Population and Public Health

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc., M.G.H., M.H.A., M.H.Sc., M.P.H., M.P.H./M.S.N.



A. Anis, N. Bansback, C. Black, M. Brauer, M. Brussoni, S. Bryan, S. Cox, H. Davies, E. Frank, P. Janssen, K.S. Joseph, R. Kassam, A. Kazanjian, M. Koehoorn, M. Law, A. Manges, L. Mâsse, K. McGrail, C. R. Mitton, S. Morgan, M. Naus, T. Oberlander, G. Ogilvie, E. Oviedo-Joekes, D. M. Patrick, M. T. Schechter, B. Sobolev, J. Spiegel, P. Spittal, J. Sutherland, A. Yassi.

Professors Emeriti

T. W. Anderson, M. L. Barer, K. Bartlett, P. Berman, M. Burgess, J. Buxton, P. Danielson, J. D. Forrester, C. J. Frankish, C. Gotay, S. Kennedy, J. Kopec, C. Lovato, S. A. Marion, R. G. Mathias, M. McDonald, R. E. Modrow, B. J. Morrison, G. Poole, S. B. Sheps, J. Singer, K. E. Teschke, D. H. Uyeno, C. van Netten.

Associate Professors

T. Dummer, R. Elango, A. Gadermann, M. Guhn, K. Kalua, P. Kershaw, Y. MacNab, C. McLeod, M. Milloy, R. Murphy, E. Oberle, D. Silver, D. Steel, S. Stringhini, H. Wong.

Assistant Professors

K. Deering, D. Greyson, E. Karim, V. Sriram, D. Vigo.

Program Overview

The School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) offers research and professional graduate programs leading to the:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (with dissertation)
  • Master of Science in Population and Public Health (with thesis)
  • Master of Science in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (with project or thesis options)
  • Master of Health Administration (course-based), designed for health administrators
  • Master of Health Science (course-based), designed to provide graduate education for physicians
  • Master of Global Health (practicum-based), designed to provide graduate education for individuals from diverse backgrounds who recognize the importance of adding health and international perspectives to the work they are currently doing and those who would like to enter global health practice
  • Master of Public Health (practicum-based), designed to provide graduate education for individuals currently in public health practice or wishing to enter the field
  • Combined Program Option: Master of Public Health (practicum-based) with Diploma in Dental Public Health (course-based). This combined program option is a non-clinical specialty program that is offered in conjunction with a Master of Public Health (M.P.H.).

The programs may be focused on any of the faculty's areas of strength: epidemiology, clinical epidemiology, biostatistics, community health, global health, health services management and planning, health services research, health-care policy, health economics, occupational and environmental health, maternal-child health, and preventive medicine and health promotion

Prospective students should visit SPPH online to learn more about the current research interests and projects of faculty members.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact faculty as potential supervisors and discuss research plans prior to applying for admission to the Ph.D. and M.Sc. programs. For those applicants who are not able to do so (e.g., due to distance), SPPH will assign a faculty advisor prior to the beginning of first term based on the application documentation regarding area of research focus and background.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Applicants with a master's degree (or recognized equivalent) in the health or related sciences will be considered eligible to apply for admission. Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and must be accepted by the School of Population and Public Health's Admissions Committee.

Applications are due in January for entry in September as outlined on the SPPH website. as outlined on the SPPH website. Transfer from the master's to the Ph.D. program is permitted under Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies regulations.

The PhD in Population and Public Health is offered as a full-time program, with an expectation that students will devote a minimum of 35-40 hours per week to their studies. Part-time classification is also available; this status must be approved at the point of admission. Once registered part-time, students cannot switch to full-time status.

Program Requirements

The Ph.D. program requirements include 16.5 credits of core courses and any additional courses determined by the student's supervisory committee in consultation with the student; additional courses may be necessary in support of the proposed dissertation research. Students with a master's degree equivalent to the Master of Science offered by the UBC School of Population and Public Health, as determined by the Ph.D. Program Director, must complete a minimum of 7.5 credits of core courses. Additional courses may be required by specific themes; please refer to the SPPH website for details.

All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.Sc. degree program must possess a bachelor's degree (or recognized equivalent) in the health sciences or a related area, and meet the general admission requirements for master's degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Program Requirements

The program normally requires a minimum of two years of full-time study and a maximum of three years with the first eight months devoted primarily to coursework. It enables students to gain core knowledge and skills in epidemiology and biostatistics methods, health services and policy research, or population health to develop research experience by applying these methodologies to a research project under the supervision of a supervisory committee.

