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Degree Requirements for Secondary Teacher Education

Graduates of the secondary options are prepared to teach one or two subjects in secondary schools (Grades 8-12), depending on prior background.

Specializations are offered in virtually all subject areas currently taught in secondary schools in British Columbia. The program offers curriculum and pedagogy courses for all specializations offered.

Teacher candidates in the secondary option are encouraged to develop a disposition toward inquiry and research through coursework, inquiry seminars, and practicum experiences. Strands woven throughout the program include: 1) inquiry and dialogical understanding; 2) curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment; 3) diversity, social justice, and aboriginal perspectives; 4) language, literacies, and cultures; and 5) field experiences. Field experiences occur in secondary school settings, Grade 8-12 as well as in alternate school settings, and/or community-based field contexts, such as museums, art galleries, rural, and international schools.

After completing all program requirements, students are awarded the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and are normally eligible for a BC Professional Teaching Certificate. See also Technology Education Program Options and Career Education Program Option: Chef Education Specialization.

Secondary Degree Requirements

EDUC_V 3152
EDUC_V 42112
EDUC_V 4301
EDUC_V 4403
EDUC_V 4503
EDUC_V 4513
EDUC_V 4523
EPSE_V 3084
EPSE_V 3103
EPSE_V 3173
EDST_V 4013
EDST_V 4031
EDST_V 4041
LLED_V 3603
LLED_V 3613
Curriculum 1 Required3
Curriculum 2 Elective13
Curriculum 3 Elective13
Program Total (Science specialists and generalists, and also Music specialists)60-66
Program Total60
1 Credit value for electives will vary for teacher candidates in science (biology, chemistry, physics and/or earth science)

Technology Education Program Option

The Faculty of Education, in cooperation with the British Columbia Institute of Technology, offers a program option to prepare secondary school technology education teachers. The full post-secondary preparation for teachers of technology education consists of the equivalent of five academic years (150-152 credits) of liberal, technical, and pedagogical courses and school experiences.

  1. 30 credits of Arts and/or science.
    • 6 credits of English literature and composition: all applicants must have completed 6 credits of English literature and composition prior to admission to the UBC Technology Education Program Option.
    • 24 additional credits of Arts and/or science: the Faculty strongly recommends that all applicants have completed the remaining 24 credits in Arts/science prior to admission to the UBC Technology Education program. However, those who have completed the two year BCIT technology teacher education diploma, but who have not completed the remaining 24 credits of Arts/science may also be considered for admission to UBC. Students who are admitted to the UBC Technology Education Program Option without completion of 24 credits in Arts/science will not be recommended for conferral of the Bachelor of Education degree on completion of the program at the Faculty. (The students are recommended to the Teacher Certification Branch for a conditional certificate.) They must have completed all 24 remaining credits in Arts/science before they become eligible for the B.Ed.
    • Applicants who have completed a previous Interprovincial Trades Qualification “Red Seal” with a diploma/certificate in certain trades programs will be considered for advance credits towards the Bachelor of Education degree, up to a maximum of 18 credits. This is determined on a case-by-case basis by Admissions.
  2. Students who have completed academic requirements for a concentration or a major in another subject prescribed by the UBC Faculty of Education may also be admitted to both a major in technology education and a concentration or a major in the second subject and prepare to teach both subjects.
  3. Two-year BCIT technology teacher education diploma or equivalent: Courses must include all of the following: information technology; materials and process technology; and systems integration technology.
  4. The pedagogical studies component for a Technology Education major includes the same 60 credits that are required of all students in the secondary program option. This program is outlined in the Degree Requirements for Secondary Teacher Education (see above).

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