one in the Science advising office prior to enrolling in their first year of courses and at least annually thereafter.

Minor in Science

B.Mus. students can also take a Minor in Science. An acceptable program must comprise courses recognized in the Faculty of Science that are for credit toward a Bachelor of Science and consist of at least 18 credits numbered 300 or higher in a single subject or field of specialization, together with any necessary prerequisites. Students should design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for their proposed Minor, which must be approved by a senior advisor in Music at the beginning of the second year. All courses must be acceptable for a Science Major in the proposed subject area or field.

Courses in musical performance, conducting, and arranging offered by the Faculty of Education are not acceptable for credit in Music degrees, except as specified in the programs of the Elementary and Secondary Education Streams of the General Studies Major.

Double Major

A student who is exceptionally qualified may undertake two majors concurrently in the B.Mus. To graduate with a double major, a student must be admitted to the two majors by established procedures (by audition, for most majors), and must satisfy the continuation requirements of both majors each year, and must complete all course requirements for both majors. Neither of the majors may be General Studies.

Minor in Applied Music Technology

The Minor in Applied Music Technology provides knowledge, guidance, and experience to support professional artistic activities involving music and technology. This Minor involves 18 credits of 300- and 400-level courses that explore the use of technology in music and sound creation.

To be considered for admission to this Minor, applicants must have completed prerequisites MUSC_V 100 and 119, and required courses MUSC_V 319 and 320 with high standing. Applicants will submit three examples of coursework or independent projects that demonstrate their aptitude and potential for research, software development, and artistic creation using recent and emerging music technologies.

First and Second Years

Prerequisites (6 credits):

  • MUSC_V 100 (3) Principles of Musical Form
  • MUSC_V 119 (3) Introduction to Music Technology

Required courses1 (6 credits):

  • MUSC_V 319 (3) Introduction to Electroacoustic Music
  • MUSC_V 320 (3) Computer Music

Third and Fourth Years

Required courses (6 credits):

  • MUSC_V 419 (3) Interactive Performance Systems
  • MUSC_V 420 (3) Music Technology Capstone Project

Electives (6 credits), to be chosen from the following list, subject to the restrictions of the student's degree and major. Approval of the Music Technology Coordinator is required.

  • MUSC_V 419 (3) Interactive Performance Systems2 (taken a second time)
  • any 300- or 400-level MUSC_V course (non-music majors see MUSC_V 321-330)
  • PHYS_V 341 (3) Physics of Music (strongly recommended for Music majors)
  • ARTH_V 340 (3) 20th Century Art and Culture: The Triumph and Demise of Modernism
  • ARTH_V 341 (3) 20th Century Art and Culture: The Postmodern
  • any 300- or 400-level CINE_V (or FIST_V) course
  • COGS_V 300 (3) Understanding and Designing Cognitive Systems
  • COGS_V 303 (3) Research Methods and Cognitive Systems
  • CPSC_V 310 (3) Introduction to Software Engineering
  • any 300- or 400-level FIPR_V course
  • LING_V 311 (3) Studies in Phonology
  • LING_V 314 (3) Instrumental Phonetics
  • THTR_V 308 (3) Sound Design
  • VISA_V 310 (3) Intermediate Digital Arts I
  • VISA_V 311 (3) Intermediate Digital Arts II

1Interested students are encouraged to take MUSC_V 319 and 320 in second year, but the minor can still be completed in four years by students who take these courses in third year.
2This course can be repeated for credit, as its content is different every year.

Minor in Education

The Minor in Education allows Bachelor of Music students to combine Arts subject content with an area of Education through which that content can be more broadly explored and applied. These investigations through the lens of education can lead to career options involving education theory and pedagogy, both for teaching careers and other professional goals. The Minor in Education provides prerequisites to higher education programs and required courses necessary for specialized teacher education.

This Minor does not qualify students to teach in the K-12 system; students with this interest should either (a) enrol in the Dual Degree in Music and Education, or (b) enrol in the B.Ed. program after completing the B.Mus. degree.

