The Department of Physics and Astronomy offers opportunities for study leading to bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Physics.
Students may select their electives so as to obtain a concentration in an area of their interest. See the Physics and Astronomy Specialization Guide for an outline of appropriate courses and other information. Students wishing to enter second year in a Physics or Astronomy Major, Honours, Combined Majors, or Combined Honours specialization must apply using the online process administered by the Faculty of Science. Students will receive an email communication regarding the process in late May or early June. Details on how to apply to the different specializations can be found on the department website. Continuing third- and fourth-year physics or astronomy students making satisfactory progress do not require program approval. Students wishing to transfer into physics or astronomy in third year must contact the Department to obtain specialization approval.
Students in the General Science program are invited to consult a departmental advisor concerning appropriate courses.
A dual degree program in Physics and Education, that offers qualified students the opportunity to earn a B.Sc. degree in Physics (Major) and a B.Ed. degree in Secondary Education, in five winter sessions with some academic requirements in term 1 of the summer sessions. After completing all the requirements, students are normally eligible for a British Columbia Professional Teaching Certificate. Admission to the dual degree program requires application in the fall of second year and successful completion of a teaching practicum at the end of second year. See the Dual Degree Program in Science and Education for more information on admission and continuation requirements.
Courses Primarily for First-Year Science Students
Physics 11 (BC secondary school) or equivalent is a prerequisite for all students entering the Faculty of Science. Students lacking Physics 11, but wishing to enter, should submit a special appeal to Enrolment Services with their application to take PHYS_V 100.
Science students with Physics 11, but not Physics 12 are required to take 3 credits of physics as part of the Foundational Requirement. Normally this requirement is met by taking PHYS_V 100. All PHYS_V courses require Physics 12 or PHYS_V 100. Credit will be given for only one of PHYS_V 106, 107 or 117.
PHYS_V 106 is open to students who have obtained an A in Physics 12 and Mathematics 12, and who are particularly interested in physical science and/or its application to other fields or disciplines.
Students planning to go into Astronomy, Physics or Applied Science (and some other specializations) are required to take one of PHYS_V 102 or 108 or 118, in addition to PHYS_V 119 and one of PHYS_V 101 or 106 or 107 or 117 or 131. Credit will only be given for one of PHYS_V 102, 108 or 118. Science One satisfies the entrance requirement for all Physics and Astronomy specializations.
Non-science students without Physics 11 may take PHYS_V 100 in a later year.
Courses for Students Not Specializing in Physics
PHYS_V 330 (3) is primarily for students in the Faculty of Science who are not specializing in physics.
PHYS_V 340 (3), 341 (3), and 343 (3) are for students not in the Faculty of Science. PHYS_V 318 (3) is recommended for general science, pre-architecture, and education students.
Co-operative Education Program
Co-operative education is a process of education that integrates academic study with related and supervised work experience in co-operating employer organizations.
A Co-operative Education program is available for students in Physics and Astronomy. The program is intended to help prepare interested and qualified students for research careers in industry with at least four work placements (each placement is normally 16 weeks long) supervised by practising professionals. Faculty advisors or Co-op coordinators also visit students at their place of work and provide advice on technical reports required of all students in the program.
To be eligible, students must be admissible into the second-year Physics or Astronomy Bachelor of Science program with an average above 68%. Admission is by application to the Co-op Office. Selection of students will be based on academic performance and general suitability to the work environment as determined by their resume and interview. Enrolment is subject to the availability of appropriate work placements and faculty advisors. The work placements are arranged by mutual agreement between the students and the employing organizations. Participating students will register for PHYS_V 298, 299, 399, 498, or 499 as appropriate, and pay the co-operative education program fee per course and Co-op workshop fees (see Co-operative Education Program Fees).
Graduation in the program requires a student to complete at least four of PHYS_V 298, 299, 399, 498 and 499, in addition to the normal academic requirements. Not all of the work terms may be in summer. Students will have each satisfactorily completed course noted on their academic record.
