The School of Creative Writing offers undergraduate courses that lead to the B.F.A. degree. For current offerings, visit Creative Writing.
Admission to the Program
Students must have 3rd year standing1 in order to enter the Major. Each spring the Program will accept applications to enter the Major the following September. Year 2 students who anticipate they will achieve Year 3 standing at the end of the Winter Session (see Promotion Requirements and students in Year 3 or higher, including transfer students, are welcome to apply.
As the Major is highly competitive and the number of places is strictly limited, students must ensure they submit their full application by the deadline indicated on the Creative Writing website.
For more information, visit Creative Writing for details on deadlines, the admission process, and current offerings.
All students should view the Guidelines for Prospective Creative Writing BFA Majors for specific guidelines and course descriptions before submitting their manuscript.
1Normally reached at 54 credits
Major in Creative Writing
Lower-level Requirements
Students must complete 3 credits of 200-level CRWR_V1, or the equivalent.
1These credits should normally be completed prior to applying to the Major. Note that success in a lower level course does not assure admission to the Major program; applicants are accepted based on the quality of the entire application package.
Upper-level Requirements
Students must complete 36 credits of CRWR_V 400-level courses in at least four different genres.
Students may not take more than 36 credits of CRWR_V 400-level courses, with a maximum of 18 credits per genre, where those genres are defined as follows:*
- Poetry (CRWR_V 401, CRWR_V 451)
- New Media (CRWR_V 402, CRWR_V 410)
- Children and Young Adult (CRWR_V 403, CRWR_V 453)
- Nonfiction (CRWR_V 405, CRWR_V 455)
- Dramatic Writing for the Screen (CRWR_V 406, CRWR_V 416, CRWR_V 456)
- Dramatic Writing for the Stage (CRWR_V 407, CRWR_V 457)
- Graphic Forms (CRWR_V 408, CRWR_V 458)
- Fiction (CRWR_V 409, CRWR_V 419, CRWR_V 459)
- Lyric Forms (CRWR_V 411)
- Literary Translation (CRWR_V 415)
- Indigenous Writing (CRWR_V 420)1
*CRWR_V 440 is a special topics course which rotates among genres and is assigned by the Undergraduate Advisor depending on the term/instructor.
*CRWR_V 430 is a non-workshop class that does not count towards the four-genre requirement.
Creative Writing offers courses in multiple genres, but may not offer classes in each genre every year. For current offerings and information on the genres taught, please visit Creative Writing.
1A maximum of 6 credits is permitted from CRWR_V 420 and/or its graduate equivalent CRWR_V 521.
Double Major in Creative Writing and Another Subject
Students who have completed all the requirements for a Double Major in Creative Writing and another subject falling within the B.A. program may choose to graduate with either a Bachelor of Fine Arts or a Bachelor of Arts provided they have completed the overall degree requirements of their chosen degree (please see B.A. Requirements or B.F.A. Requirements).
Minor in Creative Writing
A Minor in Creative Writing is available, for further information please see B.A. Minor in Creative Writing.
Individual Courses
CRWR_V 400-level courses are restricted to students registered as Majors in Creative Writing; other students interested in upper-level creative writing courses are advised to consult Creative Writing.