The minimum requirement for an M.Sc. is 30 credits. This usually includes the following core courses:

  • SPPH_V 400 (3) or SPPH_V 521 (3)
  • SPPH_V 500 (3)
  • SPPH_V 502 (3)
  • SPPH_V 507 (1.5)
  • SPPH_V 599 (12) – MSc Thesis

And at least one of the following core courses:

  • SPPH_V 503 (3)
  • SPPH_V 506 (3)
  • SPPH_V 519 (3)

Any exceptions must be approved by the Program Director.

Electives should be chosen with the advice of the thesis supervisor and thesis committee.

The number of credits required can range from 36 to 42, and the actual courses required are at the discretion of program supervisors.

MSc in PPH: Health Economics concentration

This designation will appear on a student’s transcript, but not on their parchment.

Course Requirements

In order to complete an MSc with a Health Economics concentration, students must complete the following:

Required Courses

  • SPPH_V 400 (3) or SPPH_V 521 (3)
  • SPPH_V 500 (3)
  • SPPH_V 502 (3)
  • SPPH_V 507 (1.5)
  • *SPPH_V 541 (3)
  • *SPPH_V 542 (3)
  • *SPPH_V 546 (3)
  • SPPH_V 599 (12) – MSc Thesis

Elective Courses (two of four required)

  • *SPPH_V 514 (3)
  • *SPPH_V 543 (3)
  • *SPPH_V 547 (3)
  • *SPPH_V 549 (3)

*These courses are specific requirements of the Health Economics concentration

Students in the Health Economics Concentration must complete their thesis within the field of Health Economics.

Master of Global Health (MGH)

This program is pending final approval by the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

The MGH program will provide students with knowledge, skills, and experiences needed for a career in global health. Global health must address social, environmental, commercial, political, and historical determinants of health as well as access to health care. Meeting these inherently global and collective challenges requires respectful international collaborations and ethically confronting drivers of ongoing inequities, including those within global health itself. The program aims to take a local to global, back to local approach to exploring challenges and solutions to global health issues. According to this conception, global health is matter of what one studies and works on, not necessarily where.

Program learning outcomes of the MGH emphasize knowledge of key global health subject areas and skills needed for global health practice. The central knowledge areas include:

• Global disease burden,
• Global environmental determinants of health,
• Global health policies and governance, and
• Ethics and decolonization in global health

The practical skills include:

• Critical appraisal of evidence and policies,
• Cultural humility, equitable partnerships, and collaboration with diverse partners,
• Program planning, evaluation, and implementation

Admission Requirements:

Successful applicants must meet UBC’s graduate level admission requirements. Applicants from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must provide results of English language proficiency prior to being extended an offer of admission. Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application. Acceptable English language proficiency tests for the MGH are:

• TOEFL (score of 100 or higher); OR
• IELTS Academic Test (overall score of 7.0 or higher and component scores of 6.5 or higher)

Students admitted to the MGH program normally possess a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Science, or professional undergraduate degree in a related area (e.g., Medical Doctor, pharmacy, nursing, dietetics, social work etc.). Admission will be granted competitively based on a combination of grade point averages, (professional) experience, personal statement, and two letters of recommendation.

Part-time Master’s Classification is also available. Students who wish to be classified as part-time must obtain approval from their graduate program advisor and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies prior to the beginning of the first term of the program. Once registered part-time, students cannot switch to full-time status.

Program Requirements:

A total of 45 credits are requires to graduate from this program:

• 30 credits of required coursework: GLBH_V 501 (3), GLBH_V 502 (3), GLBH_V 503 (3), SPPH_V 581H (3), GLBH_V 504 (3), GLBH_V 505 (3), GLBH_V 506 (3), GLBH_V 507 (3), GLBH_V 508 (3), and PPGA_V 569 (3).
• 9 additional course credits to be selected in consultation with the Program Director or Manager. A maximum of 6 credits can be at the undergraduate level in courses numbered 300 to 499. See the program website for a list of recommended elective courses.
• A 6-credit, 12-week full-time equivalent practicum (GLBH_V 510) which concludes with student presentation at an end-of-program symposium.

The expected time to completion with full-time enrollment is 20 months. Student may enroll on a part-time basis and take up to 4 years to complete the program. For additional information please visit the M.G.H. Program.

