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Certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language

TESL Certificate program has two options: TESL Coursework Certificate (12 credits) and TESL Certificate with Practicum (15 credits). They are designed for pre- and in-service teachers and those who are interested in teaching local and international students in Canada or overseas.

The Target Learners

The target learners include the following groups:

  • School teachers who want to be certified to teach ESL (English as a Second Language)
  • Education students in the process of getting their bachelor’s degree
  • Students in their third or fourth year of university study
  • Other unclassified local or international students who wish to teach in colleges or private language schools in Canada or overseas

Admission Criteria

  • Students who wish to enrol in the certificate program must have obtained their first degree or must currently be in their official third or fourth year of university study.
  • Students who speak English as a Second Language must meet UBC’s English proficiency requirements/standards.
  • All students, especially those without ESL/EFL teaching experience, are strongly advised to volunteer in an ESL setting prior to enrolment.

Certificate Requirements

Students must complete a total of 12 credits for the TESL Coursework Certificate:


LLED_V 489C (or LLED_V 489A and B)6
LLED_V 478C (or LLED_V 478A and B)6
Total Credits12

Students must complete a total of 15 credits for the TESL Coursework with Practicum Certificate:


LLED_V 489C (or LLED_V 489A and B)6
LLED_V 478C (or LLED_V 478A and B)6
LLED_V 3993
Total Credits15

Application to Receive Certificate

Upon completion of all required courses, students must apply to receive their certificate from Workday. However, Certificate students are not part of the UBC graduation ceremonies.

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