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Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering in the BC Context

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering in the BC Context is a twelve-credit certificate designed for foreign-trained engineers who require additional academic qualifications to be registered as an Engineer-in-Training or Professional Engineer with the Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC), a registration that is legally required for the practice of engineering in BC. Completed in four months (full-time) or 8 months (part-time), the certificate includes content on the provincial standards for professionalism and ethics in engineering, and three of seven technical subjects. The technical subjects are selected by the learner and should be based on individualized advice from EGBC on the areas the learner needs to strengthen for their application, typically areas covered in the Canadian curriculum but not covered in their prior degree program.

Learners select three of the following existing courses: Thermodynamics II, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Measurement and Instrumentation, Heat Transfer, Fluids Dynamics, Mechanical Vibrations, Automatic Control. By learning alongside current Bachelor of Applied Science students, learners are immersed in the BC context, with examples, applications, and case studies that are relevant to those who will be working in our province. 

Admission Requirements

Note: A Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Mechanical Engineering in the BC Context alone does not form an acceptable basis for application to associations of professional engineers in Canada.

Applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. Completion of a substantially similar degree may be approved on a case-by-case basis. Students must meet the English Language Requirement that is currently in effect for the Bachelor of Applied Science program. For more information about the certificate, including how to apply and full admission requirements, please visit

Program Requirements

To complete the certificate, students must complete a minimum of 12 credits, chosen from the following list:

  • MECH_V 400 (3) Professionalism and Ethics in Engineering
  • Three of:
    • MECH_V 327 (3) Thermodynamics II
    • MECH_V 360 (3) Mechanics of Materials
    • MECH_V 368 (3) Engineering Measurement and Instrumentation
    • MECH_V 375 (3) Heat Transfer
    • MECH_V 380 (3) Fluid Dynamics
    • MECH_V 463 (4) Mechanical Vibrations
    • MECH_V 466 (4) Automatic Control

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