Detailed information on the program may be obtained from the Department of Physics or the Co-operative Education Program.
Major (0524): Physics (PHYS)
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)2 | 4 |
MATH_V 100 (or 102 or 104 or 110 or 120 or 180 or 184)3 | 3 |
MATH_V 101 (or 103 or 105 or 121)3 | 3 |
PHYS_V 117 (or 106 or 107)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 118 (or 108)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 119 (or 109) | 1 |
Electives5,6 | 7 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Second Year7 | |
MATH_V 2008 | 3 |
MATH_V 215, 221 | 6 |
PHYS_V 2009, 2169 | 7 |
PHYS_V 219, 229 | 3 |
PHYS_V 210 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 8 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year10 | |
MATH_V 3178 | 3 |
PHYS_V 20311 | 4 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
PHYS_V 312 or MATH_V 316 | 3 |
PHYS_V 304 | 3 |
PHYS_V/ASTR_V 300-level and above12 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 11 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Fourth Year10 | |
PHYS_V 301 | 3 |
3 credits from PHYS_V 348, 409, and 42013 | 3 |
PHYS_V/ASTR_V 300-level and above13 | 9 |
Electives5,6 | 15 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Total Credits for Degree | 120 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. Students interested in senior chemistry courses or who are planning to enter a career in teaching should take a second introductory chemistry course as an elective. | |
3 MATH_V 110 is 6 credits, MATH_V 120, 121, 180, and 184 are 4 credits; students should adjust elective credit accordingly. | |
4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Qualified students are encouraged to take PHYS_V (106 or 107)/108/109. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
5 The number of elective credits in each year is chosen to make the yearly total be 30. Some course alternatives have different credit values. Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
6 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. | |
7 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing and should be competent in MATH and PHYS. It is advisable that a student entering any specialization in physics or astronomy have a minimum average of 60% in first-year PHYS and 60% in first-year MATH. See also Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
8 Qualified students may take MATH_V 217 and 2 credits of electives instead of MATH_V 200 and MATH_V 317. | |
9 Students may opt to take PHYS_V 200 or PHYS_V 216 in third-year, in exchange for an additional 3 credits of electives in second-year. | |
10 Consultation with a Physics Department advisor is recommended before entering third- and fourth-year. See also Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
11 CHEM_V 304 may replace PHYS_V 203. | |
12 To be chosen from ASTR_V or PHYS_V courses 300-level and above. See the department website for the list of suggested courses. Some courses intended for Honours students require approval from appropriate instructor(s). Students interested in teaching are encouraged to consider PHYS_V 420. | |
13 Note it is possible to take more than 3 credits from PHYS_V 348, 409, 420 since these are not credit excluded. Excess credits can be used towards the 12 credits of PHYS_V/ASTR_V 300 level and above courses in third and fourth year. |
Combined Major (1391): Computer Science and Physics
See Computer Science section.
Combined Major (3126): Oceanography and Physics
See Oceanography Combined Major Oceanography and Physics section.
