You are reading the 2024/25 Academic Calendar. The 2023/24 version remains in effect until August 31, 2024 and is available here.

Credit Exclusion Lists

Each line below lists courses in which there is sufficient overlap that credit may be obtained for only one selection. This does not imply that courses listed together are interchangeable. Program specifications may require a specific course selection. A student who fails a course may attempt that course once more or may attempt one other from the same Credit Exclusion list, but only once. A student who passes a course may not take for higher standing that course or another course on the same Credit Exclusion list.

Atmospheric Science


  • ATSC_V 409, 506, EOSC_V 511

Behavioural Neuroscience (See Psychology)


  • BIOC_V 302, 303
  • BIOC_V 202, 203, BIOL_V 201
  • BIOC_V 403, CHEM_V 413, 569
  • BIOC_V 410, 510
  • BIOC_V 440, 535


  • BIOL_V 112, SCIE_V 001
  • BIOL_V 121, BIOL_V 344, SCIE_V 001
  • BIOL_V 140, BIOL_V 180
  • BIOL_V 180, SCIE_V 001
  • BIOL_V 153, BIOL_V 155, CAPS_V 210, KIN_V 190, KIN_V 191
  • BIOL_V 153, FNH_V 160
  • BIOL_V 153, FNH_V 161
  • BIOL_V 153, KIN_V 110, KIN_V 131, KIN_V 132
  • BIOL_V 201, BIOC_V 202, BIOC_V 203
  • BIOL_V 210, APBI_V 210
  • BIOL_V 233, BIOL_V 234
  • BIOL_V 260, NSCI_V 200
  • BIOL_V 300, COMM_V 291, ECON_V 325, 327, EPSE_V 482, FRST_V 231, GEOG_V 374, KIN_V 371, PSYC_V 218, PSYC_V 278, PSYC_V 366, POLI_V 380, SOCI_V 328, STAT_V 200, 203
  • BIOL_V 310, PSYC_V 306
  • BIOL_V 311, APBI_V 415
  • BIOL_V 314, CONS_V 314
  • BIOL_V 317, APBI_V 328
  • BIOL_V 324, APBI_V 324
  • BIOL_V 327, APBI_V 327
  • BIOL_V 330, BIOL_V 331
  • BIOL_V 346, MICB_V 202, MICB_V 212
  • BIOL_V 350, ISCI_V 350
  • BIOL_V 351, FRST_V 311, APBI_V 351
  • BIOL_V 361, BIOL_V 370
  • BIOL_V 361, BIOL_V 371
  • BIOL_V 363, CAPS_V 303
  • BIOL_V 364, APBI_V 311
  • BIOL_V 371, BIOL_V 455
  • BIOL_V 371, PSYC_V 370
  • BIOL_V 371, PSYC_V 371
  • BIOL_V 372, BIOL_V 455
  • BIOL_V 372, PSYC_V 367
  • BIOL_V 372, PSYC_V 370
  • BIOL_V 372, PSYC_V 371
  • BIOL_V 401, BIOL_V 560
  • BIOL_V 403, BIOL_V 503
  • BIOL_V 411, APBI_V 427
  • BIOL_V 416, CONS_V 330
  • BIOL_V 421, APBI_V 426
  • BIOL_V 433, BIOL_V 533
  • BIOL_V 434, BIOL_V 509
  • BIOL_V 436, FNH_V 436
  • BIOL_V 438, PHYS_V 438
  • BIOL_V 439, BIOL_V 539
  • BIOL_V 440, APBI_V 440
  • BIOL_V 451, BIOL_V 455
  • BIOL_V 455, BIOL_V 451
  • BIOL_V 462, FRST_V 413
  • BIOL_V 509, BIOL_V 434
  • BIOL_V 533, BIOL_V 433
  • BIOL_V 539, BIOL_V 439
  • BIOL_V 560, BIOL_V 401

Cellular and Physiological Sciences


  • CAPS_V 303, BIOL_V 363
  • CAPS_V 205, CAPS_V 301
  • CAPS_V 206, CAPS_V 301



  • CHEM_V 110, 111, 120, 121, 141, 154, SCIE_V 001, APSC_V 183
  • CHEM_V 111, 115, 121
  • CHEM_V 123, 130, 154, SCIE_V 001, APSC_V 182, APSC_V 183
  • CHEM_V 123, 135
  • CHEM_V 203, 223, 233, 260
  • CHEM_V 203, 225
  • CHEM_V 210, 211
  • CHEM_V 211, 215
  • CHEM_V 213, 260
  • CHEM_V 300, SCIE_V 300, PHYS_V 348
  • CHEM_V 304, PHYS_V 203
  • CHEM_V 312, PHYS_V 304, 450
  • CHEM_V 402, 514
  • CHEM_V 406, 506
  • CHEM_V 407, 503, PHYS_V 403, 455
  • CHEM_V 408, 508
  • CHEM_V 409, 509
  • CHEM_V 410, 502
  • CHEM_V 411, 566
  • CHEM_V 413, 569, BIOC_V 403
  • CHEM_V 414, 525
  • CHEM_V 416, 563
  • CHEM_V 418, 524
  • CHEM_V 434, 534
  • CHEM_V 435, 526
  • CHEM_V 460, 560
  • CHEM_V 461, 561