The Minor in Education consists of 30 credits, 18 of which are drawn from specified core Education courses and 12 of which are drawn from supportive Arts courses at the 300-400 level. Five different versions are available:

  • Special Education
  • Interpersonal Development
  • Community, Adult, and Higher Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Language Learning and Teaching

The Education subject courses for each option are listed further below.

Students who wish to declare the Minor must be eligible for 3rd year standing and must meet with Music Advising prior to third-year registration for approval of the 12 credits of supportive Arts courses. No more than 6 of the 12 Arts credits may also be counted toward the B.Mus. major, and not all MUSC_V courses will satisfy this requirement. Music Advising may consult with Arts Advising and the Teacher Education office for final approval of the supportive Arts courses.

Education subject courses consist of the following:

  • Special Education: EPSE_V 303, EPSE_V 312, EPSE_V 316, EPSE_V 348, EPSE_V 436, EPSE_V 437
  • Interpersonal Development: CNPS_V 362, CNPS_V 363, CNPS_V 364, CNPS_V 365, CNPS_V 427, CNPS_V 433
  • Community, Adult, and Higher Education: ADHE_V 327, ADHE_V 329, ADHE_V 330, ADHE_V 412, plus two additional Education courses chosen in consultation with academic advising in the Faculty of Education
  • Early Childhood Education: ECED_V 400, ECED_V 401, ECED_V 406, ECED_V 407, ECED_V 420, ECED_V 421
  • Language Learning and Teaching: LLED_V 489A1 and LLED_V 489B, plus 12 credits from LLED_V 399, LLED_V 429, LLED_V 433-435, LLED_V 450-457, LLED_V 478-480

1ENGL_V 330 or ENGL_V 331 may be substituted for LLED_V 489A, in which case students may include these ENGL_V credits towards the required 12 credits of Arts and must take 3 additional LLED credits to reach a total of 18 credits of LLED for the Minor.

Minor in Land and Food Systems

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems offers six optional minors for Arts students. Upon declaration of one of the following minor options, the notation "Minor in [Subject]" will be denoted on the student's transcript. Note that most upper-level Land and Food Systems and Science courses have lower-level pre-requisites. Interested students are encouraged to meet with a Music Advisor as early as possible to discuss program planning.

The Applied Animal Biology Minor comprises 18 credits selected from APBI_V 311 (BIOL_V 364), 312, 314, 315, 316, 327 (BIOL_V 327), 398, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 427 (BIOL_V 411), 496; PSYC_V 306.

The Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Minor comprises 18 credits selected from APBI_V 318, 322, 324 (BIOL_V 324), 327 (BIOL_V 327), 328 (BIOL_V 317), 342 (FRST_V 310), 351 (BIOL_V 351/FRST_V 311), 401, 402, 403, 417, 426 (BIOL_V 421), 428, 440 (BIOL_V 440), 444 (FRST_V 444).

The Food and Resource Economics Minor comprises 18 credits selected from ECON_V 371, FRE_V 302, 306, 326, 340, 374 (ECON_V 374), 385, 402, 420, 460, 490.

The Food Science Minor comprises 18 credits selected from FNH_V 300, 301, 302, 303, 309, 313, 330, 335, 402, 403, 405, 413, 419, 430.

The Nutritional Sciences Minor comprises 21 credits:

  • FNH_V 250, 350, 351; and
  • 12 credits from FNH_V 301, 355, 370, 398, 402, 451, 454, 455, 471, 472, 473, 474, 477, 490

The Sustainable Food Systems Minor comprises 24 credits:

  • LFS_V 250 and 350;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 314, 315, BIOL_V 343, EDCP_V 329, FNH_V 342, 355, 455, LFS_V 340, SOCI_V 342, 360, 423, GEOG_V 410;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 360, 402, 428, 444, ENVR_V 430, 440, FNH_V 309, GEOG_V 310, 318;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 361, 414, FNH_V 415, FRE_V 302, 306, 340, 374, 460, GEOG_V 311, SCIE_V 420;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 465, LFS_V 450, 496; and
  • 3 additional credits from any 300- or 400-level course listed above

Space in many Faculty of Science and Faculty of Land and Food Systems courses is limited. Admission to a Land and Food Systems minor does not provide priority access to courses agreed upon for the minor.

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