Dual Degree Program: B.Sc. (Physics), B.Ed. (Secondary)
First Year (Winter) | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)2 | 4 |
CHEM_V 1232 | 4 |
MATH_V 100 (or 102 or 104 or 110 or 120 or 180 or 184)3 | 3 |
MATH_V 101 (or 103 or 105 or 121)3 | 3 |
PHYS_V 117 (or 106 or 107)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 118 (or 108)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 119 (or 109) | 1 |
Elective5,6 | 3 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Second Year (Winter)7 | |
MATH_V 2008, 215, 221 | 9 |
PHYS_V 200, 2169 | 7 |
PHYS_V 210, 219, 229 | 6 |
Electives5,6 | 8 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Second Year (Summer) | |
EDUC_V 31910 | 1 |
Total Credits | 1 |
Third Year (Winter)11 | |
EDST_V 403 | 1 |
EDST_V 401 | 2 |
LLED_V 360 | 3 |
MATH_V 3178 | 3 |
PHYS_V 20312, 3128 | 7 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
PHYS_V 304 | 3 |
Electives5,6,13 | 8 |
Total Credits | 30 |
Third Year (Summer) | |
EDUC_V 39910 | 1 |
Total Credits | 1 |
Fourth Year (Winter)11 | |
EPSE_V 308 | 4 |
3 credits from PHYS_V 348, 409, and 420 | 3 |
PHYS_V 301 | 3 |
PHYS_V or ASTR_V 300-level or higher14 | 12 |
Elective5,6,13 | 9 |
Total Credits | 31 |
Fourth Year (Summer) | |
EDUC_V 430 | 1 |
LLED_V 361 | 3 |
EPSE_V 317 | 3 |
EDST_V 403 | 1 |
EDST_V 404 | 1 |
EDUC_V 440 | 3 |
Total Credits | 12 |
Fifth Year (Winter) | |
EDUC_V 315 | 2 |
EDUC_V 421 | 12 |
EDUC_V 450 | 3 |
EDUC_V 451 | 3 |
EPSE_V 310 | 3 |
EDCP_V 352 | 3 |
EDCP_V 357 | 3 |
Total Credits | 29 |
Fifth Year (Summer) | |
EDUC_V 452 | 3 |
Total Credits | 3 |
Total Credits for Dual Degree | 167 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. The Faculty of Education does not accept SCIE_V 113 or APSC_V 176 to meet their English requirement, but they do accept ASTU_V 100, ASTU_V 150, WRDS_V 150 to be equivalent to ENGL_V 112. However students are required to take a minimum of 3 credits of literature coursework from ENGL_V 100, 110, 111, 120, 121. Some of the acceptable courses are not available for students enrolled in the Faculty of Science but might have already been taken by students that transferred to the Faculty of Science. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123. | |
3 MATH_V 110 is 6 credits, MATH_V 120, 121, 180, and 184 are 4 credits; students should adjust elective credit accordingly. | |
4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Qualified students are encouraged to take PHYS_V (106 or 107)/108/109. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
5 Some course alternatives have different credit values. The number of electives in each year is chosen to balance the total number of credits. Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
6 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. See also Dual Degree in Science and Education. | |
7 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing and should be competent in MATH and PHYS. It is advisable that a student entering any specialization in physics or astronomy have a minimum average of 60% in first-year PHYS and 60% in first-year MATH. See also Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, Admission to Dual Degree in Science and Education, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
8 Qualified students may take MATH_V 217 and 2 credits of electives instead of MATH_V 200 and MATH_V 317. In this case 3 additional upper-level science credits will be required to satisfy Faculty of Science requirements. Students considering graduate studies in Physics are advised to replace MATH_V 200, 317, and PHYS_V 312 with MATH_V 217, 300, and 316. | |
9 Students may opt to take PHYS_V 200 or PHYS_V 216 in third year, in exchange for an additional 3 credits of electives in second year. | |
10 EDUC_V 319 and EDUC_V 399 are one-week and two-week teaching practica, respectively, during the month of May in Year 2 and Year 3. Successful completion of EDUC_V 319 and EDUC_V 399 are normally required to continue in the B.Ed. program. | |
11 Consultation with a Physics departmental advisor is recommended before entering third and fourth year. See also Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
12 CHEM_V 304 may replace PHYS_V 203. | |
