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Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Leadership

Credential offered: G.D.P.L.

Program Overview

The Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Leadership (G.D.P.L.) is designed to meet the profession’s need for pharmacists equipped for roles demanding strong leadership, organizational behaviour knowledge, and policy decision-making skills in healthcare, corporate, regulatory, and academic organizations.

Admission Requirements

The Faculty will select for admission those students who not only demonstrate academic potential, but who also most aptly display a motivation to become leaders in the profession.

Applicants to the G.D.P.L. program are expected to meet the standards for admission to master’s-level degrees administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. In addition to the requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, to be considered for admission to the G.D.P.L., applicants must:

  • Be a graduate of an accredited pharmacy program
  • Be licensed or eligible for licensure as a pharmacist in their jurisdiction

Enrolment in the G.D.P.L. is expected to be highly competitive. Satisfying the minimum entrance requirements will not guarantee admission, but rather ensures eligibility for selection. Selection will be at the discretion of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Completion of a Pharmacy Residency Program will be considered an asset, not a requirement. 

Academic Regulations

Students registered in the G.D.P.L. program will be held to the Academic Regulations of non-thesis master’s degrees administered by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

The program is designed to be completed in 12 months. Students who must interrupt their studies should speak to an advisor and expect that the completion timeline will be extended. See On-Leave Status

Program Requirements

PHRM_V 5203 
PHRM_V 5213 
PHRM_V 5226 
PHRM_V 5233 
PHRM_V 5243 
Total Credits18 

Contact Information

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
2405 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel.: 604.822.1945

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