Students wanting a stronger foundation in mathematics are encouraged to consider the Minor in Honours Mathematics. Upon successful completion of this Minor, the notation "Minor in Honours Mathematics" will be placed on the student's transcript.
The Minor in Honours Mathematics consists of two components: 200-level MATH_V courses, and 300- and 400-level MATH_V courses. An overall average of at least 68% must be obtained in each of the two components of the Minor.
A minimum of 9 credits of 200-level MATH_V courses are required in the first component.
- 200-level MATH_V courses from a student's engineering program (excluding MATH_V 221 and 223) may be included in this total.
- Students must include at least one of MATH_V 217, 227, 264, or 317 (students who have successfully completed MECH_V 222 are exempt from this requirement).
- Additional eligible courses are MATH_V 220 and 257.
The 300- and 400-level MATH_V courses required in the second component are:
MATH_V 300 or 305 | 3 |
MATH_V 3201 | 3 |
Two of MATH_V 301, 321, 322, and 400 | 6 |
Elective 300- and 400-level MATH_V courses2 | 12 |
1 The prerequisites for MATH_V 320 will be waived for students who earn an overall average of at least 80% on the best 15 or more credits of MATH_V courses numbered 200 or higher. Other students must obtain at least 80% in MATH_V 220. | |
2 Eligible elective 300- and 400-level MATH_V courses are: MATH_V 301, 257/316, 318, 321, 322, 323, 345, 400-406, 412, 416-440, 443, and 449. |