Computer Science


  • CPSC_V 107, 110
  • CPSC_V 121, CPEN_V 211
  • CPSC_V 210, CPEN_V 221
  • CPSC_V 213, 261, CPEN_V 212
  • CPSC_V 221, 259
  • CPSC_V 304, 368, COMM_V 437
  • CPSC_V 310, CPEN_V 321, DSCI_V 310
  • CPSC_V 313, CPEN_V 331
  • CPSC_V 313, CPEN_V 333
  • CPSC_V 313, CPEN_V 411
  • CPSC_V 317, COMM_V 439
  • CPSC_V 317, ELEC_V 331
  • CPSC_V 330, EOSC_V 410, 510, PHYS_V 310
  • CPSC_V 340, 540
  • CPSC_V 440, 550
  • CPSC_V 402, MATH_V 407
  • CPSC_V 416, CPEN_V 431
  • CPSC_V 417, COMM_V 439
  • CPSC_V 444, CPEN_V 441

Data Science


  • DSCI_V 310, CPSC_V 310, CPEN_V 321

Earth and Ocean Sciences


  • EOSC_V 110, GEOS_V 103, GEOB_V 103
  • EOSC_V 110, 310
  • EOSC_V 112, GEOS_V 102, GEOB_V 102
  • EOSC_V 211, APSC_V 160
  • EOSC_V 222, 326
  • EOSC_V 325, 329
  • EOSC_V 326, 425
  • EOSC_V 372, MRNE_V 435
  • EOSC_V 373, MRNE_V 435
  • EOSC_V 410, 510, CPSC_V 330, PHYS_V 310
  • EOSC_V 433, 536
  • EOSC_V 434, 534

Environmental Sciences


  • ENVR_V 400, 449

Geographical Sciences

All GEOB courses were changed to GEOS in 2021, so all equivalent courses are credit excluded.

  • GEOS_V 102, GEOB_V 102, EOSC_V 112
  • GEOS_V 103, GEOB_V 103, EOSC_V 110
  • GEOS_V 200, GEOB_V 200, 204, APBI_V 244
  • GEOS_V 270, GEOB_V 270, CONS_V 340
  • GEOS_V 305, GEOB_V 305, CIVL_V 418, FOPR_V 388
  • GEOS_V 373, FRST_V 443
  • GEOS_V 373, FRST_V 443

Integrated Sciences


  • ISCI_V 344, ECON_V 221
  • ISCI_V 350, BIOL_V 350



  • MATH_V 100, 102, 104, 110, 120, 180, 184, SCIE_V 001
  • MATH_V 101, 103, 105, 121, SCIE_V 001
  • MATH_V 152, 221
  • MATH_V 200, 217, 226, 253, 254
  • MATH_V 215, 255, 256, 258
  • MATH_V 217, 227, 254, 264, 317
  • MATH_V 223, 310
  • MATH_V 230, 335
  • MATH_V 257, 316, 358, MECH_V 358, PHYS_V 312
  • MATH_V 300, 305
  • MATH_V 302, 318, STAT_V 302
  • MATH_V 303, 318
  • MATH_V 312, 437
  • MATH_V 313, 437
  • MATH_V 319, 320
  • MATH_V 401, 406
  • MATH_V 405, 406
  • MATH_V 407, CPSC_V 402
  • MATH_V 404, 541

Marine Biology


  • MRNE_V 435, EOSC_V 372, 373

Microbiology & Immunology


  • MICB_V 201, MICB_V 211
  • MICB_V 202, BIOL_V 346
  • MICB_V 202, MICB_V 212
  • MICB_V 318, CHBE_V 381
  • MICB_V 402, MEDG_V 410
  • MICB_V 407, PATH_V 437
  • MICB_V 401, MICB_V 475
  • MICB_V 421, MICB_V 447, MICB_V 471
  • MICB_V 475, MICB_V 575
  • MICB_V 502, MEDG_V 510