13 MATH_V 302, 307, 308, 309, 312, 313 and 342 are recommended mathematics electives for students who are interested in teaching mathematics. | |
14 PHYS_V 306 and PHYS_V 401 or 408 are recommended for students considering graduate study in physics. Some courses intended for Honours students require approval from appropriate instructor(s). |
Honours (0344): Physics (PHYS)
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)2 | 4 |
MATH_V 120 (or 100 or 102 or 104 or 180 or 184)3 | 4 |
MATH_V 121 (or 101 or 103 or 105)3 | 4 |
PHYS_V 106 (or 107 or 117)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 108 (or 118)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 109 (or 119)4 | 1 |
Electives5,6 | 8 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Second Year7 | |
MATH_V 2178 | 4 |
MATH_V 223 (or 221)9 | 3 |
MATH_V 215 | 3 |
PHYS_V 200, 203, 210, 216 | 14 |
PHYS_V 219, 229 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 6 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Third Year10 | |
MATH_V 300, 316, 318 | 9 |
PHYS_V 301, 30611 | 6 |
PHYS_V 304, 402 | 6 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
PHYS_V 40111 or 40812 | 3 |
Electives5,6,13 | 6 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Fourth Year10 | |
MATH_V 40014 | 3 |
PHYS_V 449 | 6 |
PHYS_V 305 or 403 or 474 | 3 |
PHYS_V 409 | 3 |
Electives5,6,13 | 18 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. Students interested in senior chemistry courses or who are planning to enter a career in teaching should take a second introductory chemistry course as an elective. | |
3 MATH_V 120, 121, 180, and 184 are 4 credits, the alternatives are 3 credits; students should adjust electives accordingly. | |
4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
5 The number of elective credits in each year is chosen to make the yearly total be 33. Some course alternatives have different credit values. Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
6 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. Honours specializations have additional requirements, see Introduction to Degree Options. | |
7 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing with no courses failed and a grade of at least 68% in each first-year physics and mathematics course. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
8 Students who are interested in mathematical physics are advised to substitute MATH_V 226, 227 for MATH_V 217. MATH_V 200, 317 can also be substituted for MATH_V 217. Either substitution would require using 2 credits of science elective. They are also encouraged to take MATH_V 320, 321 later in their program. | |
9 Students with credit for MATH_V 152 prior to entering this specialization can substitute it for MATH_V 223. MATH_V 223 or MATH_V 221 can be taken in first year. Eligible students are recommended to take MATH_V 223. | |
10 Consultation with a Physics Department advisor is recommended before entering third- and fourth-year. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
11 Students who choose to take PHYS_V 401 may take PHYS_V 306 and PHYS_V 401 in two different years if course timetable conflicts do not allow them to be done in the same year. | |
12 PHYS_V 401 is 3 credits, PHYS_V 408 is 4 credits; students should adjust electives accordingly. | |
13 The specialization requires at least 9 credits of upper-level PHYS_V or ASTR_V courses including at least 6 credits at the 400-level or higher. Suggested upper-level electives are ASTR_V 403, 404, 406; MATH_V 301, 345, 401, 402, 405, 418, 420, 450; PHYS_V 400, 405, 407, 410, 437, 447, 473, 474. Qualified students are encouraged to take 500-level physics courses for which they must have permission of the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Graduate Studies. | |
14 With permission of an undergraduate physics and astronomy advisor, another course may replace MATH_V 400. |
Combined Honours (3676): Biophysics (BIOP)
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
PHYS_V 106 (or 107 or 117)2 | 3 |
PHYS_V 108 (or 118) | 3 |
PHYS_V 109 (or 119) | 1 |
BIOL_V 1123 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)4 | 4 |
CHEM_V 1234 | 4 |
MATH_V 100 (or 120 or 102 or 104 or 180 or 184)5 | 3 |
