As part of the registration procedure each student must select a program of courses within the limitations of the requirements for the degree and course schedules. All new students are advised to contact the Director of Student Services, 604.822.9187, for program advising. Returning students should contact their program advisor for program approval. In case of conflicts between individual students and their faculty advisors, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies. It is the student's responsibility to select a schedule that allows attendance of all regularly scheduled lectures and laboratories.
Advising Office
The Faculty of Forestry offers academic advising in its Student Services Centre, located in room 2609, Forest Sciences Centre, 2424 Main Mall. Office hours are 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday. The office can be reached by telephone at 604.822.1834 (toll-free at 1.888.933.9663) or by email.