Office of the Dean and Vice-Provost
M. Hunt, Dean and Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
M. DeVera, Associate Dean, Postdoctoral Fellows
J. Dierkes, Senior Associate Dean, Students
A. Frank, Associate Dean, Policy
L. Walker, Advisor to the Dean, Academic Integrity
J. Phelps, Assistant Vice-Provost of Graduate and Postdoctoral Strategic Academic Initiatives
J. Locher, Assistant Dean, Strategic Technologies and Business Initiatives
B. Morey, Assistant Dean, Student Administration and Awards
The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
170-6371 Crescent Road
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2
Telephone: 604.822.2848
Fax: 604.822.5802
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Website
The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' goal is to provide an outstanding educational experience for all graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at UBC. The Faculty oversees the academic quality and integrity of its graduate programs so that graduate students are provided with training in research and other scholarly activities of the highest standard. It is also responsible for the transparent, consistent, and equitable administration of graduate policies, programs, and awards; evaluation and quality assurance of graduate programs, resources, and outcomes; supporting the recruitment and retention of excellent graduate students from around the world; and providing outstanding opportunities for professional development of graduate students that enhance career options and contribute to a civil and sustainable society.
Operating within the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the Postdoctoral Fellows Office works closely with relevant units across campus to facilitate and further improve a positive postdoctoral experience for UBC postdoctoral fellows, their supervisors and departments. Specific activities include orientation events, professional development programming, advocacy, and oversight of a number of awards (including Banting) and the Killam PDF Research Prize.
The Faculty's administrative functions include: reviewing and processing new graduate programs, curriculum changes and graduate-level (500 to 699) courses; determining and verifying the admissibility of students applying for graduate programs; maintaining academic records; processing requests for transfer between programs, leaves of absence, reinstatements after interruptions of study, extensions after the maximum time-in-program has been exhausted; managing scholarship, fellowship, and award programs; assuring uniformity of practices and standards for doctoral orals; assisting departments and other units with recruitment of new graduate students; helping individual graduate students who encounter problems; determining whether graduate students are eligible to graduate; and managing submission of theses and dissertations.
The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies is home to the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies Program (ISGP).
For more information about the roles of the Faculty and to view the Faculty's policies and procedures manual, visit Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.