  • NSCI_V 200, BIOL_V 260
  • NSCI_V 201, PSYC_V 270
  • NSCI_V 201, PSYC_V 271
  • NSCI_V 201, PSYC_V 272
  • NSCI_V 302, PSYC_V 301



  • PCTH_V 300, PCTH_V 301, PCTH_V 305
  • PCTH_V 300, PCTH_V 303, PCTH_V 305
  • PCTH_V 325 following PCTH_V 300, PCTH_V 303, OR PCTH_V 305
  • PCTH_V 201 following PCTH_V 300, PCTH_V 301, PCTH_V 303, PCTH_V 305, or PCTH_V 325

Physics and Astronomy


  • PHYS_V 101, 131, SCIE_V 001
  • PHYS_V 106, 107, 117, SCIE_V 001
  • PHYS_V 102, 108, 118, 153, 158, SCIE_V 001, APSC_V 178
  • PHYS_V 109, 119, SCIE_V 001
  • PHYS_V 107, 119, SCIE_V 001
  • PHYS_V 129, PHYS_V 109, SCIE_V 001
  • PHYS_V 157, APSC_V 182
  • PHYS_V 170, APSC_V 180
  • PHYS_V 200, 250
  • PHYS_V 203, ENPH_V 257
  • PHYS_V 203, CHEM_V 304
  • PHYS_V 209, 219, ENPH_V 259
  • PHYS_V 209, 229, ENPH_V 259
  • PHYS_V 301, 354
  • PHYS_V 408, 458
  • PHYS_V 304, 450, CHEM_V 312
  • PHYS_V 310, CPSC_V 330, EOSC_V 410, 510
  • PHYS_V 312, MATH_V 257, 316
  • PHYS_V 348, SCIE_V 300, CHEM_V 300
  • PHYS_V 403, 455, CHEM_V 407, 503
  • PHYS_V 401, 454
  • PHYS_V 405, 536
  • PHYS_V 438, BIOL_V 438
  • ASTR_V 101, 310
  • ASTR_V 102, 311
  • ASTR_V 407, 507
  • ASTR_V 406, 500, 506
  • ASTR_V 404, 514



  • PSYC_V 217, 273, 277, 366
  • PSYC_V 218, 275, 278, 366
  • PSYC_V 270, NSCI_V 201
  • PSYC_V 271, NSCI_V 201
  • PSYC_V 272, NSCI_V 201
  • PSYC_V 270, 271
  • PSYC_V 270, 272
  • PSYC_V 274, 277
  • PSYC_V 276, 278
  • PSYC_V 301, NSCI_V 302
  • PSYC_V 304, 360, 370
  • PSYC_V 306, BIOL_V 310
  • PSYC_V 367, BIOL_V 372
  • PSYC_V 370, BIOL_V 371
  • PSYC_V 370, BIOL_V 372
  • PSYC_V 371, BIOL_V 371
  • PSYC_V 371, BIOL_V 372



  • SCIE_V 001, BIOL_V 111
  • SCIE_V 001, BIOL_V 112
  • SCIE_V 001, BIOL_V 121
  • SCIE_V 001, BIOL_V 180
  • SCIE_V 001, BIOL_V 344
  • SCIE_V 001, CHEM_V 111, 121, 141, 154
  • SCIE_V 001, CHEM_V 123, 154
  • SCIE_V 001, MATH_V 100, 102, 104, 110, 120, 180, 184
  • SCIE_V 001, MATH_V 101, 103, 105, 121
  • SCIE_V 001, PHYS_V 101, 131
  • SCIE_V 001, PHYS_V 106, 107, 117
  • SCIE_V 001, PHYS_V 102, 108, 118, 153, 158
  • SCIE_V 001, PHYS_V 109, 119
  • SCIE_V 001, SCIE_V 113
  • SCIE_V 113, LFS_V 150
  • SCIE_V 220, ASIC_V 220
  • SCIE_V 300, CHEM_V 300, PHYS_V 348
  • SCIE_V 400, SCIE_V 500



  • STAT_V 200, 203, BIOL_V 300, BUSI_V 291, COMM_V 191, COMM_V 291, ECON_V 325, 327, EPSE_V 482, FRST_V 231, GEOG_V 374, KIN_V 206, 371, LFS_V 252, POLI_V 380, PSYC_V 218, 278, SOCI_V 328
  • STAT_V 241, 251, ECON_V 325, 327, PSYC_V 366, COMM_V 290
  • STAT_V 300, COMM_V 411
  • STAT_V 302, MATH_V 302, 318
  • STAT_V 306, ECON_V 326, 328
  • STAT_V 321, ELEC_V 321
  • STAT_V 335, WOOD_V 335
  • STAT_V 404, FRST_V 430, PSYC_V 359

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.