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Transfer and Exchange Credit

Advanced Credit

The Faculty of Arts grants course credit to students who, while in secondary school, complete certain International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, A-level (British-pattern) or other enriched secondary school courses with appropriate grades. Consult youbc Vancouver for detailed information.

Post-Secondary Transfer Credit

Students entering the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program from a college or another university will receive credit for appropriate courses completed there, subject to the provisions in Applicants from a Post-Secondary Institution, Maximum Allowable Transfer Credit, and Credit Requirements and Regulations. As some credit may be unassigned, students who transfer to the B.F.A. program are advised to consult Arts Academic Advising, as well as Departmental Advisors, regarding the application of their credits towards degree and specialization-specific requirements.

Credit earned through Go Global Exchange

Academic transfer credit earned through Go Global Exchange programs may be applied towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program. Although credit is awarded as transfer credit, it is treated as UBC credit and is not subject to normal transfer credit limitations. See Go Global Transfer Credit for information about processes and equivalencies. Students pursuing B.F.A. programs should consult their Department Advisors regarding Go Global credit transfers prior to taking courses.

Credit earned at UBC Okanagan

Students entering the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program from UBC Okanagan will not be granted transfer credit as courses attempted at both campuses appear on one transcript. However, the applicability of credit completed at UBC Okanagan toward completion of the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree is subject to the same limitations described in the Credit Requirements and Regulations. As similar courses on each campus often have different course codes and numbers, students who transfer to the B.F.A. program from UBC Okanagan are advised to consult Arts Academic Advising, as well as Departmental Advisors, regarding the application of their credits towards degree and specialization-specific requirements.

Credit earned at UBC Vantage College

Students who complete UBC's Vantage One program and subsequently transfer to the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program will not be granted transfer credit as courses attempted through UBC Vantage College appear on the UBC transcript. Most credit earned through the Vantage One program, including elective courses and VANT_V 148 and 149, is applicable towards a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree; credit for VANT_V 140 and LLED courses is not applicable.

Second Degree Studies

Abiding by the principles of the Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of University Credits, transfer credit may or may not be awarded. If transfer credit is not awarded, Second Degree students are advised to consult Arts Academic Advising, as well as Departmental Advisors, regarding possible exemptions from degree- and specialization-specific requirements based on prior study. See Second Degree Studies.

Unclassified Studies

A very limited number of credits earned through unclassified studies may subsequently be applied to a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program. Students considering pursuing Unclassified Studies with the goal of later applying these credits to a Second Degree are strongly encouraged to speak with Arts Academic Advising prior to registration, preferably prior to the application deadline for degree studies. See Second Degree Studies.

Letter of Permission

Once admitted, Bachelor of Fine Arts students are expected to complete their degree requirements at UBC through on-campus or UBC distance education courses, or on Go Global exchange. In rare circumstances students may appeal for a Letter of Permission (LOP) to study elsewhere and transfer the credit to UBC to be applied to their B.F.A. degree.

Students who wish to interrupt their UBC studies to take courses at another post-secondary institution should be aware that transfer credit may not be granted. Those who wish to transfer and apply credit earned elsewhere towards their Bachelor of Fine Arts degree must appeal, in advance, for a Letter of Permission from Arts Academic Advising. See the Arts Undergraduates website. See also Attendance. The Faculty has no obligation to grant transfer credit unless a Letter of Permission has been obtained.

The final 30 credits for the degree must normally be completed at UBC, and at least 30 of the final 60 credits toward the degree must be completed at UBC. Concurrent registration at both UBC and other post-secondary institutions is not permitted.

Students completing the Bachelor of Fine Arts Writing and Research Requirement will not normally be granted a Letter of Permission to attempt a Writing Component course at another institution after they are admitted to UBC.

Students applying to the Explore French-language bursary program or the CityStudio program should submit a Letter of Permission Request (LOP) Form to Arts Academic Advising as part of their application process. See the Arts Undergraduates website.

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