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Children's Literature


Degrees Offered: M.A.



T. Dobson, M. Kendrick, T. Rogers.

Professor Emeritus

J. Saltman.

Associate Professors

D. Gladwin, E. Meyers.

Assistant Professor

E. Pohl-Weary.

Program Overview

The School of Information, with the participation of the School of Creative Writing and the departments of English Language and Literatures and Language and Literacy Education, offers a multi-disciplinary Master of Arts program in Children's Literature. The program provides specialized education for graduate students in the study of children's literature using a multidisciplinary approach. The program is designed to provide each student with the opportunity to study the creative writing and publishing of this literature, examine models of sharing its rich heritage with the young, and also facilitate the literary, social, historic, and psychological analyses of children's literature as literature. This multi-disciplinary approach will expose students to many schools of literary criticism, educational theory, and professional and creative practice. It will acquaint students with the broad literary canon of children's literature across a spectrum of languages and cultures and with a variety of critical perspectives and professional applications.

Master of Arts in Children's Literature

Admission Requirements

For information on the M.A. admission requirements, visit the Master of Arts in Children's Literature.

Program Requirements

For information on the M.A. program requirements, visit the Master of Arts in Children's Literature.

Contact Information

School of Information
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
#470-1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.2404
Fax: 604.822.6006

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