You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


NOTE: The Faculty of Dentistry is not accepting applications to the International Dental Degree Completion Program (IDDCP) at this time until further notice.

Internationally-trained dentists holding Canadian Citizenship or valid permanent residency permits in Canada are eligible to apply to the 4-year DMD program provided all admissions requirements are met.

Admission to the Faculty of Dentistry is based on academic performance and personal qualities as evidenced by aptitude tests, problem based learning (PBL) assessment, and personal interviews. Since facilities for pre-clinical and clinical instruction are limited, enrolment is restricted.

Domestic applicants must supply evidence of Canadian citizenship or permanent residency of Canada.

Domestic Applicants from the Yukon, Nunavut or Northwest Territories will be considered in-province candidates.

A limited number of international applicants may be admitted to the D.M.D. program.

By reciprocal agreement, DMD programs that are accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada are recognized by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association.

However, individuals attending dental programs in one country and planning to practice in another country should carefully investigate the requirements of the state licensing jurisdiction where they wish to practice.

For additional information, please visit the Canadian Dental Association website.

For specific information concerning international dental professionals, please visit:

Completion of three academic years in a Faculty of Arts or Science including pre-dental requirements at UBC or the equivalent, with a minimum scholastic average of 70%, (based on the system of grading used at UBC), is required.

Fulfilment of the minimum requirements for admission does not guarantee acceptance. The number of qualified applicants significantly exceeds the number of available positions. Not every qualified applicant will be offered admission. Candidates who meet admission requirements but who are not successful in gaining a place with their initial application may reapply for admission in a subsequent year.

Application forms and information regarding the admissions process, deadlines, and pre-dental requirements are available from Dentistry. Applicants must submit the required non-refundable application fee to cover the costs of evaluating application documents. Applicants to the Faculty of Dentistry who have been required to withdraw from a dental program will not normally be granted admission.

Indigenous Applicants

The Faculty of Dentistry welcomes applications from qualified Indigenous applicants from Canada and the United States (Status Indian, Non-Status Indian, Métis, and Inuit). The Indigenous admission process of the Faculty has a limited number of reserved seats in the first year D.M.D. Undergraduate program.

Applicants in the Indigenous category are required to provide evidence of their Indigenous identity.

The application will also be automatically considered under the General Category.

For further information please contact


Only applicants who have completed the following prerequisite courses by April of the academic year in which they apply will be considered for admission. The courses listed below are for students completing their prerequisites at UBC. To access course descriptions for these courses, please consult the Course Descriptions of the Academic Calendar.

  1. English
    Minimum 6 credits. The 6-credit first year English requirement can be met by taking one of ENGL_V 112, ASTU_V 150, or ENGL_V 100, PLUS one of ENGL_V 110, ENGL_V 111, ENGL_V 120, or ENGL_V 121; or it can be met by successfully completing the Arts One Program or CAP (Coordinated Arts Program).
  2. Chemistry
    Minimum 6 credits. One of CHEM_V 111 and 113, CHEM_V 121 and 123, CHEM_V 111 and 123, or equivalents.
  3. Biology
    Minimum 6 credits. For UBC students who have been given an exemption from BIOL_V 111, the 5 credits of BIOL_V 121 and BIOL_V 140 are sufficient. No additional course is required. If the applicant does not meet the above criteria, the minimum 6 credits are required. BIOL_V 111, BIOL_V 121, and BIOL_V 140 (for students without Biology 12).
  4. Organic Chemistry
    Minimum 6 credits. CHEM_V 203 and CHEM_V 213; or CHEM_V 233, CHEM_V 235, and CHEM_V 213; or CHEM_V 233, CHEM_V 235 and CHEM_V 205. If taken prior to September 2011: CHEM_V 203 and CHEM_V 204.
  5. Biochemistry
    Minimum 6 credits. BIOC_V 202 and BIOC_V 302 (recommended); or BIOL_V 201 and BIOC_V 302; or BIOC_V 303 (if taken prior to September 2012, BIOC_V 300).

Applicants who have completed course combinations based on previously published information are assured that they have satisfied the prerequisite requirements in the applicable subject above.

Students who have completed the UBC Science One Program will have completed the requirements numbered 2 and 3 above.

