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The Department of Anthropology offers programs of study that lead to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, and Bachelor of Arts. Anthropology at UBC advances the study and constructive understanding of human diversity and commonality, across the globe and throughout the long span of human existence. We pursue this aim through research, teaching, and community collaboration, grounded in multiple analytical and interpretive methods that share a commitment to field and museum based inquiry.

Our undergraduate program is divided into three streams (museology/visual anthropology; socio-cultural anthropology, and archaeology/bioarchaeology) but share core program outcomes for our graduates:

  • Explore the worlds of cultural expression in different media from different places and times.
  • Experience the processes of conducting research and the challenges of making sense of other peoples’ lives, past and present.
  • Empathize with the contexts and perspectives of people in all walks of life and communities via anthropological views on cultural literacy.
  • Recognize the asymmetries and manifestations of power in relationships and institutions, especially those involving marginalized communities and individuals.
  • Evaluate claims, academic and otherwise, about the nature of humanity and the narratives of history and culture.
  • Reflect critically on the role of scholarship in the understanding of culture and identity.
  • Apply the logic and understanding of anthropology to issues facing communities around the world, especially as they confront powerful local and global interests.
  • Engage in productive discussion with diverse communities to unsettle assumptions and misconceptions commonly held about Aboriginal and Indigenous issues.
  • Communicate scholarship to a range of audiences as equal partners in the understanding of human experience.

For current offerings, visit the Department.

For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Anthropology.

Major in Anthropology

A minimum of 42 credits within Anthropology (ANTH_V or ARCL_V), at least 30 credits of which must be numbered 300 or higher. All students considering the Major in Anthropology are encouraged to meet with the Anthropology undergraduate advisor prior to enrolling in the program and periodically during their third and fourth years.

Lower-level Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits at the lower level, including:

  • ANTH_V 100 (3)
  • ARCL_V 103 (3) or ARCL_V 140 (3)
  • 6 credits chosen from other ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses at the 200-level

Upper-level Requirements

Students must complete at least 30 credits of upper-level ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses, including:

  • ANTH_V 300 (3)
  • ANTH_V 400 (3)
  • 3 credits in research methods and techniques: ANTH_V 317, 407, 408, 409, 417, 418, 431, 433, 451, 452, 471, 478, 480; ARCL_V 306, 345, 405, 406, 419, 424, 425, 430, 495.

A course in statistics, such as ANTH_V 418, is also recommended as part of the major and Honours programs in anthropology and the Minor in Anthropological Archaeology.

Honours in Anthropology

A total of 60 credits in anthropology, at least 48 of which must be numbered 300 or higher. All students considering the Honours program in Anthropology are encouraged to seek advising with the Anthropology undergraduate advisor prior to enrolling in the program and periodically during their third and fourth years.


Admission to the Honours program requires a high B average, credit for ANTH_V 100 and ARCL_V 103 or 140, and 6 credits chosen from other ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses at the 200-level.

Lower-level Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits at the lower level, including:

  • ANTH_V 100 (3)
  • ARCL_V 103 (3) or ARCL_V 140 (3)
  • 6 credits chosen from other ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses at the 200-level

Upper-level Requirements

Students must complete at least 48 credits of upper-level ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses, including:

  • ANTH_V 300 (3)
  • ANTH_V 400 (3)
  • 3 credits in research methods and techniques: ANTH_V 317, 407, 408, 409, 417, 418, 431, 433, 451, 452, 471, 478, 480; ARCL_V 306, 345, 405, 406, 419, 424, 425, 430, 495
  • An undergraduate Honours thesis: ANTH_V 449 (6)

Minor in Anthropology

A minimum of 30 credits within Anthropology (ANTH_V or ARCL_V). All students considering the Minor in Anthropology are encouraged to seek advising with the Anthropology undergraduate advisor prior to enrolling in the program.

Lower-level Requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 12 credits at the lower level, including:

  • ANTH_V 100 (3)
  • ARCL_V 103 (3) or ARCL_V 140 (3)
  • 6 credits chosen from other ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses at the 200-level

Upper-level Requirements

Students must complete at least 18 credits of upper-level ANTH_V or ARCL_V courses.

Minor in Anthropological Archaeology

All students considering the Minor in Anthropological Archaeology are encouraged to seek advising with the Anthropology undergraduate advisor prior to enrolling in the program. Students combining the Minor with a Major or Honours program in Anthropology should be aware of double-counting. ANTH_V 418 can be counted toward either program.

Students must complete at least 30 credits in Anthropological Archaeology (ARCL_V), including:

  • ARCL_V 103 (3) or 140 (3)
  • ARCL_V 203 (3) or 204 (3)
  • ARCL_V 305 (3)
  • At least 18 credits must be at the 300-level or above.

There are three recommended pathways through the minor, although course choice is unrestricted beyond the above requirements:

Anthropological Archaeology Variant
Required courses plus 21 credits from: ARCL_V 103, 204, 231, 232, 235, 306, 309, 318, 319, 321-324, 405, 406, 419, 420, 430, ANTH_V 418.

Bioarchaeology Variant
Required courses plus 21 credits from: ARCL_V 140, 204, 228, 309, 325, 326, 345, 406, 419, 425, 430, ANTH_V 418.

First Nations Heritage Management/Cultural Resource Management Variant
Required courses plus 21 credits from: ARCL_V 140, 204, 231, 306, 309, 318, 345, 405, 406, 419, 420, 424, 425, 430, ANTH_V 418.

Undergraduate Courses

The majority of ANTH_V and ARCL_V are general courses open to all students.

Indigenous Studies

Students interested in Indigenous studies, including but not limited to those in the First Nations and Indigenous Studies or First Nations and Endangered Languages programs, may wish to consider the following courses which appear on the FNIS Approved Course List: ANTH_V 217, 220, 221, 232, 301, 304, 321, 329, 401, 404, 411, 431; ARCL_V 231, 420.

The following courses also regularly include material relating to Indigenous studies: ANTH_V 215, 315, 317, 331, 332, 341, 350, 351, 407, and 461.

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