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Diploma in Art History

The Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory offers the Diploma in Art History (DAHY). Applicants to the program will already have a first degree in another discipline. Applications for admission should be made to Enrolment Services no later than, and preferably before, August 1 for entry in September.

Upon admission to the Diploma in Art History, students must consult with a Departmental Advisor prior to registration.

The Diploma program requires 30 credits of courses in ARTH_V numbered 300 or above. No more than 6 credits of cross-listed courses offered by other departments may be counted toward the requirements.

The program can be completed in one year of full-time study, but may be taken part-time and extended over a longer period. It should be finished within five years. If more than five years are required to complete the Diploma program, students must seek permission to continue their studies from the Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory. The Department may also periodically review individual progress in the DAHY, and may require those students registered in the Diploma but not following the Diploma program to discontinue their studies.

Of the 30 credits required, a diploma student must complete the following:

  • 3 credits of ARTH_V 300 Seminar on Methods and Approaches in Art History;
  • 15 credits of Art History courses numbered 300 or higher in a geographical, chronological, or thematic area of focus1; and
  • 9 credits in Art History courses numbered 300 or higher in areas that are chronologically and/or geographically distinct from the 15 credit focus;1 and
  • 3 credits in a 400-level Art History seminar.

1All of these courses must be determined in consultation with the Art History Undergraduate Advisor.

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