Contact information:

School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Telephone: 604-822-2772
Web: https://spph.ubc.ca/

Master of Health Administration

The M.H.A. program is offered by SPPH, Faculty of Medicine, in collaboration with the UBC Sauder School of Business.

The M.H.A. curriculum provides the educational and professional foundations for leadership in the health services field. It emphasizes analytical thinking and aims to provide graduates who are skilled professionals with in-depth applied administrative research tools. Graduates are expected to be capable of identifying and solving complex organizational and assessment problems in the health services sector.

The M.H.A. has a professional executive focus and is taught in modular (1.5 credit) format: Friday afternoon through to Sunday afternoon, approximately one weekend per month. The full program takes two calendar years to complete. All 24 courses are required, in addition to a 6-credit major Research Project (SPHA_V 590). The program is cohort-based and delivered at UBC Robson Square, and is therefore not available as a distance education or online option.

Admission Requirements

Applications for admission to the M.H.A. program will be evaluated based on a combination of academic achievement, GMAT/GRE results, or a similar standardized test (MCAT, LSAT, PCAT) or a grade of B+ or higher in an undergraduate statistics or mathematics course, and/or relevant work experience. In addition to the minimum requirements, applicants are required to include a letter of intent that outlines their motivation for completing the M.H.A. program, as well as a current resumé and three letters of reference.

Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Professional experience and publications may be considered for those who do not meet the minimum Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Program Requirements

The M.H.A. program consists of 42 credits: 24 modules (1.5 credits each) plus the 6-credit SPHA_V 590: Research Project. At the discretion of the Program Director, a student may substitute SPHA_V 581: Directed Studies to meet a portion of the total credit requirement. The courses and project are normally completed within 22-24 months. For additional information please visit the M.H.A. Program.

Master of Health Science

The M.H.Sc. program is designed to provide graduate education primarily for physicians. The emphasis is on the application of rigorous methodology to the study of health issues in populations, spanning assessment, and policy development and assurance.

Coursework is in a wide variety of topics: etiologic research; data base analysis; assessment of diagnostic tests; clinical trials; policy analysis; utilization studies; investigations of occupational and environmental health issues. The program's goal is to enhance the students' development of critical thinking and skills in research design and conduct.

Admission Requirements

Applicants will be considered for admission if they have an M.D., meet the general requirements of admission to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and satisfy the M.H.Sc.'s minimum admission prerequisites.

All application materials must be received by February 1 for entry in September.

Program Requirements

Students are required to take a minimum of 30 credits, including 12 credits of specified core courses (SPPH_V 400 or SPPH_V 521, 500, 502, and 513), pass a comprehensive exam, and complete a major paper (SPPH_V 529). For more information, see SPPH_V Courses.

Courses will be recommended by the Program Director, depending on the student's background and proposed career goals to a minimum of 30 credits. The comprehensive exam is held in the last two weeks of April for students who have completed the 30 course credits requirement.

Master of Public Health

The Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) is a two-year (6 term) non-thesis program with a 12-week, full-time practicum.

M.P.H students will develop competencies related to the following themes:

  • Colonization & public health
  • Ethics & public health practice
  • Statistics for public health practice
  • Qualitative data for public health practice
  • Epidemiological methods
  • Social determinants of health
  • Climate change, environment & One Health
  • Policy
  • Economics
  • Evaluation
  • Knowledge translation
  • Leadership

There are two entry points into the M.P.H. program. Physicians in UBC’s Public Health and Preventive Medicine residency program complete the M.P.H. program over four terms (one year, 42 credits). All other students complete the M.P.H. program over six terms (two years, 60 credits).

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet the minimum admission requirements for masters degree programs set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Physicians in UBC’s Public Health and Preventive Medicine residency program must complete the M.P.H. program over four terms (one year, 42 credits).

For additional information on eligibility requirements, please visit the M.P.H. website.

Program Requirements

The M.P.H. is a two-year non-thesis degree consisting of a minimum of 60 credits. Students must take 36 credits of core courses related to the above core themes.

The M.P.H. program identifies courses that satisfy these requirements on its website.

Students are required to successfully complete 18 additional course credits, to be selected in consultation with their Program Director or Manager. See the program website for pathways by which students can fulfill these elective credits.

In addition, students must complete a 12-week, full-time-equivalent practicum worth 6 credits.

Physicians completing the M.P.H. as a component of the UBC Public Health and Preventive Medicine residency program must complete the 42- credit pathway approved by the MPH and PHPM Program Directors that meets the competencies required of both programs.

