The Department of Mathematics offers programs of study that lead to the Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Science. For information on the Bachelor of Science, see the Faculty of Science.
For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Mathematics.
Major in Mathematics
The Department offers a large selection of courses in various areas of pure and applied mathematics which require various levels of mathematical sophistication. B.A. programs combining mathematics with another subject such as economics, English, linguistics, music, or philosophy, are encouraged. The student is advised to consult a Mathematics Major advisor in order to design a coherent program of study suitable to the student's interests and abilities.
Admission to Major/Combined Major/Honours Programs
Admission to the Major or a Combined Major or the Honours program in Mathematics is not automatic. To be admitted, a student must submit a formal application. Because there is a limited number of places, some students who satisfy the minimum prerequisites may not be admitted.
Applicants are required to have at least Year 2 standing. Selection for admission is based on the average standing in all credits of post-secondary coursework attempted, with the exception that 12 credits of courses other than MATH_V courses may be excluded from the calculation. The average is calculated on at least 27 credits, and must include (i) 6 credits of first-year calculus, equivalent to MATH_V 104 and MATH_V 105; (ii) 3 credits that satisfy the Writing Component of the Writing and Research Requirement (ARTS_V 001, ASTU_V 100 or 101, CAP_V 100, ENGL_V 100, WRDS_V 150, WRDS_V 350 or an approved equivalent); (iii) one of MATH_V 200, 217, or 226; (iv) one of MATH_V 221 or 223; (v) MATH_V 220 (students who complete MATH_V 226 are exempted from MATH_V 220); and (vi) 3 credits of the Computing Requirement chosen from CPSC_V 110, CPSC_V 103 and 107, or MATH_V 210. Note that students who have only completed CPSC_V 103 will be considered. Courses required under (i) – (vi) cannot be taken on a Credit/D/Fail basis.
Students who are considering a Major, Combined Major, or Honours program in Mathematics are encouraged to seek advice on their program from Mathematics Department advisors upon completion of their first 27 credits.
A written application for admission to the Major or Honours program should be received by May 20 to ensure that the student will be considered for admission. Application forms are available from Mathematics.
The application form must be accompanied by a copy of the student's permanent record from UBC and official transcripts of the student's record from all other post-secondary educational institutions attended.
Lower-level requirements
In addition to degree requirements, students complete:
- MATH_V 100 or 102 or 104 or 110 or 180 or 184 or 120;1
- MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105 or 121;
- MATH_V 200 (or 226);
- MATH_V 220;2
- MATH_V 221 or 223, and 215;2
- one of CPSC_V 110 or (CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107), and
- one of CPSC_V 210 or MATH_V 21010
Upper-level requirements
In addition to degree requirements, students complete 24 credits of mathematics courses numbered 300 and above, and 6 credits of mathematics, statistics, or computer science courses numbered 300 or above.
The Department makes the following recommendations:
- Students considering the Honours stream are encouraged to take the following courses: MATH_V 120, 121, 223, 226, and 227.
- Numerical analysis courses in computer science (CPSC_V 302, 303, 402) require completion of one of CPSC_V 103 or CPSC_V 110. Other upper-level computer science courses useful to mathematics students require completion of CPSC_V 221.
- In second year, MATH_V 221 should be taken in Term 1. It is possible to take (with appropriate prerequisites) some of MATH_V 307, 308, 312, 317, 340 and MATH_V/STAT_V 302, as well as MATH_V 300, in Term 2.
- Students interested in pursuing statistics to some depth should take STAT_V 200 and MATH_V/STAT_V 302 in second year. This will prepare them for more advanced statistics courses such as STAT_V 305, 306, 404, and 405.
- Majors students should consider taking some of MATH_V 300, 320, 322.
- MATH_V 302 and 307 are useful in many areas of mathematics.
- Students interested in operations research should take MATH_V 340, 441, 442, and 443. They are also advised to take MATH_V 303, STAT_V 305, and 306, and some advanced computer science courses.
- Students interested in teaching are advised to take MATH_V 308, 309, 312, 313, 414, 446.
- Students interested in becoming actuaries can make substantial progress toward this career goal while majoring in mathematics or statistics. These students should consult the actuarial advisors in the Mathematics and/or Statistics Departments for detailed guidance on course selection and advice on taking the Society of Actuaries' examinations.
- Students interested in the physical sciences should take MATH_V 317.
- Students interested in economics should consider taking ECON_V 420 and 421, and should consult an advisor in the Economics Department for other appropriate economics courses. A Combined Major in Mathematics and Economics is available (see below).
- In selecting electives, students should consider pursuing an area of application of mathematics in some depth. They should also ensure that they fulfill all the graduation requirements of the Faculty of Arts.
Combined Major in Economics and Mathematics
For information on the Combined Major in Economics and Mathematics, see Vancouver School of Economics.
Honours in Mathematics
Lower-level requirements
In addition to degree requirements, students complete:
- MATH_V 120 and 121 (or one of 100, 102, 104, 120, 180, 184, and one of 101, 103, 105, 121);
- MATH_V 2235 (or 2215) and 215;
- MATH_V 226 and 227 (or 200, 220, and 317);
- one of CPSC_V 110 or (CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107), and
- one of CPSC_V 210 or MATH_V 21010
Upper-level requirements
In addition to Faculty of Arts requirements, students complete:
- MATH_V 300, 320, 321, 322, and one of 412, 422, or 423;6
- 15 additional credits6 from MATH_V 400-406, 412, 416-429, 433-440, 443, 449;7 and
- 9 additional credits of mathematics courses numbered 300 or higher.
