You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Music Scholarship

Combining broad upper-level coursework in music theory, music history, and ethnomusicology with the performance standards of the B.Mus., this program provides a strong preparation for graduate work in music scholarship. The major begins in the third year of undergraduate study, following two years in another major. Admittance is not automatic: students must submit a written application explaining their interest in the program. Normally an applicant will not be admitted without at least an overall 80% average in the first- and second-year core courses in music theory and history, and at least a 75% average in first-year English.


Program requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Music Scholarship include:
Core B.Mus. Requirements in Music History, Musicianship, Music Theory, and Music Technology (34 credits)
For specific requirements, see Bachelor of Music, Degree Requirements.
Music Performance (16 credits) 
MUSC_V 1824
MUSC_V 2824
MUSC_V 3824
MUSC_V 4824
The concentration instrument is usually the one on which the student is most competent, and on which the student auditioned to enter the School.
Secondary Performance (4 credits) 
MUSC_V 141 or 171A2
MUSC_V 241 or 2712
Secondary-level lessons in piano, if needed; see Minimum Requirements in Piano.
Ensembles (10-16 credits) 
Large ensemble3-4
Large ensemble3-4
Large or small ensemble2-4
Another large or small ensemble2-4
Students interested in ethnomusicology should take one of the Asian music ensembles, MUSC_V 165.
Music Electives 
Music electives15
Music electives must include at least 9 credits of music theory, music history, or ethnomusicology in addition to those required in the program. MUSC_V 349, Keyboard Harmony, is required of keyboard concentrators and recommended for students interested in theory. As not all courses are offered every year, students should meet with an advisor to determine which courses are best suited to the student's interests. With the approval of a supervising faculty scholar, a student may undertake a one-term, 3-credit research project, MUSC_V 402.
Additional Music Requirements (12 credits) 
MUSC_V 3283
Music history16
1 Students will choose two courses from MUSC_V 352-358.
Other Course Requirements 
Writing Requirement (WRDS_V 150 or ENGL_V 100)3
Literature Requirement6
Non-Music Electives224
2 PHYS_V 341 is recommended for students interested in music theory. Students interested in ethnomusicology should consider courses in anthropology or languages. Students contemplating graduate study in theory or history should study German.
3 Any music or non-music course consistent with the guidelines above for music and non-music electives.

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