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Graduate Program in Cell and Developmental Biology

J. Church, Program Director

The Graduate Program in Cell and Developmental Biology offers opportunities for advanced study and research in cell and developmental biology through a coordinated program of studies leading to Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. The Program is flexible and is intended to accommodate the diverse backgrounds of students and the broad nature of research in cell and developmental biology.

In addition to coursework, students are expected to engage in original and significant research from the start of their studies. A student's overall training program is decided upon by the student, their research supervisor, and their Advisory Committee.

Acceptance into the Program is dependent upon meeting the general entrance requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, being accepted by the Cell and Developmental Biology Graduate Program Advisory Committee, and being accepted by a faculty member who is willing to act as the student's supervisor.

For more information, see also Cell and Developmental Biology.

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