
The Department of Psychology offers programs of study that lead to the Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Science.

The Department also collaborates with Cognitive Systems, Linguistics (Speech Sciences), and Women's and Gender Studies.

For information on the Bachelor of Science, see the Faculty of Science.

For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Psychology.

Visit Workday for details on current offerings.

Major in Psychology

Students are reminded that the Department of Psychology requires at least 30 upper-level Psychology credits for the Psychology Major, and at least 48 upper-level Psychology credits for the Honours program. PSYC_V 340, 348, 388, 440, 448 or 488 may not be included for the minimum 30 Psychology credits required for the Major Program.

Students who are contemplating graduate studies or other research activities in psychology should consider taking PSYC_V 359 as part of their upper-level Psychology requirement. Students may declare their Major in Psychology upon attaining second year status (completion of 27 credits). Students must be declared Psychology Majors in order to take PSYC_V 217 and 218, which are required for the Major. Arts students who have declared majors in either Cognitive Systems or Speech Sciences are also eligible to take PSYC_V 217 and 218.

Lower Level Requirements

Students must complete:

  • either PSYC_V 100; or PSYC_V 101 and PSYC_V 102
  • Quantitative Methods courses:
    PSYC_V 217 and 218

Upper Level Requirements

Students must take a minimum of 30 credits in 300- and/or 400-level courses including:

1. At least 6 credits from the following two lists:

  • Behavioural Neuroscience: PSYC_V 301, 304, 306, 361, 363, 460, 461, 462, 466, 472
  • Cognitive Science: PSYC_V 309, 321, 333, 335, 336, 365, 367, 368, 409, 421, 463

2. At least 6 credits from each of two of the following four lists:

  • Clinical/Health: PSYC_V 300, 311, 314, 331, 350, 400, 401, 402, 469
  • Developmental: PSYC_V 302, 315, 319, 320, 322, 325, 412, 413, 414
  • Foundations/Psychometrics: PSYC_V 303, 312, 359
  • Personality/Social: PSYC_V 305, 307, 308, 358, 403, 404, 407, 408, 415, 418

All students are encouraged to include fourth-year courses in their programs to provide greater depth of understanding.

Honours in Psychology

The Honours program is designed to provide intensive and extensive preparation in psychology for outstanding students who intend to pursue graduate studies in Psychology.

Students are admitted into the Honours program in their third year on broad-based criteria, which include grades, relevant research experience, commitment to public speaking, and team research.

Admission to the Honours program requires at least a 76% average in the second year and at least 80% in PSYC_V 217 and 218. Students who do not meet either of these criteria may petition for admittance into the program. All students enrolling in the Honours program must consult with the chair of the departmental Honours committee.

Graduation in the Honours program requires:

  • a minimum of 120 total credits including 48 credits of Psychology courses numbered 300 or above, including several specified courses that are listed below, but no more than 6 credits total for PSYC_V 340, 348, 388, 440, 448, or 488
  • an average of at least 76% in the final 60 credits of study
  • an average of at least 80% in at least 12 credits of Psychology courses numbered 300 or above

Lower-Level Requirements

Students must complete:

  • either PSYC_V 100; or PSYC_V 101 and PSYC_V 102
  • Quantitative Methods Courses:
    PSYC_V 217 and 218

Upper-Level Requirements

Students must complete:

  • The following courses taken concurrently in third year: PSYC_V 312, 349, and 359
  • PSYC_V 449 (after successfully completing PSYC_V 349 and achieving 4th year status)
  • no more than 6 credits total from PSYC_V 340, 348, 388, 440, 448, or 488
  • at least 6 credits from four of the five content areas listed below

at least 12 credits from:

  • Behavioural Neuroscience: PSYC_V 301, 304, 306, 360, 361, 363, 370, 371, 460, 461, 462, 466, 472
  • Cognitive Science: PSYC_V 309, 321, 333, 335, 336, 365, 367, 368, 409, 421, 463

and at least 12 credits from:

  • Clinical/Health: PSYC_V 300, 303, 311, 314, 331, 350, 400, 401, 402, 469
  • Developmental: PSYC_V 302, 315, 319, 320, 322, 325, 412, 413, 414
  • Personality/Social: PSYC_V 305, 307, 308, 358, 403, 404, 407, 408, 415, 418

All students are encouraged to include fourth year courses in their programs to provide greater depth of understanding.

Minor in Psychology (B.A.)

Lower Level Requirements

Students must complete:

  • either PSYC_V 100; or PSYC_V 101 and PSYC_V 102
  • 6 credits of 200-level Psychology, such as PSYC_V 207, 208, 216. PSYC_V 216 is recommended to prepare for upper level PSYC_V courses.

Upper Level Requirements

Students must take 18 credits of 300- and/or 400-level psychology courses, and may not count PSYC_V 340, 348, 388, 440, 448, or 488 toward that requirement.

Major in Cognitive Systems: Cognition and the Brain

For a program description and admission requirements, see Cognitive Systems (Arts).

For a list of acceptable Cognitive Systems Module Courses, see here.

Lower-level requirements

  • PSYC_V 100 (or 101 and 102)
  • CPSC_V 110 (or 103 and 107)1, 121
  • LING_V 100
  • COGS_V 200
  • PSYC_V 217 or 2772
  • PSYC_V 218 or 2783, or STAT_V 200 or 2014
  • PHIL_V 220 or PHIL_V 222 or PHIL_V 3205

Upper-level requirements

  • COGS_V 300, 303, 401, 402
  • Six credits of philosophy courses taken from this list: PHIL_V 351, PHIL_V 326, PHIL_V 441, PHIL_V 451, PHIL_V 455
  • PSYC_V 365 and 6 credits of additional PSYC_V module courses
  • 12 credits of additional Cognitive Systems module courses numbered 300 or higher (chosen from this list), at least 6 credits of which must be non-PSYC_V module courses6

1While CPSC_V 110 is the recommended route for students pursuing a program in Cognitive Systems, CPSC_V 103 and 107 may be taken in its place.

2PSYC_V 277 registration is limited to BSc students. BA students without prior credit for this course should plan to register in PSYC_V 217.

3PSYC_V 278 registration is limited to BSc students. BA students without prior credit for this course should plan to register in PSYC_V 218.

4Students intending to enroll in the Minor in Data Science should satisfy this requirement by taking STAT_V 201.

5The prerequisite of PHIL_V 220 may be waived for PHIL_V 320 with the consent of the instructor.

6BIOL_V 455 and 458 can also be counted toward this requirement, as long as none of PSYC_V 304, PSYC_V 360 nor PSYC_V 371 has been taken.

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