You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Materials Engineering

Materials Engineering is concerned with the characterization, processing, and use in design of metallic and non-metallic materials. An optional Co-operative Education program is available which permits students to obtain twenty months of related experience in the last three years of the program.

Materials Engineering

Second Year 
APSC_V 2783
APSC_V 2791
MATH_V 2533
MATH_V 2553
MECH_V 2603
MTRL_V 2013
MTRL_V 2504
MTRL_V 2514
MTRL_V 2633
MTRL_V 2643
MTRL_V 2803
Complementary Studies electives16
Total Credits39
Third Year 
MTRL_V 3202
MTRL_V 3403
MTRL_V 3583
MTRL_V 3591
MTRL_V 3614
MTRL_V 3633
MTRL_V 3653
MTRL_V 3783
MTRL_V 3811
MTRL_V 3944
STAT_V 2513
Technical electives23
Total Credits33
Fourth Year 
APSC_V 4502
MTRL_V 4553
MTRL_V 4563
MTRL_V 4603
MTRL_V 4663
MTRL_V 4673
Technical electives221
Total Credits38
1 See Complementary Studies Courses.
2 To be chosen from a course list available in the Department Office and in consultation with an Undergraduate Advisor. 


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