Aptitude Testing

Applicants must have completed the Canadian Dental Association Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) or the American Dental Association DAT within the previous five years before the Faculty's application deadline. Information and application forms are available from the Student Development Library, the Dentistry Student Services Office, or may be downloaded from the Canadian Dental Association or American Dental Association. At the time of the test the student must request that the scores be sent to the Dentistry D.M.D. Admissions Office.


Successful applicants must submit a deposit within two weeks of notification of acceptance by the University. This deposit is non-refundable and will be applied towards the clinic fees of the first term.

A health record which evidences immunizations (Tetanus/Diphtheria-Toxoid, Polio, MMR, Chickenpox, and Hepatitis B) and a negative TB skin test (if the test is positive, a chest x-ray is required) must be submitted to the Student Health Service. Immunizations are available from your family doctor, public health department, and from the Student Health Service. Being a carrier of any serious communicable disease may restrict students' educational opportunity to attain competency for graduation and subsequent practice as a dentist. Counselling is available to individuals who have, or are carriers of, communicable diseases.

A disability may result from practising dentistry. Exposure to infectious diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, other infectious diseases, and the possibility of physical assault are all possible. Injury during training may preclude a student from continuing and from practising dentistry. While the Faculty of Dentistry makes efforts to minimize such risks, it does not provide any insurance to protect students from loss of future income. The Faculty recommends that students purchase disability insurance and continue coverage during postgraduate training and practice.

Admission of Students with Advanced Standing

Please see D.M.D. website for additional details.

International Dental Degree Completion Program (IDDCP)

The Faculty will consider applications to the D.M.D. degree completion program from graduates of international dental programs which are not accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. This program will commence in Term 3 of second year (lasts four weeks and occurs in June each year) and will lead to the degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. In addition to tuition fees, the costs of the program include clinic fees, course material costs, and student fees. Further information and online application forms are available from Dentistry.

The Faculty of Dentistry receives applications from many more students than it can accept; therefore, compliance with the admission requirements does not guarantee admission.

The admission process will be in two phases.

Phase 1: Academic Credentials Evaluation

Applicants must:

  1. submit original records (transcripts) of their entire post-secondary and university studies (if transcripts are in a language other than English, applicants must also submit a certified translation in English). The above documents must be received in sealed and endorsed official envelopes from source;
  2. submit their original dental degree in sealed and endorsed official envelope from source;
  3. demonstrate an acceptable working knowledge of English by achieving an overall score of at least 7.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam and at least 6.5 on each component;
  4. submit proof of Permanent Resident status;
  5. submit the required non-refundable application fee;
  6. submit a letter of good standing from the licensing authority, or its equivalent, of the region in which the applicant last practiced;
  7. undertake the National Examining Board of Canada Assessment of Fundamental Knowledge with a minimum score of 75. Information and application forms are available from the National Examining Board of Canada, 80 Elgin Street, 2nd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6R2. The applicant must request that the scores of the examination be sent to the IDDCP Admissions Office in the Faculty of Dentistry.

Applicants will be evaluated on their educational credentials, work experience, letters of reference, letter of intent, results of the Eligibility Examination, and their proficiency in English in Phase 1. Applicants will be shortlisted for participation in Phase 2 of the admissions process. Due to space limitations, not all applicants will be invited to Phase 2.

Please see the D.M.D. website for additional details.

Phase 2: Assessment and Interview

Applicants invited to Phase 2 must:

  1. undertake an interview to demonstrate competence in verbal communication skills in English by reaching level 5 or better on the Placement Interview Test Rating Scale of the English Language Institute at UBC, or its equivalent. English is the medium of instruction in Dentistry and communication skills are necessary to function effectively in the clinical setting. This requirement in English communication skills is in addition to the English Language Admissions Standard requirement of Phase 1;
  2. undergo a psychomotor skills assessment on dental mannequins at UBC;
  3. undertake a personal interview at UBC;
  4. participate in a problem based learning (PBL) exercise; and
  5. submit a non-refundable assessment fee.

Please see the D.M.D. website for additional details.


Successful applicants must submit a deposit within two weeks of notification of acceptance by the University. This deposit is non-refundable and will be applied towards the clinic fees of the first term of third year. See Acceptance; the information on immunizations and disability also apply to this program.

Registration and Orientation

Students register through Workday. Candidates who have been accepted for admission to the Faculty of Dentistry will be notified by email concerning registration and orientation. Classes begin in August. No student will be admitted to any class after its first meeting, except by permission of the Dean.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.