Students intending to enter the Honours program should consult an Honours advisor in the Department of Mathematics at the beginning of the second year. To be admitted to the Honours program, a student must obtain at least 68% in MATH_V 121, or 80% in MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105, and 80% average in MATH_V 100/101 or 102/103 or 104/105.
Students who intend to do graduate work in Mathematics should continue their study of French, German, or Russian beyond the intermediate level.
Combined Honours in Mathematics and Another Subject
Lower-level requirements
Students take mathematics courses as for Honours mathematics and other subjects as specified by the other department.
Upper-level requirements
In addition to Faculty of Arts requirements, students complete:
- MATH_V 320 and 3217
- 6 credits7 chosen from MATH_V 300, 301, 316, 322, 331
- 12 credits7,9 chosen from MATH_V 400-405, 412, 416-429, 433-440, 443, 449; and
- other subjects as specified by the other department8
1See Calculus Examination Certificate.
2One of MATH_V 220 or 215 may be delayed until third year.
3Students can take ECON_V 307 and 3 additional credits of Economics numbered 300 or higher instead of ECON_V 101 and 102.
4STAT_V 200 can substitute for ECON_V 325.
5Students are advised to take these courses in first year.
6A 68% overall average is required in these 30 credits to obtain an Honours degree.
7A 68% overall average is required in these 24 credits to obtain this Honours degree.
8See Combined Honours Program under "Degree Program Options" in the Faculty of Arts.
9MATH_V 449 is recommended.
10MATH_V 210 may not be offered every year.
Combined Honours in Mathematics and Philosophy
This Honours program is intended for students interested in mathematics and philosophy as a unified course of study.
Admission to Program
Admission to the Honours program in Mathematics and Philosophy is not automatic. To be admitted, a student must submit a formal application. Because space is limited, some students who satisfy the minimum prerequisites may not be admitted.
Applicants are required to have at least Year 2 standing (completed 27 credits). Selection for admission is based on the average standing in all credits of post-secondary coursework attempted. The average is calculated on at least 27 credits, and must include (i) 6 credits of first-year calculus, equivalent to MATH_V 100 and MATH_V 101; (ii) 6 PHIL_V credits from PHIL_V 230, 240, and 340); (iii) one of MATH_V 200, 217, or 226; (iv) one of MATH_V 221 or 223; (v) MATH_V 220 (students who complete MATH_V 226 are exempted from MATH_V 220); and (vi) 3 credits of the Computing Requirement chosen from CPSC_V 110, CPSC_V 103 and 107, or MATH_V 210. Note that students who have only completed CPSC_V 103 will be considered. Courses required under (i) – (vi) cannot be taken on a Credit/D/Fail basis.
Students who are considering the Honours program in Mathematics and Philosophy are encouraged to seek advice on their program from the Mathematics and Philosophy Honours advisor at the beginning of their second year. To be admitted to the Honours program, a student must obtain at least 68% in MATH_V 121 or 80% in MATH_V 101 or 103 or 105. In addition, it is expected that a student obtains at least 76% in two of PHIL_V 230, 240, and 340.
A written application for admission to the Honours program should be received (by the Mathematics and Philosophy program advisor) by May 20 (at the end of the student’s second year) to ensure that the student will be considered for admission. Application forms are available from the Mathematics and Philosophy departments.
The application form must be accompanied by a copy of the student's permanent record from UBC and official transcripts of the student's record from all other post-secondary educational institutions attended.
Lower-level requirements1
17 credits:
- MATH_V 120 and 121 (or one of 100, 102, 104, 120, 180, 184, and one of 101, 103, 105, 121);
- MATH_V 2232 (or 221);
- MATH_V 226 and 227 (or 200, 220, and 317).
4 credits:
- CPSC_V 110 (or CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107).
6 credits:
- PHIL_V 230 and 240.
Students are recommended to take PHIL_V 100, 101, or 102.
Upper-level requirements3
MATH_V courses
15 credits:
- MATH_V 320, 321, 322, and 323;
- MATH_V 446;
12 credits, chosen from: MATH_V 344, 412, 418–428, 437, 440, 4434
PHIL_V courses
6 credits:
- either PHIL_V 310 and 311
- or PHIL_V 314 and 315
12 credits:
- PHIL_V 320, 322, 340 and 427
15 credits, chosen from: PHIL_V 321, 323, 324, 326, 360, 369, 418, 420, 426, 440, 450, 462, 469;
6 credits, chosen from any PHIL_V courses at the 300+ level
27 elective credits (24 of the 27 must be outside of MATH_V and PHIL_V)
Total 120 credits
1 MATH_V 120, 121, 223, 226, and 227 are strongly encouraged over their alternatives.
2 Students are advised to take this course in the first year.
3 Overall average of 68% across the upper-level MATH_V courses is required to obtain the Honours degree.
4 For those students interested in pursuing studies in logic, MATH_V 426 is strongly recommended.