Foundational Requirement
All B.Sc. students must successfully complete appropriate foundational courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
Students admitted to the B.Sc. with credit for neither Biology 11 nor Biology 12 must successfully complete 3 credits of 100-level BIOL_V (usually BIOL_V 111). Students without credit for Chemistry 12 must successfully complete 3 credits of 100-level CHEM_V (usually CHEM_V 100, CHEM_V 110 or CHEM_V 111). Students without credit for Physics 12 must successfully complete 3 credits of 100-level PHYS_V (usually PHYS_V 100).
Laboratory Science Requirement
All students are required to have experience with scientific thinking and practice in a lab course where they observe or interact with the real world. Students must complete one course selected from the following list: ASTR_V 101, ASTR_V 102, BIOL_V 140, CHEM_V 111, CHEM_V 115, CHEM_V 121, CHEM_V 123, CHEM_V 135, EOSC_V 111, PHYS_V 101, PHYS_V 107, PHYS_V 109, PHYS_V 119, PHYS_V 159, SCIE_V 001.
Advance credit or placement, or transfer credit, may be granted where appropriate when the equivalent of any or all of these courses is completed at another institution prior to admission to the University.
Students intending to apply for entry to another degree program at UBC or elsewhere should refer to the entrance requirements for each of those academic units. These requirements must be included within an option and specialization that meet the requirements of the Faculty of Science.
Students are reminded that the regulations listed under Academic Performance and Continuation apply.
Additional Lower-level Courses
Students take additional courses chosen from Science or Arts as required to fulfill prerequisites for the intended area or areas of study. Regarding credit from other faculties, see Credit at UBC and Elsewhere and General Degree Requirements.