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Dual Degree Program Option: J.D./M.B.A.

All the requirements of the J.D. and M.B.A. programs apply to students in the dual degree program option, except that 6 credits of Law courses are included as elective credits toward the completion of the M.B.A. program, and 6 credits of M.B.A. courses are included as elective credits towards completion of the J.D. program. Consequently, a student in the dual degree program option completes all J.D. requirements, less 6 credits, and all M.B.A requirements, less 6 credits.

Students in the dual degree program option follow a program of study as outlined below:

Year 1First Year J.D. Curriculum
Year 2First Year M.B.A. Curriculum
Years 3 and 4Remaining J.D. and M.B.A. courses as required by each program (less 6 credits for each)

The total minimum credits to be taken is 130.

A student's program of courses must be approved by the Assistant Dean, Students, in the Allard School of Law, and by the Assistant Dean, Robert H. Lee Graduate School, Sauder School of Business.

Special Requirements

1. Six J.D. credits are counted as the maximum of non-M.B.A. senior undergraduate courses normally permitted under the M.B.A. course requirements. Six M.B.A credits are counted as the maximum non-J.D. courses permitted under the J.D. course requirements. Accordingly, students will not be permitted to apply to their degrees non-M.B.A. and non-J.D. credits beyond those six J.D. and six M.B.A. credits.

2. LAW_V 407 (Taxation) must be taken. If the student has already received credit for COMM_V 355 (Income Taxation) or its equivalent, another 4 credits of J.D. courses must be taken in substitution for LAW_V 407. COMM_V 355 will be deemed equivalent to LAW_V 407 for prerequisite purposes.

3. A minimum of 20 credits of elective law courses must be chosen from a set of courses in the corporate, commercial, or taxation areas approved from year to year by the Assistant Dean, Students.

A student's program of courses must be approved by the Assistant Dean, Students, in the Allard School of Law, and by the Assistant Dean, Robert H. Lee Graduate School, Sauder School of Business.

Special Arrangements

Subject to the approval of the Assistant Dean, Robert H. Lee Graduate School, Sauder School of Business, and the Assistant Dean, Students, Law, the first years of the J.D. and M.B.A. program may be exchanged upon petition.

Promotion Requirements

Continuance in the J.D./M.B.A. dual degree program option is conditional upon achieving a high standard of performance as determined in an annual review by the Assistant Dean, Robert H. Lee Graduate School, Sauder School of Business, and the Assistant Dean, Students, Law. A student may be permitted to complete either an M.B.A. or J.D. alone.

Conferring of Degrees

The M.B.A. and J.D. will be conferred at the completion of the dual degree program option after all requirements for both degrees have been met. Students who choose to receive either the M.B.A. or the J.D. prior to completion of the dual degree program option may apply for one of the degrees provided all requirements for that degree have been satisfied. Students selecting this option must simultaneously withdraw from the dual degree program option.

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