Further information about pathways to complete the program curriculum is available on the M.P.H. website.

Combined Program Option: Master of Public Health/Diploma in Dental Public Health

The combined Master of Public Health/Diploma in Dental Public Health is not currently accepting applications for admission.

This combined program option is a non-clinical specialty program that is offered in conjunction with the Master of Public Health (M.P.H.).

The combined program provides education and training for potential dental public health workers, researchers, and teachers.

The M.P.H. and Diploma in Dental Public Health are awarded conjointly and both must be completed to graduate. The combined program will require 2.5 years to prepare the student for dental public health practice and a research career.

Graduates with a Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) or equivalent will be eligible to take the examinations for specialty certification in Dental Public Health of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada and the American Board of Dental Public Health.

Students without a D.M.D. or equivalent will not be able to take the exam in dental public health at the Royal College of Dentists of Canada and the American Board of Dental Public Health.

Admission Requirements

Students wishing to pursue the combined program must meet the admission requirements for the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Dentistry, and School of Population and Public Health.

Applicants must hold a Doctor of Dental Surgery or Dental Medicine or equivalent, or a Dental Hygiene degree or equivalent, from a recognized university.

Applicants must demonstrate evidence of ability to manage quantitative curriculum. This can be provided either by submitting scores from a Graduate Record Exam taken within the last five years or, alternatively, an official transcript in which the applicant has received at least a B+ or higher in an undergraduate or college mathematics or statistics course taken within the past ten years. Scores from GMAT, MCAT, LSAT, VCAT, PCAT, and DATS will be accepted as alternatives to the GRE score.

Completed applications are reviewed and selected for interview by committee. Personal interviews are mandatory.

For additional information on eligibility requirements, please visit the M.P.H. Program.

Dual Degrees: Master of Public Health/Master of Science in Nursing

The dual Master of Public Health/Master of Science in Nursing is not currently accepting applications for admission.

This program permits students to obtain a dual M.P.H. (Master of Public Health) - M.S.N. (Nursing) degree. Students may apply to the School of Population and Public Health and the School of Nursing to pursue an enriched curriculum in public health and nursing studies. For information specific to the M.S.N. degree portion see, Nursing.

Admission Requirements

Students wishing to pursue the dual M.P.H./M.S.N. degrees program must meet the admission requirements for and be accepted by both the M.P.H. and M.S.N. programs.

Students already admitted to one or the other program may apply to the dual degrees program option during their first year of enrolment. Students wishing to transfer to the program from another UBC program must meet admission requirements and be accepted by both the M.P.H. and M.S.N. programs.

Program Requirements

The two master’s degrees, M.P.H. and M.S.N., are awarded on the completion of 60 credits of work approved by the Directors. Students must complete a total of 60 credits. Of these, at least 30 credits must be SPPH_V courses, including a 6 credit practicum. Unless otherwise approved by the graduate advisors, 30 credits must be NURS_V courses, including a 9 credit thesis or 3 credit SPAR (Scholarly Practice Advancement Research) project.

The M.P.H. and M.S.N. will be conferred at the completion of the dual program after all requirements for both degrees have been met. Students who choose to receive either the M.P.H. or the M.S.N. prior to completion of the dual degrees program may apply for one of the degrees provided all requirements for that degree have been satisfied. Students selecting this option must withdraw from the dual degrees program.

Contact Information

Ph.D., M.Sc.(Population and Public Health), and M.H.Sc.
Emily Van Gulik, Academic Programs Manager
School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604.822.9437
Fax: 604.822.4992
Email: spph.graduate-programs@ubc.ca


Lisa McCune, Senior Education Manager
School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604.822.9548
Fax: 604.822.4994
Email: lisa.m@ubc.ca


M.P.H. and M.Sc. (Occupational and Environmental Hygiene)
Professional Programs Manager
School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604.822.9207
Fax: 604.822.4994
Email: mph@spph.ubc.ca
Web: www.spph.ubc.ca/programs/


Master of Health Administration
Andrea Yan, Program Manager
Tel: 604.822.5391
Fax: 604.822.4994
Email: mha.program@ubc.ca
Web: https://spph.ubc.ca/programs/mha/


M.Sc. Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
Shaine Meghji, Senior Program Assistant
School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604.822.2827
Fax: 604.822.4994
Email: oeh@spph.ubc.ca
Web: www.spph.ubc.ca/programs/msc-oeh/

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