MATH_V 101 (or 121 or 103 or 105)5 | 3 |
Elective5,6 | 3 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Second Year7A | |
BIOL_V 200, 201 | 6 |
CHEM_V 233, 235 | 4 |
MATH_V 2178 | 4 |
MATH_V 223 (or 221) | 3 |
MATH_V 215 | 3 |
PHYS_V 210, 219, 229 | 6 |
PHYS_V 203 | 4 |
Elective5,6 | 3 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Third Year9 | |
BIOC_V 30210 | 3 |
MATH_V 300, 316 | 6 |
MATH_V 318 | 3 |
PHYS_V 200 | 4 |
PHYS_V 301, 305, 216 | 9 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
Bio-Science elective10 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 3 |
Total Credits | 34 |
Fourth Year9 | |
PHYS_V 44911 | 6 |
PHYS_V 304 | 3 |
Bio-Science electives10 | 15 |
Electives5 | 8 |
Total Credits | 32 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
3 Students who do not have BC High School Biology 11 or Biology 12 or equivalent must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 or BIOL_V 180. Students who do not have BC High School Chemistry 12 or equivalent must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112. 4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123. | |
4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. | |
5 Some course alternates have different credit value. The number of electives in each year is chosen to balance the total number of credits (i.e., make the yearly total close to 33). However, since the number of available elective credits may not be a multiple of three, students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
6 BIOL_V 180 is recommended, however Biology has agreed to waive BIOL_V 180 as a course prerequisite for students in Combined Honours Biophysics. Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. Honours specializations have additional requirements, see Introduction to Degree Options. | |
7 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing with an overall standing of at least 68% in each first-year physics and mathematics course. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
8 MATH_V 200 plus MATH_V 317 can replace MATH_V 217 by using 2 elective credits. | |
9 Consultation with a Physics Department advisor is recommended before entering third- and fourth-year. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
10 See Bio-Science Electives below. Note that 3 credits of bio-science electives may be used to replace BIOC_V 302 (3) with BIOC_V 303 (6). Students considering the co-op option are highly recommended to take BIOC_V 301 as one of the Bio-Science Electives in their third year. | |
11 It is possible for students to replace PHYS_V 449 with BIOC_V 449, BIOL_V 449, or MICB_V 449 with approval from both the Biophysics Advisor and the other department. |
Bio-Science Electives
The 18 credits of bio-sciences in the third and fourth years must include at least one laboratory course from the following recommended list or approved by the Biophysics advisor: BIOC_V 301, BIOL_V 337, BIOL_V 340, BIOL_V 341, BIOL_V 351, BIOL_V 352, BIOL_V 363, BIOL_V 437, MICB_V 322, MICB_V 323. The electives should concentrate mainly on one of the following broad categories:
- Molecular and Cell Biology
- Macrobiology (Biology on the level of organisms)
- Applied Biology (mainly medical applications)
The student's list of electives must be approved by the Biophysics advisor, who will direct the student to the appropriate Life Science advisors. The specialization should give the student good working knowledge of one sub-field in the biological sciences. Most of such electives have prerequisites; early consultation with an advisor is, therefore, recommended.
The following is a list of suggested bio-science electives:
- Anatomy: CAPS_V 390, 391
- Biochemistry: BIOC_V 301, 303 (in place of 302), 402, 403, 410
- Biology: BIOL_V 301, 320, 325, 327, 331, 335, 336, 337, 340, 341, 351, 352, 361, 362, 363, 364, 415, 425, 430, 431, 433, 434, 437, 447, 454, 455, 458, 463
- Chemistry: CHEM_V 305, 313, 405, 413, 435
- Mathematics: MATH_V 361
- Microbiology: MICB_V 201, 202, 301, 306, 308, 322, 323, 325, 405, 424, 425
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics: PCTH_V 305, 325. Only one of these may count towards the required 18 credits of bio-sciences electives.
