Academic Regulations

Students are subject to UBC’s Academic Policies and Regulations and are directed in particular to UBC’s policies on Student Declaration and Responsibility, Academic Honesty and Standards and Academic Freedom.

Dean’s List

A student with high academic achievement will be acknowledged with the notation ‘Dean’s List’ on the academic transcript when achieving a sessional academic average of 85% or better while taking 24 or more credits in any of years one to four.

Dean's Scholar

A student with high academic achievement will be acknowledged with the notation ‘Dean’s Scholar’ on the academic transcript when achieving a sessional academic average of 90% or better will taking 24 or more credits in any of years one to four.

Degree with Distinction

A student with a high overall academic achievement will be granted a degree with Distinction upon graduation if he or she achieves an overall average of 80% or better on all 200-level and higher courses while registered in the B.Des. program. ‘Degree with Distinction’ will be notated on both the academic transcript as well as the degree parchment.

Design Studio Requirement

Students must register in a design studio course (DES_V 201, 202, 301, 401, 402 or 403) in each term of years two to four of each Winter Session.

Academic Performance Evaluation

Academic performance evaluations (Sessional Academic Evaluations) are conducted for each student at the end of each Winter Session in order to evaluate a student’s eligibility to continue, for promotion to the subsequent year and for eligibility for graduation.

One of three Academic Standings is assigned as a result of a Sessional Academic Evaluation: In Good Standing, On Academic Probation, Failed.

Academic standing and progression requirements are listed for each year in the table below:


Year LevelSessional Academic AverageAcademic Standing at the Time of EvaluationResulting Academic StandingPromotion Status
1-460% or betterAny StandingIn Good StandingPermitted continue
1-450% - 59.9%In Good StandingOn Academic ProbationPermitted to continue
1-450% - 59.9%On Academic ProbationFailedRequired to withdraw
1-4Less than 50%Any StandingFailedRequired to withdraw

A student with a second Failed Standing will be required to withdraw from the University.

Returning to Good Standing from Academic Probation

A student on Academic Probation, i.e. achieved a sessional average between 50% - 59.9%, is required to meet with the Bachelor of Design Student Services Coordinator in order to develop a schedule of courses for the subsequent year. The student must achieve a Sessional Academic Average of 60% or better in the approved schedule of courses during the next registered session in order to return to Good Standing. The schedule must be approved by the Chair of the Bachelor of Design or his or her designate.


Promotion from Year 1 to Year 2 is achieved by completing a minimum of 24 credits including DES_V 101, either DES_V 110 or VISA_V 180, two of DES_V 130, DES_V 200, DES_V 220 and DES_V 230.

Promotion from Year 2 to Year 3 is achieved by completing a minimum of 55 credits including all required courses from first year including the Reading, Writing and Geography requirements and DES_V 201, 202, 211, 212, 231, 232 and 320

Promotion from Year 3 to Year 4 is achieved by completing a minimum of 90 credits including all required courses from second year and all of DES_V 301, 302, 330, 421 and one of 321 or 323.

Current students may appeal year standing decisions to the Chair of the Bachelor of Design. Further information is available at Advancement Regulations.

Credit/D/Fail Standing

Students in the Bachelor of Design may complete up to twelve elective credits for Credit/D/Fail standing with the exception of any DES_V course which requires evaluation by percentage grade.

Students transferring to the Bachelor of Design may not apply any of the required courses previously taken using Credit/D/Fail grading toward their B.Des. degree. The student must either change the course to a percentage grade upon entry into the Bachelor of Design program or must retake the course or an approved alternate once admitted into the program.

Further information is available at Credit/D/Fail Grading.

Readmission after Failed Standing

Students who have been required to withdraw due to a failed standing must apply in order to be readmitted to the program. The earliest a student may be readmitted is twelve months after being required to withdraw due to a failed standing. An application for readmission must be submitted through Workday by the readmission deadline (January 15). The application must include a Letter of Appeal outlining how the student has prepared to succeed in further studies at UBC and two letters of reference pertaining to the student’s recent academic and/or work experience.

A student intending to apply for readmission is required to meet with the Undergraduate Academic Advisor in the Bachelor of Design Program in order to develop a plan for readmission.

Readmission to the B.Des. is not guaranteed. Readmission decisions take in to account the number of seats available as well as the strength of the applicant against the applicant pool in any given year.

Readmission to the B.Des. after two failed standings is normally not approved.

Further information is available at Readmission.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.