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Interdisciplinary Studies

The Interdisciplinary Studies (IDST) B.A. Program offers the independent, capable student a multi-disciplinary alternative to the traditional, department-based Major.

Students admitted to the program design their own cross-disciplinary course of study, and then consult with the Chair or Program Advisor to obtain approval.

The Program may be appropriate as preparation for professional programs including Elementary Education, Journalism, Law, Information Studies, and Social Work. The Program is distinct from departmental majors, minors, and honours programs, and students should note that further preparation may be required of candidates for Secondary Education and Graduate Studies.


To be admitted to the Interdisciplinary Studies B.A. Program, students must have at least 3rd year standing in the Bachelor of Arts program. Students who enter the IDST program late in their undergraduate studies are advised that this delayed start may result in the need to complete more than 120 credits to obtain their degree. Applicants must:

  • have obtained an overall average of at least 60% in all previous courses attempted towards the B.A.;
  • have satisfied the 3-credit Writing Component of the Writing and Research Requirement; and
  • obtain approval from the Chair or Program Advisor for their proposed course of study.

Application forms and deadlines, along with program information, are available on the IDST Program website.


B.A. disciplines and courses are classified into four categories: humanities, social sciences, creative and performing arts, and sciences. From these, students must select one Primary Category. Normally, the student’s Primary Focus in that Category will be in a discipline in which a B.A. major or honours specialization is offered. Students must also select a Secondary Focus in their Primary Category, as well as a Secondary Category. Credit distribution is as follows:

  1. Primary Category
          a) Primary Focus: 18 credits of 300-/400-level course work; and
          b) Secondary Focus: 12 credits of 300-/400-level course work
  2. Secondary Category: 12 credits of 300-/400-level course work

Students may normally complete no more than 18 credits of 300-/400-level course work in their Primary Focus area. However, students with at least a 75% average may, with approval, complete up to 24 credits in the Primary Focus area. If more than 48 credits outside of the Faculty of Arts are required for their approved program, the Arts Credit Minimum requirement may be reduced, in consultation with Arts Academic Advising. Students must complete all Bachelor of Arts degree requirements with the exception of the Outside Requirement.

Visit the Interdisciplinary Studies B.A. Program for more information.

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