- Physiology: CAPS_V 301, 426
- Physics: PHYS_V 404, 405, 438
Combined Honours (0009): Physics and Astronomy (PHYS, ASTR)
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)2 | 4 |
MATH_V 120 (or 100 or 102 or 104 or 180 or 184)3 | 4 |
MATH_V 121 (or 101 or 103 or 105)3 | 4 |
PHYS_V 106 (or 107 or 117)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 108 (or 118)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 109 (or 119) | 1 |
Electives5,6 | 8 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Second Year7 | |
ASTR_V 200, 205 | 6 |
MATH_V 2178 | 4 |
MATH_V 223 (or 221)9 | 3 |
MATH_V 215 | 3 |
PHYS_V 200, 203, 216 | 11 |
PHYS_V 210, 219, 229 | 6 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Third Year10 | |
ASTR_V 300, 407 | 6 |
MATH_V 300, 316 | 6 |
MATH_V 318 | 3 |
PHYS_V 304, 306 | 6 |
PHYS_V 301, 408 | 7 |
Electives5,6 | 5 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Fourth Year | |
ASTR_V 404, 406 | 6 |
ASTR_V 405 or PHYS_V 40911 | 3 |
ASTR_V 449 or PHYS_V 449 | 6 |
PHYS_V 402, 403 | 6 |
Electives5,6,12 | 12 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. Students interested in senior chemistry courses or who are planning to enter a career in teaching should take a second introductory chemistry course as an elective. | |
3 MATH_V 120, 121, 180, and 184 are 4 credits, the alternatives are 3 credits; students should adjust electives accordingly. | |
4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
5 The number of elective credits in each year is chosen to make the yearly total be 33. Some course alternatives have different credit values. Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
6 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. Honours specializations have additional requirements, see Introduction to Degree Options. | |
7 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing with no courses failed and a grade of at least 68% in each first-year physics and mathematics course. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
8 Students who are interested in mathematical physics are advised to substitute MATH_V 226, 227 for MATH_V 217. MATH_V 200, 317 can also be substituted for MATH_V 217. Either substitution would require using 3 credits of science elective. They are also encouraged to take MATH_V 320, 321 later in their program. | |
9 Students with credit for MATH_V 152 prior to entering this specialization can substitute it for MATH_V 223. MATH_V 223 or MATH_V 221 can be taken in first year. Eligible students are recommended to take MATH_V 223. | |
10 Consultation with a Physics Department advisor is recommended before entering third- and fourth-year. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
11 Any Honours Physics and Astronomy student who does not have the course prerequisite should consult an undergraduate physics and astronomy advisor for permission to take PHYS_V 409. | |
12 ASTR_V 403 and PHYS_V 407 are recommended. MATH_V 400 is recommended. Suggested upper-level electives are MATH_V 301, 345, 401, 402, 405, 418, 420, 450; PHYS_V 400, 405, 407, 410, 437, 447, 473, 474. |
Combined Honours (0517): Chemical Physics (PHYS, CHEM)
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)1 | 4 |
CHEM_V 1231 | 4 |
MATH_V 1202 | 4 |
MATH_V 1213 | 4 |
PHYS_V (106 or 107), 1084 | 6 |
PHYS_V 109 or 119 | 1 |
Electives5,6 | 6 |
Total Credits | 32 |
Second Year | |
CHEM_V 2037 | 4 |
CHEM_V 208 | 3 |
CHEM_V 213, 245 | 4 |
MATH_V 215, 2178, 223 (or 221)10 | 10 |
PHYS_V 200 | 4 |
PHYS_V 216 | 3 |
PHYS_V 219, 229 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 3 |
Total Credits | 34 |
Third Year | |
CHEM_V 2117 | 4 |
CHEM_V 3009 | 3 |
CHEM_V 304 | 3 |
CHEM_V 315 | 1 |
CHEM_V 319, 329 | 2 |
MATH_V 316 | 3 |
PHYS_V 210 | 3 |
PHYS_V 301, 304 | 6 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
PHYS_V and CHEM_V Electives11 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 3 |
Total Credits | 34 |
Fourth Year | |
One of BIOC_V 202, CHEM_V 305, 327 | 3 |
CHEM_V 412 | 3 |
CHEM_V 449 or PHYS_V 449 | 6 |
PHYS_V 401 or 40812 | 3 |
One of PHYS_V 306, 402, 403, 474 | 3 |
PHYS_V and CHEM_V Electives11 | 9 |
Electives5,6 | 5 |
Total Credits | 32 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123. | |
2 MATH_V 180 or 184 may substitute for MATH_V 120. MATH_V 100 or 102 or 104 may substitute for MATH_V 120 by increasing the electives by 1 credit. MATH_V 110 may substitute for MATH_V 120 by decreasing the electives by 2 credits. | |
