You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements for Elementary & Middle Years Teacher Education

Graduates of the elementary & middle years option focus their preparation on teaching students in K-Grade 8.

Teacher candidates in the elementary & middle years option are encouraged to develop a disposition toward inquiry and research through coursework, inquiry seminars, and practicum experiences. Strands woven throughout the program include: 1) inquiry and dialogical understanding; 2) curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment; 3) diversity, social justice, and aboriginal perspectives; 4) language, literacies, and cultures; and 5) field experiences. Field experiences occur in K-Grade 8 settings as well as in alternate school settings, and/or community-based field contexts, such as museums, art galleries, rural, and international schools.

Elementary & Middle Years: 11-Month Option

EDUC_V 3152
EDUC_V 32111
EDUC_V 418212
EDUC_V 4301
EDUC_V 4403
EDUC_V 4502
EDUC_V 4512
EDUC_V 4522
EDCP_V 3012
EDCP_V 3082
EDCP_V 3202
EDCP_V 3312
EDPC 3402
EDCP_V 3492
EPSE_V 3084
EPSE_V 3102
EPSE_V 3173
EDST_V 4013
EDST_V 4031
EDST_V 4041
LLED_V 3503
LLED_V 3512
LLED_V 35232
LLED_V 3532
Total Credits60
Total Credits (French specialists)62
1 EDUC_V 323 replaces this course for middle years teacher candidates. 
2 EDUC_V 419 replaces this course for middle years teacher candidates. 
3 All Elementary teacher candidates in the French option take LLED_V 325 (4 credits) in lieu of LLED_V 352 (2 credits). 

After completing all program requirements, students are awarded the Bachelor of Education degree and are eligible to apply for a British Columbia Professional Teaching Certificate.

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