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Interdisciplinary Oncology

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.



S. Aparicio, M. Bally, F. Benard, K. Bennewith, A. Brooks-Wilson, C. Brown, K. Campbell, A. Cherkasov, C. Collins, M. Cox, S. Dedhar, X. Dong, M. Gleave, P. Hieter, M. Hirst, R. Holt, D. Huntsman, X. Jiang, S. Jones, A. Karsan, D. Kitts, S. Lam, W. Lam, T. Lee, H. Lui, M. Marra, K. McNagny, B. Nelson, T. Nielsen, A. Rahmim, C. Roskelley, K. Schultz, P. Sorensen, C. Steidl, F. Takei, M. Underhill, Y. Wang, A. Weng, H. Zeng. A. Zoubeidi.

Professor Emeritus

M. Burgess, R. K. Humphries, C. Lovato, D. McKenzie, D. G. Moerman, S. Thorne.

Associate Professor

Y. Drew, C. Garnis, K. Haase, F. Howard, C. Lim, G. Morin, R. Murphy, C. Ong, A. So, Z. Xu.

Associate Professor Emeritus

W. Jia.

Assistant Professor

M. Anglesio, K. Enfield, L. Evgin, K. Isaac, R. Klein Geltink, J. Lau, N. Shahidi, K. Schrader, L. Vu.

Program Overview

The Interdisciplinary Oncology Program offers advanced study and research in a variety of fields relating to oncology. The focus on interdisciplinarity is accomplished through a breadth of coverage in the following disciplines: molecular and cellular biology, genetics, biophysics, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical sciences, radiological sciences, immunology, socio-behavioural studies, and epidemiology. The goal of the Program is to provide graduate students from diverse backgrounds with an education in a number of disciplines relating to oncology, and to provide opportunities for intensive training in specialized aspects of oncology through thesis/dissertation research.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. program requires an M.A., M.Sc., M.D., or equivalent degree from a recognized institution. Applicants to the program are required to seek their own research supervisor and must have a commitment from that supervisor in place before acceptance to the Program is considered.

Program Requirements

The Ph.D. program consists of coursework and a research dissertation. Coursework must include the core courses (ONCO_V 502 and 510) plus any elective courses deemed necessary by the student's supervisor and supervisory committee. Students entering the Ph.D. program without a master's degree must complete a minimum of 18 credits of coursework (including ONCO_V 502 and 510), in addition to any elective courses that the student's supervisor and supervisory committee deem necessary. While most electives should be at the 500-level or higher, a maximum of 6 credits may be at the 300- or 400-level. All Ph.D. students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Admission to the M.Sc. program requires a B.A., B.Sc., M.D., or equivalent degree from a recognized institution. Applicants to the program are required to seek their own research supervisor and must have a commitment from that supervisor in place before acceptance to the program can be considered.

Program Requirements

The M.Sc. program requires 18 credits of coursework plus a 12-credit research thesis, for a total of 30 credits. Coursework must include the core courses (ONCO_V 502 and 510) as well as electives chosen by the student in consultation with the research supervisor and supervisory committee. Most electives should be at the 500-level or higher but up to 6 credits may be at the 300- or 400-level.

Contact Information

Dr. Wan Lam and Dr. Kevin Bennewith, Co-Directors
Yusuf Shodeko, Graduate Program Coordinator

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