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Degree Requirements for Indigenous Teacher Education

Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP) Elementary & Middle Years and Secondary Options

NITEP builds upon Aboriginal identity and cultural heritage while preparing and challenging persons of Aboriginal ancestry to be effective educators for public, First Nations and independent schools.

Both the NITEP Elementary & Middle Years and the NITEP Secondary Options are five-year concurrent programs. They include similar requirements for both liberal education and pedagogical preparation to those prescribed for students in the Elementary & Middle Years or Secondary 11-month options.

Aboriginal peoples who qualify for university admission complete two or three years of studies at one of the NITEP field centres where the program consists of Arts and science courses, pedagogical courses, and structured education placements. Students attend the UBC campus to complete remaining degree requirements.

To qualify for the Bachelor of Education degree, a student must normally complete all requirements within ten years of initial registration in the program.

Although the program is designed for five years, many students choose to complete the requirements in less time. Up to 12 credits may normally be completed during a summer session.

NITEP Elementary Option

NITEP Elementary Education students qualify for the Bachelor of Education (Elementary & Middle Years) degree and the British Columbia Professional Teaching Certificate after completing all prescribed courses and practica.

Academic Component1 
English 100-level2 Literature and Composition6
Canadian studies3
Senior Academic Courses18
Approved Electives36
Indigenous Concentration 
EDUC_V 1403
EDUC_V 1413
EDUC_V 1432
EDUC_V 2403
EDUC_V 2442
EDUC_V 3442
EDCP_V 362d3
LLED_V 3363
EDUC_V 4421
Professional Courses 
EPSE_V 3173
EDCP_V 3012
EDCP_V 3082
EDCP_V 3202
EDCP_V 3312
EDCP_V 3402
EDCP_V 3492
EDUC_V 3152
EDUC_V 3211
EPSE_V 3083
EPSE_V 3102
EPSE_V 3111
LLED_V 3503
LLED_V 3512
LLED_V 3522
LLED_V 3532
EDST_V 4013
EDST_V 4031
EDST_V 4041
EDUC_V 41812
EDUC_V 4301
EDUC_V 4403
EDUC_V 4502
EDUC_V 4512
EDUC_V 4522
Total Credits151
1 Students should consult with NITEP regarding course planning. All courses must be university level.
2 English and mathematics must be completed in order to advance to fourth year.

Before beginning the Professional Courses, students must have completed at least 90 credits (including 6 credits of first-year English and other required courses) and have achieved an average of 65% on their best 60 credits.

NITEP Secondary Option

NITEP secondary education students complete all required education courses offered in the field centres. NITEP secondary students must complete the academic course requirements necessary to present a Major, two Concentrations, or a Major and a Concentration. See Secondary Teaching Field Requirements. NITEP Secondary Option students complete their remaining degree requirements with students in the Secondary 11-month option.

Upon successful completion of the NITEP Secondary Option, students will graduate with a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) degree from the University of British Columbia and may apply for a professional teaching certificate from the BC Ministry of Education and Child Care Teacher Certification Branch.


Academic Component1 
English 100-level2 Literature and Composition6
Academic Arts/science prerequisites and/or electives333
Senior academic courses4 (Two teachable subjects at 18-24 cr. each OR one teachable subject at 30 cr.)30-42
Indigenous Studies 
EDUC_V 1403
EDUC_V 1413
EDUC_V 1432
EDUC_V 2403
EDUC_V 2442
EDCP_V 362d3
EDUC_V 3442
LLED_V 3363
EDUC_V 4421
Professional Courses 
EDCP_V Curriculum I (Required)3
EDCP_V Curriculum II (Elective)3
EDCP_V Curriculum III3
EDCP_V Elective3
EDUC_V 3152
EDUC_V 42112
EPSE_V 3083
EPSE_V 3103
EPSE_V 3111
EPSE_V 3173
LLED_V 3603
LLED_V 3613
EDST_V 4013
EDST_V 4031
EDST_V 4041
EDUC_V 4301
EDUC_V 4403
EDUC_V 4503
EDUC_V 4513
EDUC_V 4523
Total Credits151-162
1 Students should consult with NITEP regarding course planning. All courses must be university-level.
2 English must be completed in order to advance to fourth year.
3 Includes requirements for teachable subjects.
4 Completes requirements for teachable subjects.
5 As per the summer term registration guide, published by Education. 

In order to be promoted to their professional years, students must have completed requirements for teachable subjects and have achieved a minimum average of 65% in these subjects.

NITEP Specialization in Indigenous Education

This option is designed primarily to provide an opportunity for Indigenous students entering the B.Ed. program, other than those in the 4-year Indigenous Teacher Education Program (NITEP), to complete a Specialization in Indigenous Education as part of the B.Ed. Program.

The courses required for the Specialization in Indigenous Education will normally be completed in the winter or summer session prior to commencement of the standard B.Ed. curriculum and will require early registration in the B.Ed. program. In addition to completing the courses required for the Specialization in Indigenous Education, students must meet all academic requirements of the B.Ed. Program. The courses required for the Specialization in Indigenous Education do not replace any of the credits required as part of the standard B.Ed. program.


Indigenous Education Specialization 
EDUC_V 1432
EDUC_V 2442
EDUC_V 140/141/240*3
EDUC_V 3442
EDCP_V 362 d3
LLED_V 3363
Total Credits15
* Or an approved Indigenous/First Nations Studies course. Course cannot have been used towards a previous degree.

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