You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

Effective September 1, 2022, the following requirements represent the core courses of the Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) program. In addition, students in third year must select an option and complete the specific option program requirements set out below. Students who were initially registered in the B.Com. program prior to September 1, 2022, should consult the Undergraduate Office regarding the requirements to complete the program. Students completing the B.Com. with a Combined Major in Business and Computer Science should refer to the degree requirements listed under the Business and Computer Science-Combined Major option.

A student transferring from another university or college may be granted transfer credit for a maximum of 50% of degree requirements. All upper-level commerce core courses and option core courses must be completed while registered in the Bachelor of Commerce program.

Bachelor of Commerce

First Year
ECON_V 101/1026
COMM_V 10113
COMM_V 1053
COMM_V 1903
COMM_V 19123
COMM_V 19223
COMM_V 1963
MATH_V 10033
Non-Commerce electives43
Total Credits30
Second Year 
COMM_V 2021
COMM_V 293, 294, 2989
COMM_V 29553
COMM_V 203, 204, 205, and 29612
Non-Commerce electives46
Total Credits31
Third Year 
COMM_V 3933
COMM_V 3943
COMM_V 3963
Options Requirements (as specified below)6
Total Credits30
Fourth Year 
COMM_V 4913
COMM_V 4001
Option requirements (as specified below)9
Total Credits31
COMM_V 101 is not required for students transferring to Second or Third Year of the program. Transfer students must complete 3 credits of Commerce or Non-Commerce courses at any level in lieu of COMM_V 101.

For students transferring into Second or Third Year of the program, the following are acceptable alternatives:

  • COMM_V 191: STAT_V 200 (if taken at UBC prior to admission to the program)
  • COMM_V 192: COMM_V 329 or COMR_V 329.
3 Acceptable alternatives are MATH_V 180 or 110. Students planning to specialize in Economics or Computer Science must take MATH_V 100 and 101 (or equivalents). Students should make themselves aware of elective courses for which MATH_V 100 and 101 are prerequisites and plan accordingly.
4 At least 27 credits of the 42 credits of electives in the Bachelor of Commerce program must be non-Commerce with at least 12 credits at the senior level. Additional electives in third and fourth years may be either Commerce or Non-Commerce courses. The non-Commerce electives must include at least 3 credits in the humanities, and at least 3 credits in science or social science. Language courses are not eligible for the humanities requirement, but literature courses are. Visit the Faculty for list of eligible departments and/or courses. See Electives for more information.
5 Students completing a minor in Economics should take ECON_V 301 and 303 instead of COMM_V 295. Students planning to take fourth year economics courses should be aware that these courses require ECON_V 301 (or ECON_V 304), and for certain courses, ECON_V 302 (or ECON_V 305). Students who have COMM_V 295 and MATH_V 101 may be admitted to courses requiring ECON_V 301/304 with permission of the Economics Department.

Third and Fourth Year Option Requirements

Students who complete the course of studies in any one of the following options will receive the Bachelor of Commerce: Accounting, Business Technology Management, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business Management, Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Marketing, Operations and Logistics, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, or Real Estate. Option requirements are listed below.


The B.Com. program elective requirements are as outlined below:

OptionTotal Required ElectivesRequirements
Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management39 credits
  • At least 12 credits, whether Commerce or non-Commerce, must be at the 300-level or higher
  • At least 27 credits must be non-Commerce. 12 or more credits of these electives must be at the 300- or 400-level

Business Technology Management



General Business Management


Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources

Real Estate
42 credits
  • At least 15 credits, whether Commerce or non-Commerce, must be at the 300-level or higher
  • At least 27 credits must be non-Commerce. 12 or more credits of these electives must be at the 300- or 400-level
Operations & Logistics45 credits
  • At least 18 credits, whether Commerce or non-Commerce, must be at the 300-level or higher
  • At least 27 credits must be non-Commerce. 12 or more credits of these electives must be at the 300- or 400-level
The non-Commerce electives must include at least 3 credits in the humanities, and at least 3 credits in science or social science. Language courses are not eligible for the humanities requirement, but literature courses are. Visit the Faculty for list of eligible departments and/or courses.

Many senior-level courses require lower-level prerequisites, so students should select lower-level electives carefully. In addition, many electives are not accepted for the B.Com. Program, due to overlap with required Commerce courses. Visit the Faculty to verify electives that can be used to fulfill program requirements.

Business Communications Requirements

To qualify for the B.Com., students must satisfy the Business Communications requirement of the Faculty. To do this, students must obtain credit for COMM_V 196 and COMM_V 396 with a minimum grade of 60% in each of these two courses.


The required 200-level Commerce courses generally are prerequisite to 300- and 400-level courses, and in each option it is assumed that the required 300-level courses will be taken prior to the 400-level courses.

Any student not registering for a normal sequence of courses must consult an academic advisor in the Undergraduate Office. Non-Commerce students taking Commerce courses as a part of a program should contact the Undergraduate Office for information.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.