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M.D./Ph.D. (Combined Program)

Degrees Offered: M.D./Ph.D.



L. Brunham, T. Nielsen.

Program Overview

This is an integrated program jointly offered by the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Its purpose is to provide selected and highly qualified students the opportunity to combine their medical school experience with intensive scientific training in pursuing a career as clinician-scientists in a chosen field. The program is designed so that students can receive the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees after successful completion of six to seven years of enrolment. The program is built upon the regular M.D. curriculum, but is further customized to meet the unique career goals of individual students based on their background, previous research experience, and their chosen medical field of expertise. Graduates of the M.D./Ph.D. program are trained as competent physicians, as well as skilled scientists who can sustain a successful and competitive clinical investigative career.

Doctor of Medicine with Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Candidates for admission must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. Persons with refugee status in Canada can also apply. To be eligible for admission, the student must have a Bachelor of Science with First class standing (or equivalent), and have fulfilled all the requirements of acceptance into the four-year medical curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, as well as the doctoral requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. All applicants are required to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT); however, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is optional. Students with a B.Sc. degree (or equivalent) who are already enrolled in the first year of Medicine at UBC are also eligible for admission.

Program Requirements

Students must complete all the required courses in the regular Medical Undergraduate Program. Students must complete 12 credits of coursework for the Ph.D. component; at least 9 credits must be 500-level or higher, and at least 9 credits must be of First class standing. Students must demonstrate proficiency in all required coursework by examination. Students must also successfully complete an oral comprehensive examination based on their proposed research and submit a grant proposal based on their proposed research (in the CIHR format) within the first 36 months of starting their program. Students must defend their dissertation by oral examination. Additionally, each student will be evaluated at least annually by the research supervisory committee. Continuation in the combined degree program is contingent upon satisfactory scholastic and research progress.

Contact Information

UBC M.D./Ph.D. Program
11th Floor, Gordan and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
2775 Laurel Street Vancouver, BC Canada V5Z1M9
Naureen Kahn, Program Coordinator

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