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Law and Society

The Law and Society Minor is a multi-disciplinary program, situating the study of legal structures, rules, and institutions within their full social, historical, economic, and political contexts.

Students undertaking the Minor must complete an online program advising form on the Law and Society website. Please see Law and Society for more information, including the names of advisors and affiliated faculty.

Minor in Law and Society

Students may declare a Minor in Law and Society after completing at least 27 credits.

The Minor comprises LASO_V 204, 9 additional lower-level credits, and at least 18 credits from upper-level LASO courses and courses from other subject areas, as approved by the Law and Society Advisor, including those set out below.

Please note: Students must ensure that they have prerequisites for courses they plan to take for the Minor.

Lower-level Requirements

  • LASO_V 204 (3 credits)
  • a minimum of 9 additional credits from courses that are prerequisite to one or more of the courses used to satisfy the third- and fourth-year minor requirements or from the following list: ANTH_V 100, HIST_V 104, PHIL_V 230, POLI_V 100, POLI_V 101, SOCI_V 250

Upper-level Requirements

A minimum of 18 credits from the following, no more than 12 of which may be in the same subject area:

  • AMNE_V 323, 331, 332, 333, 341, 363, 383
  • ANTH_V 329, 401, 430, 471
  • ECON_V 317, 318, 319, 367
  • FNIS_V 453
  • GRSJ_V 301, 303, 305, 306, 326
  • HIST_V 302, 329, 331, 341, 358, 391, 414, 419, 441, 444, 456, 476, 477
  • All 300- and 400-level LASO_V courses
  • LAST_V 301
  • PHIL_V 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 338, 362, 363, 431, 432, 452
  • POLI_V 303, 307, 309, 316, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 329, 331, 332, 347, 348, 361, 373, 376, 402, 406, 466
  • PPGA _V391A
  • PSYC_V 331
  • RELG_V 448
  • SOCI_V 301, 310, 361, 369, 387, 470

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