3 MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105 may substitute for MATH_V 121 by increasing the electives by 1 credit. | |
4 PHYS_V 117 may substitute for PHYS_V 106 or 107. PHYS_V 118 may substitute for PHYS_V 108. Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 before taking other 100-level PHYS_V courses. | |
5 The number of electives in each year is chosen to balance the total number of credits (i.e., make the yearly total close to 33). Elective credits may be redistributed among the years in this specialization, provided the total number remains the same. The year level of an elective does not need to correspond to the year level of the specialization. | |
6 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. Honours specializations have additional requirements, see Introduction to Degree Options. | |
7 CHEM_V 223 and 225 may substitute for CHEM_V 203. Students with CHEM_V 235 and a score of 76% or higher in CHEM_V 233 may apply for admission to this specialization and will be allowed to use CHEM_V 233 and 235 in place of CHEM_V 203. CHEM_V 210 and 215 may substitute for CHEM_V 211. | |
8 MATH_V 217 can be replaced by MATH_V 200 and 317 by using 2 elective credits. | |
9 CHEM_V 300 taken in third year satisfies the Additional Communication Requirements. | |
10 MATH_V 223 (or 221) may be taken in first year. | |
11 Chosen from 300- and 400-level PHYS_V and CHEM_V lecture courses. At least 3 credits must be chosen from 400-level PHYS_V lecture courses and at least 3 credits must be chosen from 400-level CHEM_V lecture courses. PHYS_V 402, 410 are strongly recommended for students intending to pursue graduate work in physics. Recommended CHEM courses include CHEM_V 401, 402, 407, 408, 410, 417. | |
12 Students selecting PHYS_V 408 decrease the number of PHYS_V Electives by 1 credit. |
Combined Honours (0138): Computer Science and Physics
See Computer Science section.
Combined Honours: Physics and Another Science Subject1
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement2 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)3 | 4 |
MATH_V 100 or 102 or 104 or 120 or 180 or 1844 | 3 |
MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105 or 1214 | 3 |
PHYS_V 106 (or 107 or 117)5 | 3 |
PHYS_V 108 (or 118)5 | 3 |
PHYS_V 109 (or 119) | 1 |
Other subject credits and electives6,7,8 | 10 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Second Year9 | |
MATH_V 215, 21710 | 7 |
MATH_V 221 or 223 | 3 |
PHYS_V 200, 203, 216 | 11 |
PHYS_V 219, 229 | 3 |
Other subject credits and electives6,7,8 | 9 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Third and Fourth Years11 | |
MATH_V 300, 316 | 6 |
Required upper-level credits in the other science subject6 | 21 |
PHYS_V 301, 304, 306 | 9 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
PHYS_V 401 or 40812 | 3 |
PHYS_V 44913 | 6 |
Electives6,7,8,14 | 18 |
Total Credits | 66 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 Proposed combinations require written approval of both departments. Some combinations are not possible. | |
2 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
3 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. | |
4 MATH_V 120, 121, 180, and 184 are 4 credits; students should adjust electives accordingly. | |
5 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
6 Other subject credits must be chosen in consultation with the advisor from the other department. | |
7 The number of elective credits in each year is chosen to make the yearly total be 33. Some course alternatives have different credit values. Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
8 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. Honours specializations have additional requirements, see Introduction to Degree Options. | |
9 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing with no courses failed and a grade of at least 68% in each first-year physics and mathematics course. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
10 Students who are interested in mathematical physics are advised to substitute MATH_V 226, 227 for MATH_V 217. MATH_V 200, 317 can also be substituted for MATH_V 217. Either substitution would require using 2 credits of science elective. They are also encouraged to take MATH_V 320, 321 later in their program. | |
