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Science Breadth Requirement

Science Breadth Requirement

All B.Sc. students are required to have reasonable breadth in their understanding of science.

For the purposes of this requirement, courses for Science credit are separated into 7 categories by course codes:

1. Mathematics: All MATH_V courses, except MATH_V 302 
2. Chemistry: All CHEM_V courses, except CHEM_V 100, CHEM_V 300 
3. Physics: All PHYS_V courses, except PHYS_V 100 
4. Life Science: All BIOL_V courses except BIOL_V 140, BIOL_V 300; all BIOC_V, PSYC_V (courses numbered from 60 to 89 in the last 2 digits), and MICB_V courses and GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 207 
5. Statistics: BIOL_V 300, DSCI_V 100, MATH_V 302, all STAT_V courses 
6. Computer Science: All CPSC_V courses 
7. Earth & Planetary Science: All ASTR_V, ATSC_V, ENVR_V, EOSC_V, GEOS_V or GEOB_V courses except EOSC_V 111 and GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 207.

Students in a major or honours specialization must successfully complete at least 3 credits from any 6 of the 7 categories. Students in a combined major or combined honours specialization must successfully complete at least 3 credits from any 5 of the 7 categories.

These courses can be at any level.

Students who fail to satisfy at least all but one of the required categories before 108 attempted credits will be required to withdraw from the Faculty of Science. That is, students in a combined specialization must satisfy 4 of the required 5 categories and students in a non-combined specialization must satisfy 5 of the required 6 categories.

Students who successfully complete Science One (SCIE_V 001) are credited with having successfully completed at least 3 credits from the Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Life Science categories.

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