Applied Animal Biology Major

Applied Animal Biology Major

Applied Animal Biology is intended for students who want to study and/or work with animals. It provides students with fundamentals of animal behaviour, animal physiology and related fields as applied to farm, companion and other animals. It also exposes students to the role of animals in human society and the ethical, environmental and other issues that arise. It offers training in research skills needed for graduate work, and (with appropriate selection of courses) prepares students for admission to veterinary and human medicine. Students have various options to gain practical experience on farms and in laboratories, animal shelters and wildlife rehabilitation centres.

Degree Requirements


First Year 
LFS_V 1001
LFS_V 150 or ENGL_V 112 or WRDS_V 15013
BIOL_V 112 and 1216
BIOL_V 1802
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)24
CHEM_V 123 (or 113)4
MATH_V 100 or equivalent33
PHYS_V 131, 101, 106, 107, or 11743
Restricted electives53
Unrestricted electives63
Total Credits32
Second Year 
LFS_V 2506
LFS_V 252 (or FRST_V 231 or BIOL_V 300)3
BIOL_V 200 & 2016
CHEM_V 233 & 2354
MICB_V 2113
Restricted electives59
Total Credits31
Third Year 
Restricted electives524
Unrestricted electives66
Total Credits30
Fourth Year 
Restricted electives515
Unrestricted electives615
Total Credits30
Overall four-year total7123
1 Or equivalent course to fulfill Communication Requirement. 
2 CHEM_V 111 is not for students with Chemistry 12. 
3 MATH_V 102 can also fulfill first year Math requirement. Students who have not completed Calculus 12 must take MATH_V 180 or 184 to fulfill their first year Math requirement. 
4 Students without credit for Physics 12 must take PHYS_V 100 before taking other 100-level PHYS_V courses. 
5 To be selected in consultation with a program advisor. Typically includes courses in APBI_V, BIOL_V, and FNH_V. For suggested courses see Restricted Electives List. 
6 Third and fourth year unrestricted electives should be selected from either 300- or 400-level courses. 
7 A minimum of 45 credits of the 123 credits required for the Major must be from courses numbered 300 or higher. 

Applied Animal Biology Honours Program

The Applied Animal Biology Honours program is intended for exceptional students with an interest in research. Students interested in careers in research-intensive areas including veterinary medicine, biomedical science, animal welfare, animal nutrition, and wildlife conservation may especially benefit from this opportunity.

Who Should Apply?

This program will only accept students with both a strong academic record and an interest in research.


Successful applicants will have a cumulative average greater than 75%.


Students apply near the end of their second year of study by contacting the Student Services Office at the Faculty of Land and Food Systems. The applicant must write a letter explaining why they wish to enrol, their career goals, and any past or current research experience they may have.

Successful Applicants

Successful applicants admitted into the Honours Program must complete a minimum of 132 credits rather than the 123 credits required to graduate with an Applied Animal Biology degree. Honors students must consult with a program advisor, and must remain in contact with an advisor throughout their degree studies. Students must complete their degree within a maximum of 5 calendar years. During the third and fourth years, Honours students must not fail any attempted courses, must complete a minimum of 30 credits per Academic Year (May 1 – Apr 30), and maintain a minimum of 70% in every 300- and 400-level course completed. Students who do not meet these requirements will move to the Applied Animal Biology Major and will no longer be eligible to stay in the Honours program. Any student experiencing extenuating circumstances and unable to fulfill the credit load requirements for this program may be permitted to continue in the Honours program with permission from the Program Director, Applied Biology.

Required Courses

  • APBI_V 398 (3 credits) - Research Methods in Applied Biology
  • APBI_V 499 (6 credits) - Thesis

APBI 499_V Thesis Course

By the end of their third year of study, students are expected to contact a prospective supervisor for the APBI_V 499 thesis course to discuss possible thesis topics. A thesis application/proposal form is expected to be filled out by the student and approved by the prospective supervisor prior to the term in which the thesis will begin.

Benefits of a Thesis

The APBI_V 499 thesis gives students an opportunity to work closely with a supervisor and work with material at an advanced level. This experience will give students an idea of what it is like to work at the graduate level, working on a single topic over many months. The thesis will also provide experience in academic writing and communications.

Benefits of the Honours Program

Graduates of the program will have:
1. demonstrated their ability to succeed in a challenging program of study
2. gained exposure to a wide variety of topics in applied animal biology
3. in-depth experience in one or more areas of research
4. worked closely with faculty members and other researchers
5. gained skills in independent research and oral and written communication useful for a wide range of professional careers in knowledge-intensive industries


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