11 Consultation with an advisor in both departments is recommended before entering third- and fourth-year. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
12 PHYS_V 401 is 3 credits, PHYS_V 408 is 4 credits; students should adjust elective credits accordingly. | |
13 If the honours thesis (449) is chosen from the other discipline replace PHYS_V 449(6) by PHYS_V 409(3) and adjust electives accordingly. | |
14 The following courses are recommended: CPSC_V 302, PHYS_V 400, 407, 410, 473, 474; MATH_V 301, 318, 400. |
Combined Honours (0014): Physics and Mathematics (PHYS, MATH)
First Year | |
SCIE_V 113 | 3 |
Additional Communication Requirement1 | 3 |
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)2 | 4 |
MATH_V 120 (or 100 or 102 or 104 or 110 or 180 or 184)3 | 4 |
MATH_V 121 (or 101 or 103 or 105)3 | 4 |
PHYS_V 106 (or 107 or 117)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 108 (or 118)4 | 3 |
PHYS_V 109 (or 119) | 1 |
Electives5,6 | 8 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Second Year7 | |
MATH_V 223 (or 221)8 | 3 |
MATH_V 226 (or 200 and 220)9 | 3 |
MATH_V 227 (317) | 3 |
MATH_V 215 | 3 |
PHYS_V 200, 203, 216 | 11 |
PHYS_V 219, 229 | 3 |
PHYS_V 210 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 4 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Third Year10 | |
MATH_V 300, 301 | 6 |
MATH_V 316 | 3 |
MATH_V 3209, 321 | 6 |
PHYS_V 301, 304 | 6 |
PHYS_V 306 | 3 |
PHYS_V 309 or 319 | 3 |
Electives5,6 | 6 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Fourth Year10 | |
12 credits from MATH_V 318, 322, 323, 400-406, 412, 416-429, 433-440, 443, 449, 450 | 12 |
PHYS_V 401 or 40811 | 3 |
PHYS_V 402 | 3 |
PHYS_V 403 or 407 | 3 |
PHYS_V 449 | 6 |
Electives5,6 | 6 |
Total Credits | 33 |
Total Credits for Degree | 132 |
1 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. | |
2 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. Students interested in senior chemistry courses or who are planning to enter a career in teaching should take a second introductory chemistry course as an elective. | |
3 See UBC-SFU-UVIC-UNBC Calculus Examination Certificate. MATH_V 120, 121, 180, and 184 are 4 credits, MATH_V 110 is 6 credits, the other alternatives are 3 credits; students should adjust elective credits accordingly. | |
4 Students who do not have B.C. High School Physics 12 (or its equivalent) must take PHYS_V 100 prior to other PHYS_V courses. Students that took PHYS_V 101 or 131 may enter the specialization but will need to take PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, or 170 before the required PHYS_V 216. | |
5 The number of elective credits in each year is chosen to make the yearly total be 33. Some course alternatives have different credit values. Students are permitted to move elective credits between years. | |
6 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s: a) Foundational Requirement; b) Laboratory Science Requirement; c) Science Breadth Requirement; d) Science and Arts Requirements; e) Upper-level Requirement; f) General Degree Requirements. Honours specializations have additional requirements, see Introduction to Degree Options. | |
7 For admission to the specialization, students must be in good standing with no courses failed and a minimum overall 68% average in each academic session. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Second Year Application, Promotion to Second Year, and Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer. | |
8 Students with credit for MATH_V 152 prior to entering this specialization can substitute it for MATH_V 223. MATH_V 223 or MATH_V 221 can be taken in the first year. Eligible students are highly recommended to take MATH_V 223. | |
9 MATH_V 320 requires either 68% in MATH_V 226 or MATH_V 200 plus 80% in MATH_V 220. Students taking MATH_V 200, 220 should reduce electives by 3. | |
10 Consultation with a Physics Department advisor is recommended before entering third- and fourth-year. See also Introduction to Degree Options, Promotion Requirements and Courses Required for Promotion. | |
11 PHYS_V 401 is 3 credits, PHYS_V 408 is 4 credits; students should adjust electives accordingly. |
Minor (1195): Physics (PHYS)
The Minor consists of one of PHYS_V 200 or PHYS_V 250 plus 12 upper-level credits of PHYS_V courses and a further 6 upper-level credits of PHYS_V and/or ASTR_V courses. PHYS_V 301 and/or PHYS_V 304 must be included. Note that MATH_V 215 is a prerequisite for many upper-level physics courses.